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Bērzi Plus, LTD, chip, fuel, firewood, "Arāji", Zlēku pagasts, Ventspils nov., LV-3617 : companies :

Photo 10

Purchase of chipping materials
Wood chips in Kurzeme
Tiber hauler services
Purchase of felling residues in Kurzeme
Logging in Ventspils


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Legal data

  1. 41202008941
  2. LV41202008941
  3. 25.05.1995
  4. 10.09.2003
  5. Planīcas iela 1A, Kuldīga, Kuldīgas nov., LV-3301


LTD "Bērzi plus" was founded in 1995. year 25. in May. The company's activities are the production of fuel wood chips, logging, property management and woodworking. During our activity, we have become a professional, honest, reliable and safe cooperation partner for both private forest owners, Latvian forest industry companies, and a/s "Latvijas Valsts meži" .



Woodworking. Chip. Chip. Timber. Shrubs. Forests. Purchase of residues from felling areas. Purchase of branches. Purchase of chipping materials. Felling site, felling areas. Purchase of branches, branches. Purchase of chipping materials, chip, wood chips, firewood, wood waste, waste, sheets, woodchip production, wood chip raw materials, woodchips, raw materials needed for production, purchase of raw materials. Sawmill waste, scraps, chip supplies. Firewood, purchase of firewood, fuel chips, slabs. Branches, twig removal, purchase of branches, branch sales. Shingles, chip, purchase of filings, purchase of fuel wood chips. Woodchip production, raw material, purchase of raw materials - wood branches, rotted trees, faulty logs, wood, timber, overthrown, ( overthrown) trees, turned blue, rotted, eaten by borers, gnawed logs, felling residues. Timber, felling site, sawmill wood waste - purchase. Branches from agricultural lands, for development of overgrown purchasing. Energy wood, ( fuel chips) trade. Pulpwood, round timber, wood, chipping. Timber, pulpwood, chip, purchase of wood materials, wood purchase, purchase of pulpwood, overgrown development. Logging, develop forests, felling areas, forest, forest handler services, timber carrier, timber transport, woodworking, tiber hauler services, log hauling truck, purchase, buys felling areas, forest. Forest estates, forest, buying of felling sites, purchase. Firewood, chopped firewood, forest wood, dry wood, fuel, wood for heating. Deciduous tree wood. Alder firewood.

