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Nataļjas Ļutikovas psihologa privātprakse, Viestura 17, Daugavpils, LV-5401 : companies :
Nataļjas Ļutikovas psihologa privātprakse

Nataļjas Ļutikovas psihologa privātprakse

Working time

  • Sun-
  • Mon1730-1930
  • Tue900-1800
  • Wed1730-1930
  • Thu1600-1800
  • Fri-
  • Sat-


On-site and remote consultations. Certified in clinical and health psychology. EMDR therapist. My advice is right for you if you want to survive and analyze:

  • Mistrust, mistrust or guilt, jealousy towards a partner
  • Codependent relationships and, in general, relationships with other people, colleagues
  • Chronic stress, apathy, burnout at the workplace
  • Physical and emotional abuse
  • A feeling of insecurity, low self-esteem and a fall in one's sense of worth
  • Anxiety, panic attacks, depression
  • Existential crisis( loss of the meaning of life and self-realization)
  • Phobias and various fears, including fear of performing, driving a car, flying an airplane
  • Sex life problems
  • Difficulty conceiving a child
  • Children and shock injuries
  • Psychosomatics

  • More


    Psychologist, psychologist, psychologist private practice, Nataļja Ļutikova, psychologist in Daugavpils, psychological assistance in crisis situations, individual consultations, couples consultations, psychologist consultations, relationship problems, therapy, psychological assistance, psychologist services, psychological counseling, psychologist services and advice, Consultation of a clinical / health psychologist, Crisis intervention, Supportive psychotherapy, Family psychotherapy, Depression, fear, panic attacks, anxiety, alarm condition, phobias, post-traumatic disorders, apathy, family relationships, certified psychologist, family counseling and therapy, EMDR therapy.

