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Skrūvpāļu pamati, LTD, Gunāra Astras 8, Rīga, LV-1082 : companies :

Photo 10

Screw pile foundations
Screw pile foundations
Screw pile foundations
Screw pile foundations
Screw pile foundations
Screw pile foundations
Screw pile foundations
Screw pile foundations
Screw pile foundations
Screw pile foundations


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Working time

  • Sun-
  • Mon800-1800
  • Tue800-1800
  • Wed800-1800
  • Thu800-1800
  • Fri800-1800
  • Sat-

Legal data

  1. 40103914539
  2. LV40103914539
  4. LV12HABA0551040687615
  5. 21.07.2015
  6. 21.07.2015
  7. Sitas iela 48 – 22, Rīga, LV-1073


What to do if the chosen area is located in a picturesque place and delights the eye, but difficult for building a house? The solution is! Using screw pile foundations, it is possible to work on all soils. If you are planning to build a large residential house for the whole family, choose a technology that provides high quality materials and services, saves your time and money. Work related to the installation of screw piles will preserve your landscape, will not cause inconvenience to you and your neighbors, which is not a minor factor in the choice! Screw pile foundations - the only real solution!

  • Design of screw pile foundations
  • Installation of screw pile foundations
  • Consultation and survey
  • Technical support and maintenance
  • Sale of screw piles



Screw piles, foundations, screwing, apartment buildings, construction, frame houses, extension, reconstruction, designing, metal structures, structures, geology, Screw piles, foundations, screwing, apartment buildings, construction, frame houses, extension, reconstruction, designing, metal structures, structures, geology, reconstruction, change of building foundations, galvanized screw piles.
