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Kokrade, LTD, "Kalna Bauņi", Grundzāles pagasts, Smiltenes nov., LV-4713 : companies :

Photo 19

Wooden furniture
Carpenter services
Furniture manufacturing
Wooden furniture
Wooden interior elements
Joiner services
Children's cots
Wooden furniture for garden
Wooden doors
Interior elements made of wood
Kitchen furniture
Furniture trade
Wooden tables
Joinery services
Furniture for home and garden


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Legal data

  1. 44103032848
  2. LV44103032848
  3. "Latvijas Hipotēku un zemes banka", AS
  4. LV29LHZB4701097648001
  5. 11.10.2004
  6. 11.10.2004

Logging and woodworking

We perform forest development and management works. We sell sawn timber. All types of carpentry services. The goal is to produce high quality wood products while meeting customer needs. Quality and individual approach are the basis of our activities. We offer to obtain bioenergy wood: sawing of overgrown areas, removal of ditch overgrowth, branch trailing, chipping, removal of chips.


  • Joinery products
  • Interior elements for the garden and home made of wood
  • Woodworking
  • Sawn timber
  • Forest cutting
  • Forest removal
  • Forest care
  • Purchase of cuttings and properties



Treemade. Joinery, woodworking, joinery products,
interior, interior elements, wood interior. Furniture, kitchen furniture,
wooden doors, doors, windows, wooden doors in Smiltene, wooden doors in Cesis,
windows in Cesis, windows in Smiltene. Solid wood furniture, wooden houses, baths,
bath-house, wooden frame buildings, children furniture, logging, logging in Vidzeme,
forestry works, logging in Smiltene, forest removal, felling areas,
forest, forests, sale of timber materials, sawn timber, lumber in Smiltene,
forestry services, wooden constructions, wooden buildings, chipping.
Joiner's works, carpenter in Smiltene, carpenter in Smiltene, carpenter in Smiltene region.
Joinery services in Grundzale municipality, SIA Kokrade, Kalna Bauņi,
logging, forest administration, Joinery in Vidzeme,
Buying of felling sites. Wooden building construction, construction, stairs, stairs,
wooden stairs.