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ARI Accounting Service, LTD, Accountancy services, Lāčplēša 27 - 6, Rīga, LV-1011 : companies :
ARI Accounting Service, LTD, Accountancy services

ARI Accounting Service, LTD, Accountancy services

Photo 35

Accountant certificate
License to work as an outsourced accountant
Accountancy services
Individual solutions for any client
Accounting for construction and architectural offices
Accounting for marketing and design companies
Accounting service for agricultural companies
Accounting services for IT companies
Report preparation
Preparation of reports for company management
Preparation of annual reports
Fixed asset accounting
Salary and tax calculations
We will defend your interests in state supervisory authorities
Your benefits by cooperating with Ari Accounting service
Accounting from A to Z
Ari Accounting service – a licensed accounting outsourcing company
Accounting starts with people, not numbers
Free consultations in accounting and tax matters
Internal audit in the company
Confidential employee salary calculation and fixed assets accounting
Annual report preparation and filing to SRS
Preparation and submission of statistical reports to CSB
Preparation of operational financial statements for banks and other organizations
Tax reports preparation and submission to SRS
Checking and arrangement of primary documents, restoration of accounting from original documents
Licensed outsourcing company, work remotely
Current industry knowledge, personal approach to each client, reliability and good reputation - we are waiting for your call!
You want to receive professional accounting services at friendly prices?
Connecting to the electronic declaration system
Preparation of annual reports in cooperation with a sworn auditor
Internal audit in the company
Fixed asset accounting
Confidential salary calculation

Working time

  • Sun-
  • Mon800-1700
  • Tue800-1700
  • Wed800-1700
  • Thu800-1700
  • Fri800-1700
  • Sat-

Legal data

  1. 40003891441
  2. LV40003891441
  3. 23.01.2007
  4. 23.01.2007
  5. Paula Lejiņa iela 3 – 20, Rīga, LV-1029
  6. 2023

Accounting outsourcing.

LTD "ARI Accounting Service" has received a License for Outsourced Accounting. License No. AGL000200

  • Consultations on accounting issues are provided by a certified Accounting expert
  • Prepare all necessary reports from national supervisory authorities( SRS, CSB and others)
  • Compile reports for the company's management
  • Update accounting for any period
  • Represent and protect your interests in state supervisory authorities( SRS and others)
  • Calculate salary and employee records
  • Calculate statutory taxes of all types
  • Accounting of fixed assets and calculation of depreciation of fixed assets
  • Optimize taxes in accordance with the law, using all possible tax incentives
  • Restore accounting for any period
  • Internal audit in the company
  • Prepare annual reports in cooperation with the sworn auditor


First people, then numbers.

LTD "Ari accounting service" is a customer-oriented company for which it is important to establish and maintain a good relationship with the customer in any situation. The company guarantees an individual approach to every client. Accurate accounting is essential. Maintain detailed records of expenses, income and other tax aspects. This will help avoid unjustified taxes and optimize costs. We are accounting experts! Accounting is our heart's work!


By cooperating with the company, customer:

  • Saves time and nerves
  • Economizes at the expense of the accountant's salary
  • No social tax is paid for them
  • Does not maintain redundant workspace
  • Don't buy computers and accounting programs
  • VAT on the amount of services paid is included in the input tax



Accountant certificate. Certified accounting company.
Optimization principles, bookkeeping, accountant services,
full accounting cycle, renovation, sorting, organizing,
arranging for any period, employee records, fixed asset accounting,
tax optimization, business consulting services, preparing,
annual report preparation, financial consultations, accountant,
balance sheets, balance, reports, annual report, reference statistics,
service, SRS reports, audit, for self-employed persons,
Individual merchant, LTD, micro-enterprises, declaration of natural person, accountancy services prices, annual income declaration, legal, representation in the State Revenue Service, work with EDS, in Electronic Declaration System,
individual merchant, micro-enterprise, microenterprise, financial advisors,
tax legislation, legislative advisers, sorting, stock-taking,
processing of accounting documents, accounting software,
business, corporate business document preparation, In Riga,
office, outsources, reports, corporate financial analysis,

preparation and submission, microenterprises taxpayer,
micro-enterprise accounting, LTD, Individual merchant, micro-enterprise, annual accounts of micro-enterprises,
for self-employed persons, self-employed person, taxes, self-employed person accounting, company's annual report, reports, the foundation,
societies, society, Licensed accounting firms. Licensed outsourced accountant. Licensed accounting.


