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PROF security, LTD, Key SOS service, Kārļa Mīlenbaha 1 (Jūrmala, Mārupe, Rīgas centrs, Berģi), Rīga, LV-1050 : companies :

Photo 26

Emergency exit handles
Safety handles
Door handles
Rigid handles
Rotating handles
Door locks
Door handles
Lock service
Lock repair
Installation of door handles
Door fixing
Safe locks
Safety handles
Lock repair
Repair of handles
Door handle service
Door automatics
Door opening
Key service


  1. +371 20207080


  • 23 in july 2023, 12:22

    ❝Добрый день! Меня зовут Евгений Потапов. Заинтересовал ваш сайт Хочу его купить. По факту изучения статистики, я смогу назвать точную сумму которую я готов за него заплатить. Если вам интересна продажа вашего проекта, жду вашего ответа. С уважением, Евгений Потапов❞

  • 6 in august 2023, 13:05

    ❝Добрый день! Меня зовут Евгений Потапов. Заинтересовал ваш сайт Хочу его купить. По факту изучения статистики, я смогу назвать точную сумму которую я готов за него заплатить. Если вам интересна продажа вашего проекта, жду вашего ответа. С уважением, Евгений Потапов❞

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Working time

  • Sun-
  • Mon830-1730
  • Tue830-1730
  • Wed830-1730
  • Thu830-1730
  • Fri830-1730
  • Sat-

Legal data

  1. 40003676826
  2. LV40003676826
  3. 26.04.2004
  4. 26.04.2004
  5. Kārļa Mīlenbaha iela 1 – 3, Rīga, LV-1050


"PROF Security" LTD offers installation and repair of various security systems, repair and unlocking of door handles and locks, video surveillance, smart lock( SMARTair) installation for your home and business.



  • Repair and installation of locks
  • Door repair
  • Lock design
  • Installation of handles
  • Repair of handles
  • Video surveillance installation
  • Smart locks( SMARTair)
  • Picking
  • Safes
  • Key change
  • Code locks
  • Door automatics



Keys locks, Emergency services.

Ruko, IKON, TESA, MOTTURA, ASSA Security center, ASSA TWIN, 3R, AZOR,
Where to buy a safe lock, qualitative locks, non-standard lock,
system cylinder, wireless access control, narrow profile lock,
lock for glass doors. Hanging, code, evacuation lock.
Response plate, electromagnetic stopper. Door automatics,
closer, magnets, puller. Panic bar, evacuation accessories,
evacuation equipment, safes, fittings, alarms, video surveillance,
intercoms, grease for lock, cleaning product for lock,
cylinder extenders, toilet accessories, WC fittings, cylinder screws,
handles Brighthandle, handles ASSA, RUKO Line series handles, rotating handle,
multicylinder locks, double-sided keys, cross wrench.
Assembly works. Lock design, installation, insertion,
service, opening, picking, inspection, change, replacement,
recoding, repair. TWIN system key manufacturing,
electric lock installation. SOS lock service, key service,
keys, key manufacturing, door opening, door sos service.
Door and lock accurate and high-quality opening without damage.
Broken door repair and renovation. Lock and key installation and putting in. Secure lock installation, accurately and qualitatively exchange locks and keys. Code lock installation.
Door code programming. Repair, assembly, installation.
Safety systems, security system installation. Electric lock installation. Access control system installation.
Installation of communication devices. Alarm, security system installation at home, in apartments, in offices. Lock cores, lock cylinders.
Repair, replacement, ( MASTER KEY system) production. Safe repair.
Safe restoration. Professional help, locks for hotels,
ving card, hotel equipment. Lock cutting, 24-hour lock service,
cylinder recoding, fireproof door fittings. Solenoid,
card, electromechanical, electrical, electromagnetic locks.
Stoppers, fire safety mechanisms, electric locks, eff eff magnet,
key master, key workshop, lock service, key service,
DP ASSA, ASSA MAX CLIQ, door master, VingCard cards, TimeLox,
Smartair, locks for windows, cylinder recoding, decorative cover plates,
hotel keys, hotel cards. Motor lock. 809 eff eff,
increased security cylinders. Door protection, picking,
opening. Key change, key and door SOS service 00-24,
twenty-four-hour SOS service, key opening, key SOS service,
safe opening, safe repair, open, unlock, pick, ( metal and wooden) house, apartment, office, bureau, safe. Keys with chips,
FAB cylinders, automatic doors, automatic door repair,
electronic key, hydraulic door closers, electric keys,
electronic key, Protec, Disklock Pro, EN3, EN4, EN5, EN6,
1125, 179, locking, code mechanisms, multi-step locking system,
multi-level locking systems, non-standard size cylinders,
microswitches, evacuation exits, mini bar, hotel mini bars,
microswitch, padlocks, door closers, E7E, E4139,
17RR E41, E7 D1139, 118 A71, 16W A71, 118E A71, E7R E9139, 118. 13 A71,
143R Q14. ASSA: 212-50, 220-50, 221-50, 222-50, 223-50, 231-50, 232-50,
234-50, 235-50, 236-50, 310-50, 311-50, 313-50, 410-50, 411-50, 2002-50,
620-50, 621-50, 640-50, 2000, 8765, 9788, 560, 562, 1560, 465, 565,
566, 1498, 5584, 5585, 6580, 6585, 6561, 8562, 1361, 1362, 1380,
1385, 1398, 13585, 13787, 8788, 910-35, 911-50, 479, 131 A7, 309,
309, EVO 2000, 2000, EVO 44159E, 230-35, 44859E, 323-35, 55459E,
220-35, 55859E, 1487-1, 1487-5, 1487-9, 1487-12, 1264-1, 1264-5,
1887-1, 1887-5, 1887-9, 1888-5, 2860-5, 2862-2, 2863-5. ASSA cylinders:
5710, 601, 701, 603, 703, 607, 707, 611, 711, 613, 713, 602, 702,
5712, 612, 712, eiro cylinder, 256, 256 e, 2356, 18256, 3212, 3211.
ASSA handle: 6638, 6640, 6647, 6696, 6611, 167, 496. ASSA ABLOY door closer DC140, ABLOY door closer DC200, ABLOY door closer DC300,
ABLOY door closer DC340. Door closers. Key manufacturing in riga,
Key Manufacturing center, Key service, Key service,
Lock service, Locks, Door code programming, Security system installation, Electric lock installation, Access control system installation, Access system installation,
Lock cylinders, MASTER KEY system, Master keys Twin system,
Twin keys, Recoding, Cylinder recoding, Chips, Chip programming,
FAB, Ruko, NEMEF, Automatics, Automatic closers, Door handles,
latch, fittings, cover plates. Multipoint, three point, code lock.
Electric magnetic latch, Imposed automatic seals at the bottom of the sash,
Milling automatic seals the bottom of the sash, Increased security locks, Increased security cylinders, High security keys, Fireproof locks, Panic exit keys,
Solenoid locks, Rigid handles, ASSA locks, Catch plate,
Code handles, MUL-T-LOCK key filing, ASSA key filing,
Main key system, Yale Doorman, Assembly, Electric magnets,
Door holding magnets, Griffin handles, Panic exit handles,
EYE-TECH, Panik handle siren, Panic exit devices, ASSA electro-mechanical code handle, ASSA DP, ASSA CLIQ, Hotel room locks, Decorative plate,
Locks for profile doors, Lock accessories, Toilet door kits,
Safety pads.



