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Siltumbūve, LTD, Krustpils 15, Rīga LV-1073 : companies :

Photo 20

Construction of heating mains
Pipeline installation
Construction project management
Industrial building construction
Water supply
Pipeline installation
Pipeline welding

Industrial equipment assembly
Assembly of technological equipment
Installation of energy equipment
Construction and repair works
Construction and repair works
Construction and repair works
Construction and repair works
Construction and repair works
Construction and repair works
Construction and repair works


  • 29 in november 2019, 06:32

    ❝Kvalitatīva siltumtrašu izbūve!❞

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Working time

  • Sun-
  • Mon800-1700
  • Tue800-1700
  • Wed800-1700
  • Thu800-1700
  • Fri800-1700
  • Sat-

Legal data

  1. 40103840757
  2. LV40103840757
  3. 29.10.2014
  4. 29.10.2014
  5. Krustpils iela 15 – 4, Rīga, LV-1073
  6. 2023

BIS.GOV.LV information

  1. Siltumapgādes, ventilācijas un gaisa kondicionēšanas sistēmu būvdarbu vadīšana un būvuzraudzība
  2. Ūdensapgādes un kanalizācijas sistēmu (ieskaitot ugunsdzēsības sistēmas) būvdarbu vadīšana un būvuzraudzība
  3. 12579
  4. Aktīvs

About us

The main activities of our company are welding and assembly of heat lines, technological and industrial pipelines, assembly of equipment, assembly of heating, water supply and sewage systems, as well as carrying out repair/emergency work in these sectors. The employees of our company have specialized education and all the necessary certificates, if necessary, we invite masters - professionals in their field to provide a more complete service. We use well-known brands, high-quality materials and equipment in the execution of work.


  • Pipeline welding
  • Device assembly
  • Heating lines installation
  • Water supply
  • Sewerage
  • Firefighting
  • Construction
  • Service
  • Warranty



Thermal heating circuit, construction of water pipes and sewerage, construction, assembly. External heating circuit, mountage of engineering nets. External engineering networks. Heating network assembly. Device assembly, heating network assembly, external and internal water supply and sewer system construction. Technological, installation of energy equipment, installation. Welding of technological pipelines, assembly. Boiler, pump house connection. External water supply and sewer system construction.
