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LatAcrylam, LTD, Artificial stone surfaces, Rāmuļu 21-6, Rīga LV-1005 : companies :
LatAcrylam, LTD, Artificial stone surfaces

LatAcrylam, LTD, Artificial stone surfaces

Photo 3

Trade of surface materials
Quality materials for every taste
Individual approach to any order


  1. +371 28239315
  2. +371 26813800


  • 5 in march 2020, 15:14

    ❝Profesionāla apkalpošana❞

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Working time

  • Sun-
  • Mon800-1700
  • Tue800-1700
  • Wed800-1700
  • Thu800-1700
  • Fri800-1700
  • Sat-

Legal data

  1. 40103401559
  2. LV40103401559
  3. 01.04.2011
  4. 01.04.2011
  5. Gustava Zemgala gatve 77 k-2, Rīga, LV-1039

About the company

LATACRULAM - the main activity is wholesale and retail sales of SAMSUNG STARON® surface materials. Artificial stone LG HI-MACs and Corian trade, wholesale. RESOPAL, TEMPEST, HANEX, HI-MACS. High-quality surface covering materials, artificial stone surface coverings.


LATACRULAM gives designers, furniture manufacturers, builders, construction companies, finishing work specialists the opportunity to expand their usable range of covering materials with ultra-high class modern materials.


Table surfaces, artificial stone surfaces, work surface in kitchen, for kitchen, artificial stone, artificial stone processing, artificial stone trade, wholesale, materials for surface manufacturing, artificial stone furniture, decorative finishing materials, artificial stone furniture surfaces of various types, indoor decoration in living quarters, indoor decoration in commercial premises, stone processing, stone floors, stone mosaics, stone stairs, stone stairs, facades, floors, partition, surface treatment indoors, fireplace decoration, slab surface treatment, plate surface cutting, plate surface installation, sale of artificial stone processing materials, trim plates, delivery, artificial stone surfaces, artificial stone for kitchen surfaces, window sills, furniture surface manufacturing, marble, natural stones, natural stone, artificial stone kitchen surfaces, artificial stone steps, stone facades, stone windowsills, stone socles, stone bath surfaces, stone bar counters, stone table surfaces, conference room or office desk surfaces, various surface treatment and fabrication from artificial stone, office furniture, hotel, restaurant, hairdresser’s, worktop in cafe premises, cafe equipment, machine, table counters, pharmacy, hospital, laboratory, medical institutions, artificial stone work surfaces, compliant with sanitary-hygienic use conditions, the material is widely used in shipbuilding, sinks for kitchen, sinks for bathroom, sinks for rooms, Staron material categories, TEPEST, TENDRIL, TALUS, QUARRY, metallic, SOLID, PEBBLE, SANDED, ASPEN, stone kitchen surfaces, fireplace stone surfaces, bar counters, worktop repair, countertops for catering companies, for public catering companies, food preparation surfaces, administrator work counters, work surfaces for hotels, fireplace granite surfaces, artificial granite kitchen surfaces, stone table surface, marble table tops, granite countertops, granite tables, stone tables, marble tables, stone kitchen work surfaces, kitchen granite surfaces, production of various interior details according to individual orders, artificial stone design objects, granite design items, stone interior elements, granite interior elements, marble interior elements, artificial marble for finish, marble for interior, stone bathrooms, marble bathrooms, natural stone tiles, marble tiles, granite tiles, artificial stone window sills, granite window sills, marble window sills, artificial stone surfaces Riga, granite surfaces Riga, marble surfaces Riga, kitchen stone surfaces Riga, kitchen granite surfaces Riga, kitchen marble surfaces Riga, artificial stone surfaces for kitchen Riga, granite Stone surface Riga District, granite surfaces Riga's region, artificial stone Marble surfaces Riga district, artificial stone surface Riga district, kitchen stone surfaces Riga's region, kitchen granite surfaces Riga region, kitchen marble surfaces Riga's region, artificial stone surfaces for kitchen Riga region, stone surfaces Latvia. granite surfaces Latvia, marble surfaces Latvia, artificial stone surfaces Latvia, kitchen stone surfaces Latvia, kitchen granite surfaces Latvia, kitchen Marble surfaces Latvia, artificial stone surfaces for kitchen Latvia, granite Stone surfaces Vidzeme, granite surfaces Vidzeme, marble surfaces Vidzeme, artificial stone surfaces Vidzeme, kitchen stone surfaces Vidzeme, kitchen granite surfaces Vidzeme, kitchen Marble surfaces Vidzeme, artificial stone surfaces for kitchen Vidzeme, service provision territory, all Latvia, Aluksne, Aizkraukle, Balvi, Bauska, Cesis, Daugavpils, Gulbene, Jelgava, Jekabpils, Jurmala, Limbazi, Liepaja, Livani, Ludza, Kraslava, Kuldiga, Krustpils, Madona, Ogre, Preili, Riga, Riga region, Rezekne, Saldus, Sigulda, Smiltene, Talsi, Tukums, Valmiera, Valka, Ventspils, Vidzeme, Kurzeme, Zemgale, Latgale, Latvia, Latvia Olaine, Center, Agenskalns, Āgenskalna priedes, Aplokciems, Atgazene, Babite, Balozi, Beberbeki, Bergi, Bieķensala, Bisumuiza, Bierini, Bolderaja, Brasa, Bukulti, Bulls, Botanical Garden District Brekši, Darzciems, Darzini, Daugavgriva, Dreilini, Dzirciems, Ciekurkalns, Grivas massive, Grizinkalns, Ilguciems, Imanta, Jaunciems, Jaunmarupe, Jaunmīlgrāvis, Jaunolaine, Jugla, Katlakalns, Kengarags, Kipsala, Kleisti, Klīversala, Krasta, Krēmeri, Kundzinsala, Lāčupe, Langstini, Lucavsala, Mangalsala, Marupe, Maskavas suburb, Mezciems, Mezaparks, Milgrāvis, Mucenieki, Nordeķi, Ozolkalni, Pardaugava, Pētersala, Pinki, Plakanciems, Plavnieki, Pleskodale, Purvciems, Priedkalne, Ramava, Rīnūži, Ritabulli, Rumbula, Sarkandaugava, Sampeteris, Sauriesi, Skirotava, Šmerlis, Šociems, Suzi, Teika, Titurga, Market, Trisciems, Tornakalns, Ulbroka, Upes village, Upeslejas, Valdlauci, Vecaki, Vecdaugava, Vecmīlgrāvis, Old Riga, Vējzaķsala, Voleri, Vakarbuļļi, VEF reg. Zasulauks, Ziemeļblāzma, Ziepniekkalns, Zolitude, RESOPAL, for lamin, TEMPEST, Hanex, Hi-macs, trade, materials, ornamental trimmings sale, finishing materials from artificial stone, high-class plastic decoration materials, finishing materials for designers, finishing materials for furniture manufacturers, finishing materials for builders, construction companies, design, interior, designer services, designer consultations, artificial stone, finishing materials for furniture manufacturers.


