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Izbushka, guest house-sauna, Latgales 268b (Ķengarags), Rīga, LV-1063 : companies :

Photo 13

Russian bathhouse( baths, sauna) with fireplace
Leisure centre "Izbuska"
Fireplace hall
Warm water pool with hydromassage
Banquet sauna in Kengarags
Leisure centre
Guest house-bathhouse Izbushka
Hall for up to 60 persons for banquets in Riga
Banquet hall on Maskavas Street in Riga
Banquet hall in Kengarags
Banquet hall in Riga


  • 23 in march 2020, 09:54

    ❝Lieliska atpūtas vieta❞

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Working time

  • Sun0000-2400
  • Mon0000-2400
  • Tue0000-2400
  • Wed0000-2400
  • Thu0000-2400
  • Fri0000-2400
  • Sat0000-2400

Legal data

  1. 40003858199
  2. "Swedbank"
  3. LV58HABA0551009454436
  4. 19.09.2006
  5. 19.09.2006
  6. Bultu iela 3 – 29, Rīga, LV-1057

Guest house

Russian sauna with a banquet hall in Riga, Kengarags. After the sauna, guests are offered a warm pool with hydromassage. There is an area for active recreation, a parking lot near the log building.


Available at the guest house

  • Parking lot
  • Balcony
  • Terrace
  • Free Wi-Fi
  • Pets allowed
  • Swimming pool
  • Bath-house



Russian bathhouse, ( baths, sauna) with fireplace, warm water pool( 27° ) with hydromassage,
hydromassage, light effects, ( effects) recreation rooms, room, guest house, guest premises, Stay overnight, putting guests to bed,
car parking lot, kamin, fireplace hall, banquet halls, banquet hall in Maskavas street,
banquet hall, banquets Ķengarags, ( banquet, banquet halls, room for up to 60 persons,
kitchen, audio, video, stereo, light effects, barbecue, outdoor terrace.
Rest area, sports field, ( badminton, volleyball) . Birch besoms.
Banquet hall, bathhouse in Ķengarags, Maskavas street. Leisure centre "Izbuska" . Isbuska,
Next to T/C "Dole", 7; 9 tram terminal. New Year, Christmas.
Table setting, snacks. Funeral feasts in Ķengarags, ( Kengarags) funeral feast, ( burial) feast, servicing in Maskavas street. Bath-house in Maskavas street.
Bath-house in Ķengarags. Log building in Maskavas street. Log building Ķengarags, Measures, Family parties, corporate events,
Izbuska. Isbuška, Isbuska.
