
Lietotāji online211
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Inese Kurzemniece, lawyer, Tukums, Tukuma nov. LV-3101 : companies :

Photo 4

Legal consultations
preparation of legal documents
legal services
preparation of legal documents


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Working time

  • Sun-
  • Mon1000-1800
  • Tue1000-1800
  • Wed1000-1800
  • Thu1000-1800
  • Fri1000-1800
  • Sat-


Legal advice at a convenient place and time for you. Legal document preparation. Representation in the courts of the Republic of Latvia, as well as in various state and municipal institutions. In criminal proceedings, I work only with the victim. Legal assistance in person and remotely - consultations, various documents( submissions, demands, complaints, explanations, etc. . ) compilation, development of documents for registering a new company or making changes. Self-monitoring systems( HACCP) development for small food producers and home producers. Development of projects for attracting funds from EU funds. Housing societies.



Juridiskās konsultācijas klientam izdevīgā vietā,
representation in court. . institutions, dažādu juridisku dokumentu sastādīšana. Paškontroles sistēmas izstrāde mazajiem pārtikas ražotājiem, mājražotājiem, ( PVD prasību mape) . Small house management, legal services, preparation of legal documents, lawyer, representation in the courts of the Republic of Latvia, representation in the courts of the Republic of Latvia, legal services, small business start-up advice.

