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Ekspertu atbildes0, Ogu aģentūra, LTD, Miera 39, Liepāja, LV-3411 : companies :

Photo 12

Facade cleaning
High pressure and low pressure washing
High-pressure washing of pavement
High-pressure washing of pavement
Roof washing
Roof washing
Roof washing
Facade washing
Facade washing
High pressure washing
High pressure washing
High pressure washing


  1. +371 29668906


  • 29 in may 2024, 11:46

    ❝🌟 Atsauksme par, Ogu aģentūra, SIA 🌟 Es esmu sajūsmā par sniegtajiem pakalpojumiem no, Ogu aģentūra, SIA! Viņu augstspiediena un zemspiediena mazgāšanas un tīrīšanas darbi ir vienkārši nevainojami. Komanda ir profesionāla, atsaucīga un ļoti rūpīga savā darbā. Viņi ne tikai paveica darbu ātri un efektīvi, bet arī nodrošināja, ka viss izskatās spoži tīrs. Mūsu mājas fasāde, pagalms un bruģis nekad nav izskatījušies tik labi! Īpaši vēlos izcelt viņu uzmanību detaļām un pieejamību jebkurā laikā, kad bija nepieciešami papildus jautājumi vai informācija. Tas tiešām radīja sajūtu, ka klients ir prioritāte numur viens. Ja jūs meklējat uzticamu un profesionālu tīrīšanas pakalpojumu sniedzēju, es no sirds iesaku, Ogu aģentūra, SIA. Viņi pārsniedza visas manas cerības un noteikti pelna 5 zvaigznes! ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Liels paldies par lielisko darbu!❞

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Legal data

  1. 42103054029
  2. LV42103054029
  3. 02.03.2011
  4. Miera iela 39, Liepāja, LV-3411
  5. 2023


We perform high-pressure and low-pressure washing and cleaning.

We clean and wash: Roofs( we get rid of growth and dirt), drains, washing and restoration of all types of facades( brick, concrete, mineral plaster, composite material, wood, glass) . High-pressure cleaning and washing of pavements, washing and cleaning of terraces and pergolas from algae, lichen, etc. Fence cleaning, high pressure washing. Cleaning of solar panels from dirt and grime. Removal of icicles from roofs( in winter) .

We carry out all work by evaluating each case separately. That's why we choose the most gentle technology for the specific job. Usually, after the completion of all works, an additional protective coating is applied, which reduces the re-formation of dirt and prevents the re-growth of lichens and algae.



High pressure washing.

Roof cleaning, roof washing, facade cleaning, facade washing, cleaning of solar panels, cleaning of glazed facades, washing of glazed facades, window washing, high-pressure washing of pavement, high pressure, low pressure, high pressure cleaning services, washing the pavement in South Kurzeme, roof, facade washing, window cleaning in Liepāja, removal of moss from roofs, getting rid of algae, elimination of lichen, high pressure, low pressure, facade cleaning, graffiti removal, high pressure steam cleaning, cleaning, roof cleaning, wall, facade renovation, cleaning of glazed facades, solar panel maintenance, Cleaning of solar panels, Low pressure cleaning, washing, Roof management, steam cleaning, cleaning service, green walls for the house, cleaning works in Liepāja, removal of moss from the pavement, restoration of the wall of the house, picking icicles in Liepāja, cleaning snow from roofs in Liepāja, sustainable management, graffiti removal in Liepāja, anti-moss product.

