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Latvijas Rūpnieku tehniskās drošības ekspertu apvienība - TUV Rheinland grupa, LTD, Sāremas 3, Rīga, LV-1005 : companies :
Latvijas Rūpnieku tehniskās drošības ekspertu apvienība - TUV Rheinland grupa, LTD

Latvijas Rūpnieku tehniskās drošības ekspertu apvienība - TUV Rheinland grupa, LTD


  1. +371 67568605


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Working time

  • Sun-
  • Mon900-1700
  • Tue900-1700
  • Wed900-1700
  • Thu900-1700
  • Fri900-1700
  • Sat-

Legal data

  1. 40003221612
  2. LV40003221612
  3. "Swedbank"
  4. LV23HABA0001408031440
  5. 13.10.1994
  6. 04.06.2004
  7. Sāremas iela 3, Rīga, LV-1005
  8. 2023

About the association

Latvian Association of Industrial Safety Experts( LRTDEA) founded in October 13, 1994. 13 of the year. october. It is one of Germany's largest conformity assessment bodies, the TÜ; V Rheinland subsidiaries. SIA LRTDEA -TUV Rheinland Group provides its customers with third party conformity assessment services provided by the following entities

  • Technical inspections of equipment
  • Testing laboratory( DT, NDT)
  • Competent institution in labour protection
  • Certification of management systems in accordance with the requirements of ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and ISO 45001 standards
  • Food safety management( ISO 22000, FSSC 22000, BRCGS Food)
  • Verification body GHG( GHG) - provides greenhouse gases( SEG) verification of emission reports and other data related to GHG emissions or verification of reports in accordance with the regulations of the European Commission, EU guidelines, as well as the binding regulations of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Latvia.
  • Trainig centre



  • Inspections of dangerous equipment
  • Audit and certification of companies' energy efficiency system in accordance with the requirements of the ISO 50001 standard
  • Certification of management systems in accordance with the requirements of ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and ISO 45001 standards
  • Food safety management( ISO 22000, FSSC 22000, BRCGS Food)
  • Greenhouse effect gas( SEG) verification of emission reports
  • Certification of the heat treatment process of wood packaging material in accordance with SFP No.15 "Starptautiskajā tirdzniecībā izmantotā koksnes iepakojamā materiāla reglamentācija" requirements
  • Testing laboratory - welding quality assessment( non-destructive testing of boilers, pressure equipment, pipelines, storage tanks for hazardous substances, gas equipment, cranes, metal products, metal structures and welded joints NDT and destructive testing of metals DT)
  • Electrical safety measurements


Quality certificates:

  • Latvian National Accreditation Bureau( LATAK) issued accreditation certificates certifying the competence of each structural unit of the company.
  • ISO 9001: 2015 quality certificate for the Competent Institution in Labor Protection.



Certification, Technical inspections, Training in labour protection.

Dangerous equipment technical inspections, dangerous equipment technical expertises, inspections, elevators, lifts, escalators, conveyors, cranes, dangerous substances tanks, fuel filling stations, pressure equipment, boilers, medical equipment, public amusement equipment, ADR cistern and, transportable pressure equipment inspections, liquefied petroleum, gas cylinder filling stations, electric measurements, quality management, system certification and audit, equipment certification, pressure reservoirs, pressure equipment and their complexes, reservoirs, metal compounds testing, welded joints testing, defectoscopy, non-destructive quality, control, non-destructive and mechanical testing, labour protection, work safety, assessment of workplace risks, occupational noise, testing, training in labour protection, dangerous equipment servicing, certification, ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO 50001, ISO 22000, FSSC 22000, BRCGS Food, SEG emission verification, energy administration system, wood packaging material heat treatment process certification, HT process certification, occupational health and safety inspection, equipment evaluation inspection, certification centre, testing laboratory, competent institution in labour protection, management system certification, trainig centre, equipment inspection, product certification, product certification, work environment risk assessment, consultations. ISO 45001, WPQR, BPQR, EN 1090, ISO 3834, PED, SPVD, MT, RT, VT, PT, CE, welding procedures.
