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Eiroplasts, LTD, Granīta 32 k-6, Acone, Salaspils pagasts, Salaspils nov., LV-2119 : companies :

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  • 1 in december 2020, 09:12

    ❝Plašas izvēle un kvalitatīva sadarbība!❞

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Legal data

  1. 40003398515
  2. LV40003398515
  3. 16.06.1998
  4. 02.05.2003
  5. Granīta iela 32 k-6, Acone, Salaspils pag., Salaspils nov., LV-2119


SIA "Eiroplasts" is a Latvian company with more than 20 years of experience in the development and production of household ventilation solutions and products. High-quality, safe and functional products, interesting design solutions, a wide range of options and advantageous terms of cooperation. europlast's strategic goal is to meet the growing consumer demand for quality ventilation products. Every consumer, using "Europlasts" products, has the opportunity to create their own lifestyle, improve the quality of life by installing a ventilation system in the apartment or workplace. Offering non-standard products, the company "Eiroplasts" helps every consumer to choose the most suitable solution.


Ventilation, Recuperators, Air duct.

Europlast, Europlast, SIA Eiroplasts, Ventilation, Ventilation systems, Ventilation elements, Installation of ventilation systems, Ventilator, Household ventilators, Electric fans, Fan with humidity sensor, Channel ventilator, Fan with timer, Fan with wire and switch, Ventilation equipment, Grating, Ventilation grilles, Plastic ventilation grille, Metal ventilation grille, Door ventilation grille, Aluminum grille, Outdoor ventilation grilles, Ventilation pipes, Plastic ventilation pipes, Metal ventilation pipes, Ventilation ducts, Air duct, Plastic air ducts, Tin air ducts, Plastic rectangular and circular system, Corrugated, Aluminum air ducts, Corrugated air ducts, Flexible air ducts, Ventilation corrugation, Sauna air duct, Diffuser, Diffusers, Ventilation diffusers, Hatch, Audit hatch, Plastic hatch, Audit, Fireplace grates, Plastic fastening elements, Industrial ventilators, Kitchen hoods, Cooker hood, Ventilation mounting elements, Fittings, Round fittings, Ventilation valves, Closing lid, Ventilation through the wall, Inlet valves, Wall ventilation set, Heat recovery, Wall recuperator, Recuperator, Ventilation with recuperation, Ventilation set.
