Pigu Latvia, LTD, Online store 220.lv
- +371 25220220
- +371 67244220
MonTueWedThuFri(9.00-19.00 ) Sat( 10.00-17.00 ) Sun( 10.00-15.00) - https://www.220.lv/lv
MonTueWedThuFri(10.00-19.00) Sat(10.00-17.00) Sun(10.00-15.00) - palidziba@220.lv
- info@220.lv
MonTueWedThuFriSat(9.00-20.00) Sun(9.00-18.00) -
- 13 in december 2023, 17:04
❝Uz telefona 25220220 sež roboti un bez ....❞
- 21 in january 2025, 09:24
❝Nekāda servisa! Melīga informācija par piegādi un datumiem! Pašam jāmeklē. Sarakstē atbild , parakstoties, kā 220 Maskavas 257 ! Pretīgi!❞
- 21 in january 2025, 09:26
❝Nekāda servisa! ''Atbildes'' sniedz tikai kaut kādas speciālistes, ka kavējas, neko nevar darīt, laikam kavējas. Sarakstē, ''atbildes'' sniedz klientu speciālisti, kuri parakstās 220 Maskavas 257 Rīga! Drausmīgi pretigi.❞
- 26 in march 2024, 10:20
❝Piekritu, uz telefoniem sez roboti un palidziba220.lv atbildes nedod .Nekorekta prece piegadaja un naudu Pigu.lv neatgriez.Vai sis var safeties par Baltijas lielako internetveikalu?❞
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Legal data
- 43603025092
- LV43603025092
- 17.11.2005
- 17.11.2005
- Krasta iela 52, Rīga, LV-1003
- 2022
220.lv - shopping center on the Internet
Online store 220.lv offers everyone a wide selection of furniture, home and repair goods, garden accessories. High-quality pictures, detailed descriptions and customer feedback will help you make a decision. We provide convenient delivery of orders throughout the territory of Latvia. Reliable manufacturers, great prices and 24/7 telephone help.
Available product categories:
- Toys, children's goods
- TV and Home appliances
- Furniture and interior
- Sports, tourism and recreation
- Perfumes, cosmetics
- For home and repair
- Mobile phones, tablets, Photo
- Computer hardware
- Household goods
- Clothes, shoes, accessories
- Protection, disinfection, medical goods
- Car products
- Garden goods
- Zoo goods
- Gifts, holiday attributes
- Books
- Smart house
- Food
- Outlet store
- Goods for office, school, creative work
Sell 220.lv:
Our Marketplace platform is your sales channel in the Baltic States. "PHH Group" Marketplace is the largest e-commerce platform in the Baltic States.
The platform operates in 3 countries with well-known names: "220.lv" In Latvia, "Pigu.lt" In Lithuania and "Kaup24.ee" In Estonia.
Join the trade and you will have an open market of 6 million potential buyers! 1. Opportunity to increase sales
Guaranteed customer traffic Lots of free and paid advertising options 2. All the necessary infrastructure for e-commerce
Free collection of payment for sales All possible delivery methods for 220.lv customers Free 24/7 customer service 3. Help and support
Personal manager and professional recommendations Instructions and training materials
Toys, children goods, Children care, Toys for boys, girls, for infants, School goods, Toys and games from 3 years, For children's outdoor entertainment, Clothing, shoes for children and babies, Toys for children up to 3 years, Nursery, party supplies, books, Games for kids, Products of popular brands, Furniture and interior, Living room furniture, Bedroom furniture, Office furniture, Kitchen furniture, Children furniture, Garden furniture, Carpets and doormats, Lighting, Roller blinds, curtains, cornices, Entrance hall furniture, Interior, Bathroom furniture, Mirrors, Furniture accessories, Decorative stones, Premium furniture, Black Red White furniture, Bed linen, blankets, cushions, Perfume, cosmetics, Perfume, Hygiene products, Hair care products, Face care products, Decorative cosmetics, Body cosmetics, Cosmetics, The most popular perfumes, The most popular cosmetics, Mobile phones, tablet PC, Photo, Mobile phones and accessories, Smart watches and fitness bands, Cameras and accessories, Smart devices and accessories, Camcorders and accessories, MP3 players and voice recorders, Thermal cameras, Telescopes and microscopes, Binoculars, Digital photo frames, Landline Phone, Smartphones, Car audio equipment, Tablet PC, e-book readers and accessories, Car GPS, Mobile phone brands, The most popular phone models, Computer hardware, Peripheral devices, Portable computers, bags, Gaming computers, accessories, Tablet PC, e-book readers and accessories, Monitors and monitor stands, Computer components, Office equipment and supplies, External data carriers, Drones, Network equipment, Computer equipment accessories, Stationary computers, Software, Open Source Electronics, Assembled laptops, Currency detectors, Garden goods, Garden equipment, Sheds/sheds for firewood and tools, Gardening tools, Chain saws, Means against pests and insects, Compost boxes and outdoor containers, Greenhouses, Outdoor lighting, Watering systems, Flower stands, flower pot holders, Means against mosquitos, against ticks, Flower pots, plates, Fertilizers, Garden decors, Microorganisms, bacteria, Equipment for garden pools and fountains, Seeds, Mulch, decorative plaster, Primers, land, peat, compost, Outdoor pools, Trampolines, Garden furniture, Clothes and shoes for gardening, Grills, mangali, curing establishments, Zoo goods, For dogs, For cats, Rodents, For birds, Fish, Livestock, For exotic animals, Smart house, Smart household appliances for the home, Smart home security, Smart lighting and electrical goods, Smart toys, Smart devices, Smart gardening, Collections, Food, Groceries store, Beverages, Meat, fish, Milk products, Ready-made cuisine, Vitamins and supplements, Vegetable products, Bio food, Office supplies, for school, for creative works, Goods for handicrafts, Business gifts, Pencil boxes, Bags, backpacks, wallets, Cartridges, Cleaning products for computer equipment, Coffee machines and coffee, Furniture for school, for bureau, Painting accessories, Interactive whiteboards, Stationery, Notebooks, paper, Writing materials, Textbooks, Envelopes, postcards, Informative signs, TV and Home appliances, Household, For beauty, Small household appliances for the kitchen, TVs and accessories, Large household appliances for the kitchen, Clothing care technique, Refrigerators and freezers, Video and audio equipment, Washing machines, Household appliances, Tumble dryer, Climate control, Game accessories, games, The most popular household appliance brands, Sports, tourism and recreation, Exercise equipment, Bicycles, scooters, roller skates, skateboards, Free time and recreation, Sports goods, Tourism goods, Winter sports, Creative recreation, Sportswear and shoes, Sports nutrition, preparations, functional food for sports, For home and repair, Climate control, Plumbing, Tools, Heating, Kitchen equipment, accessories, Lighting and electrical goods, House security, Work clothes, security equipment, Doors, Water pumps, Safes, Fences, gate automatics, Mailboxes, house numbers, Wall finish, wallpaper, Finishing materials, Water purification systems and filters, Flooring surfaces, Sauna and sauna equipment, Stairs, Sewerage pipes, connections, Rain waste water systems, Certified safes, Household goods, Kitchen tableware, accessories, Bed linen, home textile, Cleaning products and accessories, Laundry care, Clothing, footwear, accessories, For women, For men, For children, Designer goods, The most popular brands, Premium, Protection, disinfectant, medical supplies, Vitamins, nutrition supplements, preparations, Medical goods, Individual protection means, Hygiene products, For mothers and children, Car products, Other auto goods, Auto chemistry and air fresheners, Car mats, Accumulators, chargers, Electric equipment, Car video recorders, Car oils, High-pressure washing equipment and accessories, Car accessories and accessories, Car audio equipment, Tyres, Car radio communications, Moto goods, GPS Navigation, Car tourism inventory, Car spare parts, Alloy wheels, Gifts, festive attributes, Festive attributes, Original gifts, Lighters and accessories, Religious goods, Christmas decorations, Floristry, Clever gifts, Original clothing, Business gifts, Delicious gifts, Gifts for adults, Gift cards, Gifts for woman, Gifts for men, Gifts for children, Gifts for seniors, Valentine's Day gifts, Books, Books on personal growth, Hobbies, Books in foreign languages, Fiction, Books for children and young people, Professional development and reference literature, Book news, Bookmarks, Textbooks, Calendars, notebooks, Outlet store, Updated items, Goods "in the minus"
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- Siltumsūkņu priekšrocības un izvēle
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- Iekšdurvis – aktuālas tendences
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