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RADESS Ltd., LTD, Granīta 3 k-2, Rīga, LV-1057 : companies :

Photo 18

Pipeline flushing and visual CCTV inspection
Repair of trenchless pipelines
Flushing and sanitation of pipelines
Accessories for high pressure washers
Trench wall fasteners
The lid is lifted by magnets
RICO, gEJOS-TV( cctv) video inspection equipment
High-pressure FLUSHING of rainwater pipelines( Cleaning)
Inflatable and mechanical pipe stoppers
Water-pipe and sewerage
Manhole cover lifting magnet
Manhole cover lifting magnet
Manhole cover lifting magnet
Manhole cover lifting magnet
Manhole cover lifting magnet
Manhole cover lifting magnet
Manhole cover lifting magnet
Manhole cover lifting magnet


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Working time

  • Sun-
  • Mon900-1800
  • Tue900-1800
  • Wed900-1800
  • Thu900-1800
  • Fri900-1800
  • Sat-

Legal data

  1. 40103402944
  2. LV40103402944
  3. 06.04.2011
  4. Ilūkstes iela 103 k-2 – 1, Rīga, LV-1082
  5. 2023

Licenses and permits

  1. AP23AA0065 / 16.10.2023

BIS.GOV.LV information

  1. Ūdensapgādes un kanalizācijas sistēmu (ieskaitot ugunsdzēsības sistēmas) būvdarbu vadīšana un būvuzraudzība
  2. 8831-R
  3. Aktīvs

About us

LTD "RADESS" started its operations in 2000, providing services in pipeline rinsing and visual TV inspection. in 2010, a new company SIA was established "RADESS Ltd", which took over the knowledge and experience gained over several years, which allowed the company to become one of the leading companies in Latvia in the provision of pipeline rinsing and visual TV inspection services. Our company has 4 lines of activity - provision of services, trade, equipment rental and production. SIA Radess Ltd - quality, competence, experience and professionalism!

We offer the following services:

  • CCTV inspection of visual pipelines
  • Pipeline flushing with high pressure equipment
  • Sewerage works
  • Removal and disposal of grease and hazardous waste
  • Defrosting frozen pipelines
  • Leak detection in pipelines
  • Pipeline trenchless renovation
  • Rental - We rent high quality and durable:
  • Inflatable pipe plugs SAVA
  • Trench wall mounts SBH


Products - we are direct distributors of professional equipment and materials:

  • CCTV inspection equipment and software
  • Hydrodynamic and vacuum equipment
  • Different types of equipment accessories
  • Water leakage detection equipment
  • Trench wall mounts
  • Pipe plugs
  • Well cover lifting magnets
  • ERGELIT cement mixtures( to prevent infiltration)
  • Materials for trenchless pipeline repair, etc. goods



Hydrodynamic equipment services, internal and external sewage networks, drainage, infiltration field, high-pressure FLUSHING of rainwater pipelines, ( Cleaning) . Emergencies, elimination of blockages, ( pumping, pumping, pumping) . Sanitation, waste collection services, sewerage well, cesspool, septic, biological toilet, grease trap, ( separator) pressure cleaning, ( removal) . Riser, rain, inside TV of water and domestic sewage pipelines, ( CCTV) inspection, ( diagnostics, fault detection, damaged area finding) . Repair of trenchless pipelines, repair, damage prevention, ( liquidation without dismantling and digging) . Water-pipe, heat tracing detection, water leakage detection. Provision of services - throughout Latvia. Pipeline stopper and trench wall mounts RENT. EPROS-trenchless pipeline repair methods, equipment. RICO, GEJOS-TV, ( CCTV) video inspection equipment. JHL, RIONED - hydrodynamic, ( high pressure pipeline cleaning) equipment. SebaKMT - pipeline route, water, ( fluid) leak detection equipment. DICKSON- data loggers, ( information storages) . SAVA, ASP-Inflatable and Mechanical Pipe Plugs, ( corks, cushions, balls) . COPRAS, SBH - trench wall fasteners. Emergency services, emergency service. Water-pipe, sewerage, defrosting of pipelines. Pump station cleaning. Pump station cleaning. Pump stations. Pump station.
Battery lifting magnet. Well lifting magnet RAD-300( without additional functions) technical parameters: Lifting capacity - 300 kg; Weight - 5 kg; Durable stainless body, equipped with a telescopic handle, which one worker can comfortably and safely lift the manhole cover; Simple and convenient to use, intended for daily use, in the long run; Application mode range from - 30º; C to + 50º; ; Warranty 2 years; CE certificate; Instructions for use in Latvian.



