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Iebūvējamie skapji, sole trader proprietor, Rīga : companies :
Iebūvējamie skapji, sole trader proprietor

Iebūvējamie skapji, sole trader proprietor

Darba laiks

    Work without holidays


Production: Built-in wardrobes, kitchens, case furniture, bathroom furniture, hall and corridor furniture, sliding doors between rooms, living room furniture, bookcases, office furniture, tables and computer desks, children's furniture.

More than 20 years of experience in furniture manufacturing.

The highest quality and a 5-year warranty. Very short production times and quick installation. Free survey without holidays. creating a 3D project. Individual approach to each client.

Call or write on weekdays, evenings or holidays, we'll be waiting!



Furniture production, built-in closets, kitchen furniture, hallway furniture, bookshelves, living room furniture, Computer tables, office furniture, bathroom furniture, sliding doors, sliding doors between rooms, furniture assembly, furniture repair, furniture delivery, furniture design, 3D sketches of furniture, furniture assembly, joinery works.
