Hagen Pro, LTD
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Legal data
- 44103065340
- LV44103065340
- 08.03.2011
- Kazragu iela 9, Rīga, LV-1063
- 2023
About the company
SIA ''HAGEN PRO'' uzņēmums ir veiksmīgi realizējis elektromontāžas izbūves objektus kopš 2011. gada. SIA ''HAGEN PRO'' augsti novērtē klientu uzstādītos uzdevumus un realizē tos augstākajā profesionālajā līmenī. Realizēti nozīmīgi projekti un apjomīgi darbi Latvijā, Zviedrijā, Norvēģijā. Projektos tiek lietoti kvalitatīvi materiāli un daudzpusīga pieredze tehniskajos risinājumos, kā arī notiek veiksmīga sadarbība ar projektētājiem, inženieriem, ražotājiem, individuāliem uzņēmējiem un citiem speciālistiem. Ieguldot profesionālos instrumentos, tehniskajā un materiālajā bāzē uzņēmums ir efektīvs savā darba izpildē un spēj realizēt kvalitatīvi visdažādākās idejas un klientu vēlmes.
- electrician services
- lighting construction
- cable and wire assembly
- installation of rosettes and electrical equipment
- repairs and maintenance of electrical equipment
- electrical installation repair works
- construction of relays and automation control
- overload protection
- short circuit and leakage protection construction
- partition repairs, maintenance, improvement works
- electricity quality measurements
- construction of the smart home system
- design and construction of automation modules
- determination of electricity consumption and loss
- construction of electrical equipment and consumption monitoring system
- equipping work tables with electrical equipment and sensors
- repair works in the existing power supply network
- installation and testing of solar panels
- energy monitoring of electricity consumers
- remote construction of electrical equipment and network control
- Installation of LED lighting
- construction of security, video, intercom, alexa, knx, bms
- construction of lighting management and control
- facade lighting
- garden lights
- production room lighting
- power system maintenance
- electrical wiring inspection and troubleshooting
- electrician services in a private house
- electrical technician services in a manufacturing company
- electrical installation of the apartment
- wiring measurements
- advice on improving the electrical installation
- technical documentation for operation of electrical equipment and apparatus
- construction and testing of the warm floor
- electrical connection construction of the heating system
- measurements and inspection of the installation of private houses in the object
- operating cards of electrical equipment
- replacement of switches
- socket replacement
- construction of area lighting
- alarm installation
- construction of active-reactive power compensation equipment
- construction and automation of the backup electricity - generator connection
- determination of the location of electric cable damage and repair work
- construction of a voice control system
- electrical wiring assembly works of private houses
- performance testing of wind generators and testing of electronics
- construction of the cable line to the object from the connection
- wiring inspection and recommendations
- construction of electricity connection
- detection of electrical damage and elimination of danger
- wiring in new buildings
- electrical installation in old warehouses and production premises electrical installation
- electrician repairs at night