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Manfreds pluss, LTD, Lauku 31/35, Liepāja LV-3411 : companies :

Photo 21

Sale of logging and garden equipment
Trimmers and mowers
Children's bicycles
Logging machinery accessories
Garden equipment
Motor scooters and scooters
Bike accessories
Motoroller trade
Scooter and scooter accessories
Lawn mowers
Bicycle repair
Children prams
Children goods
All-purpose baby carriages
Trailer rental
Gas cylinder replacement


  1. +371 29234215


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Working time

  • Sun-
  • Mon1000-1800
  • Tue1000-1800
  • Wed1000-1800
  • Thu1000-1800
  • Fri1000-1800
  • Sat1000-1600

Legal data

  1. 42103028717
  2. LV42103028717
  3. 04.04.2002
  4. 04.04.2002
  5. Lauku iela 31/35, Liepāja, LV-3411

About the company

Logging, logging, chipping services. Excavator services, digging of ponds, ditches. Woodchip raw material purchase. We buy forests, groves and felling areas. Bicycles, lawnmowers in Liepaja. Wheels, sale of bicycles for children, adults, teenagers, girls, boys in Kurzeme. Chainsaws, lawn mowers, trailers, trailer sales, trailer rental. Prams, pushchairs, cots, armchairs, seats, sale of car seats in Liepaja, Kurzeme.



Bicycles, bikes, children's, adult, teen bicycles, girl, boy bicycles, baby prams, carts in Liepaja, In Latvia, Kurzeme, chain saws, lawn mowers, Trailers, trailer trade, trailer rental, leases trailers, trailers without brakes, trailers with brakes, car trailers, motoequipment, trucks, boat trailers, campings, commercial trailers, motorollers, motorcycles, quads, baby prams, universal carts, sports prams, prams for twins, twin stroller, car seats, car seats, car seats, car seats for babies, beds, children chairs for feeding, accessories, accessories for children in Liepaja, Pram online shop, Internet shop, Trade, rental, service, Premises for rent, commercial premises for rent, rent, rent out, Rent premises in Liepāja, Office space, Rent space, rent of space, Bicycles for children and adults, sale of their spare parts and accessories, bicycle repair, Quads, motorollers, scooters - sale and repair, Husqvarna company, Jonsored, Partner, STIHL, Oregon logging and gardening equipment sales and repair, trimmers, lawn mowers, chain saws, tractors for mowing, milling cutters, car trailers, forest trailers, manipulators, sale and rental, Rents and repairs chainsaws, trimmers, brush cutters, milling cutters, firewood and generator, aerators, scarifiers, Logging machinery accessories and oils, Forestry workers' work clothes - complete equipment, Sell and rent navigation, GPS, Gas cylinders, gas cylinder trade, Logging, logging services, purchase of forests, purchase of felling areas, Trade, rental, service, excavator services, chipping services, undergrowth clearing, chipping, woodchip raw material purchase, branch collection, branches for wood chips, wood chipping, Buys forest, purchase of forests, purchase of felling areas, Ditch digging, Gravel cleaning, Trenching for communications, Pond digging, improvement, Pond digging, Pond arranging, Home pond digging, The cost of digging ponds, Excavation of regulated reservoirs, excavation of unregulated reservoirs,
Universal excavator services, Forestry works.
