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Apbedīšanas birojs Atvadas, LTD, Lielā 24, Talsi, Talsu nov., LV-3201 : companies :

Photo 8

Funeral home Atvadas
Funeral home Atvadas
Funeral home Atvadas
Funeral home Atvadas
Funeral home Atvadas
Funeral home Atvadas
Funeral home Atvadas
Funeral home Atvadas


  • 12 in april 2022, 22:24

    ❝Labākais serviss nozarē, kāds redzēts!❞

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Legal data

  1. 51203071051
  2. LV51203071051
  3. 27.03.2020
  4. 27.03.2020
  5. Rīgas iela 3 – 34, Talsi, Talsu nov., LV-3201
  6. 2023


We will help you in a difficult moment by taking on all questions related to burial. Responsibility and individual approach. Consultation, funeral organization, transportation of the deceased( hearse), mortuary services, cremation services, caskets - accessories, beautification of graves.


Morgue Talsi, Morgue Talsu district, Funerals, burial in Talsi, In Talsi, Talsu, funeral home Atvadas, funeral services, funeral accessories. Undertaker's office, funeral offices, 24-hour services, morgue, morgue services, hearse, hearse services, transportation of the deceased, death certificate processing, funeral service, ritual, procession, procession ritual, organization of funeral, coffins, wooden coffin, urns, urn, chapel, use of the chapel, cremation services, cremation, carriers, wreaths, funeral bouquets, funeral dinner, funeral feast, grave improvement, cemetery care, grave care, cemetery maintenance. Full range of funeral services. Burial, organization of funeral, organization of funeral. Funeral masters, funeral master, spokesman, pastor, funeral agent, funeral agent, 24-hour funeral agency, funeral companies, funeral company. Grave digging, Digging graves in Talsi, cremation Talsi.

