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Svaru remonts, LTD, Scale verification, Lastādijas 42-1, Rīga LV-1050 : companies :

Photo 16

Car scales
Digital scales
Railway sleepers
Packaging scales
Floor scales
Hanging scales
Pocket scales
Crane scales
Medical scales
Micro scales
Moisture meter for straw hay
Pallet scales
Platform scales
Scale repair
Commercial scales
Faucet scales OCSXS

Working time

  • Sun-
  • Mon900-1800
  • Tue900-1800
  • Wed900-1800
  • Thu900-1800
  • Fri900-1800
  • Sat1100-1600

Legal data

  1. 40103697222
  2. 05.08.2013
  3. Lastādijas iela 42 – 1, Rīga, LV-1050
  4. 2023


There are many different types of scales available today, designed to weigh a variety of things, from microscopic materials to bulky items. The most common types of weighing devices are::
trade scales, laboratory, medical, counting, hanging, car scales, as well as other types of weighing equipment.
Of course, the choice in favor of one or the other type depends on the purposes of using the devices.


Accurate scales are a mandatory requirement in several industries:

Although a couple of grams may not seem like much, there are industries that require meticulous precision. An inaccuracy of a couple of grams might seem like such a small thing, but imagine if, when buying a prescription drug, you were told that the amount of active ingredient in a capsule is not precisely known?
Regulations of the Cabinet of Ministers No. 210 "Neautomātisko svaru atbilstības novērtēšanas noteikumi" defines the sectors where it is mandatory to use only verified scales. In trade and production, verified scales must be used for mass determination in commercial transactions and for fee calculation in trade and packaging of goods. In medicine and pharmacy, calibrated scales are used to determine mass to prepare prescription drugs, in medical examinations and pharmaceutical laboratories, as well as to determine body weight in medicine, to assess and observe the physical development of patients, diagnose disease and determine treatment.


Weight verification required:

  • for mass determination in commercial transactions;
  • for mass determination in order to calculate fees, tariffs, taxes, premiums, fines, compensations, rewards or similar payments;
  • for determining the mass in the cases provided for in the regulatory acts, as well as for providing an expert's opinion in court;
  • for determining body weight in medical treatment, to assess and observe the physical development of patients, to diagnose the disease and determine treatment;
  • for mass determination to prepare medicine according to prescription, as well as for mass determination in analyzes carried out in medical examinations and pharmaceutical laboratories;
  • for mass determination for fee calculation in trade and packaging of goods;



High precision scales and measuring instruments. Measuring instruments and scales. Electronic, Digital, Industrial, Car scales, car scales,
Floor scales, pockets, with a calculator, Platforms, Crane, crane, building, Table scales, packing, micro scales, production, trade,
repair, Commercial scales, Kitchens, weight, Verified, verification, verification, verify, Pallet, Barbell, rod, counterweight,
Animal, Laboratories, Pharmacy, pharmacy scales, Moisture meter, meter for grains, for seeds, for coffee, for cotton. Laboratory equipment, equipment. E - commerce, online shops. Trade, catering equipment. For agriculture, agricultural, metrology, measuring apparatuses, warehousing equipment and supplies, warehouse, trade, sale, precise, qualitative, the best, good prices, wide selection, advice in choosing scales.
