Klusums, undertaker's office
- 27 in january 2021, 17:03
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- 8 in march 2023, 13:12
❝Neiesaku. Baznīcā pirms mises netika atvērts zārks. Kapiņos mirušo pirms atvadīšanās pienācīgi nesakārtoja. Par šo summu gaidījām pilnu servisu.❞
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Our funeral home provides quality service in the field of ritual services. We organize the entire burial process and guarantee observance of ritual traditions. Each client is provided with an individual approach. We have a wide range of prices, taking into account your financial capabilities.
Wreaths, funeral bouquets, funeral floristry, floristry, florist services,
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design of churches, decoration of festive rooms, mourning ribbons,
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florist consultations, design consultations. Master's hat production and rental.
Master's robes for rent in Rezekne. Bridal bouquets. Wreaths in Rezekne.
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sale of coffins in Rezekne, coffins, crosses, funeral services in Rezekne,
funeral home Silence, clothing for the deceased, clothes for the dead,
florist's workshop. Funeral home, funeral accessories,
burial of the deceased, wooden coffins, wooden coffins with drapery, crosses,
funeral ribbons, clothing for the deceased, shroud, Ritual accessories of denominations,
candles, grave vases, grave benches, Hearse services, Death notice,
Death certificate, Transportation to the cemetery.
designer services, wedding table, car, room decoration,
design of churches, decoration of festive rooms, mourning ribbons,
artificial crowns, baskets, funeral bouquets, flowers, flower bouquets, flower arrangements,
florist consultations, design consultations. Master's hat production and rental.
Master's robes for rent in Rezekne. Bridal bouquets. Wreaths in Rezekne.
Wreaths to order in Rezekne. Wreaths with living, for dry and artificial flowers. Wreath making in Rezekne, wreaths for funerals in Rezekne,
decoration of premises for the holidays in Rezekne, decorating wedding rooms in Rezekne,
design consultations in Rezekne, funeral wreaths in Rezekne, funeral wreaths in Rezekne,
ritual services, ritual supplies, funeral office in Rezekne,
sale of coffins in Rezekne, coffins, crosses, funeral services in Rezekne,
funeral home Silence, clothing for the deceased, clothes for the dead,
florist's workshop. Funeral home, funeral accessories,
burial of the deceased, wooden coffins, wooden coffins with drapery, crosses,
funeral ribbons, clothing for the deceased, shroud, Ritual accessories of denominations,
candles, grave vases, grave benches, Hearse services, Death notice,
Death certificate, Transportation to the cemetery.