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NA centrs, construction tool rental, service, Rīga, Vidzeme, Kurzeme, Latgale : companies :
NA centrs, construction tool rental, service

NA centrs, construction tool rental, service

Photo 3

Construction tools
machinery repair
Construction equipment rental


  1. +371 27074854
  2. +371 28626501


  • 29 in september 2020, 09:19

    ❝Kvalitatīvs serviss❞

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About us

Based on many years of experience in the rental, sale and repair of construction equipment and power tools, our company offers its services in this field. Individual approach to each client, professionalism, work experience and friendly prices. A flexible discount system attracts customers to existing and future customers. We cooperate only with leading equipment manufacturing companies and offer modern and high-quality equipment for rent. Always welcome to our company!

The company provides the following services:

  • delivery of construction tools and construction equipment to the site,
  • repair of construction tools and equipment, service,
  • necessary spare parts and accessories for your equipment.



According to the customer's wishes, we deliver the equipment to the object. We consult and train the procedure for using the equipment, as well as its compliance with the work to be performed. We will help you choose the right construction equipment or power tools for your work. A detailed master approach to each tool or technique will allow you to repair your equipment qualitatively and quickly at very adequate prices. It is possible to buy spare parts and accessories for your equipment.


Construction tool rental, Construction machinery and equipment, Instrument and tool trade, service.

Construction tools. Electric tools. Sale of construction machinery. Construction equipment rental. Construction machinery repair. Trade of electric tools. Power tool rental. Power tool repair. Vibro plates. Parquet grinding machines. Aluminium towers. Stairs. Concrete mixers. Aerators. Aerator. Construction ladder. Moisture collectors. Electric heaters. Rammer. Vibro-rammer. Power tools. Gas heaters. Garden equipment. Perforator. Drill. Jackhammer. Aluminium tower. Aluminium scaffolding. Grinder. Sander for parquet. Concrete vibrator. Pump. Vibroleg. Construction vacuum cleaner. High pressure washer. Saw. Trimer. Brushcutter. Gasoline saw. Circular saw. Jig saw. Laser leveler. Leveller. Optical leveler. Tape sanders. Soldering iron for pipes. Generator. Tile cutter. Cutters. Grinder for concrete. Plane. Concrete cutter. Asphalt cutter. Crown drills. Core drill bits. Chain saw. Ground drill. Drill bits for concrete. Plasterboard lift.
