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CEĻU KOMFORTS, LTD, Purva 12A, Valmiera, Valmieras nov., LV-4201 : companies :

Photo 8

street reconstruction
road and bridge designing
road design
advisory services
area reconstruction
project development
implementation of infrastructure objects


  • 29 in july 2020, 15:39

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BIS.GOV.LV information

  1. Ceļu projektēšana
  2. Ūdensapgādes un kanalizācijas sistēmu (ieskaitot ugunsdzēsības sistēmas) projektēšana
  3. 3330-R
  4. Aktīvs


The company is engaged in the design and construction supervision of infrastructure objects. We offer design and construction supervision of roads, streets, squares, sports stadiums, rain and domestic sewerage, water supply, electricity supply, expertise and consultations.


Road, street, field, park, sports fields, stadium, quarry, engineering network, quarry, communication, water-pipe, sewerage, rain sewerage, bridge, culvert, landfill, recultivation, traffic lights, construction project, project, traffic organization, supervision, development, feasibility study, analysis, TEP, consultations, expertise, construction supervision, improvement, cost estimates, mineral deposits, infrastructure object design, environmental infrastructure objects, water and sewerage design, water supply and drainage construction, water-pipe and sewerage, reconstruction of water supply and sewerage, water supply and sewerage renovation, sewerage, sewerage construction, sewerage systems, roads, road design, road projects, roads, road projects, road designing, road design, road and bridge designing, road and bridge projects, street design, crossovers, overpass design, crossovers projects, overpasses designing, overpasses design, road reconstruction, street reconstruction, area reconstruction, bridge reconstruction, overpasses reconstruction, fields, square designing, area projects, transport building infrastructure, transportation Engineering, transport building engineers, transport building engineering, transport building projects, engineering communications, engineering communication design, utilities projects, water supply and drainage design, water and sewerage, water supply, water-supply systems, street construction supervision, road construction supervision, bridge construction supervision, infrastructure object projects, infrastructure objects, project development, project management, advising on infrastructure objects implementation, infrastructure objects construction supervision and project management, infrastructure objects construction supervision, infrastructure objects project management, advisory services, advice on project implementation, construction project inspection, building project expertise, building projects, construction design, expert opinion on building projects, building design expert opinion, building design expertises.
