Tehnisko materiālu sagāde, LTD
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- 50103379531
- LV50103379531
- 11.02.2011
- 11.02.2011
- Baltā iela 7, Rīga, LV-1055
- 2023
Milling, turning, CNC, milling cutters, lathes, computer management, ЧПУ, metal processing, plastic processing, production, production, manufacturer, factory, workbenches, CNC control, CNC work centers. PTFE, ePTFE, teflon, ftoroplast, fum tapes, gaskets, gasket envelopes, FEP, ftoroplast, polytetrafluorethylene, teflon sheets, ptfe rods, ptfe pipes, ptfe hoses, ptfe o rings, Tehnisko Materiālu Sagāde Ltd., SIA TMS, Silicone sheets, silicone rollers, silicone, flexible sheets, food rubber, food silicone, FDA silicone, porous silicone, porous silicone profiles, porous silicon profile, silicone products, VMQ, Tehnisko Materiālu Sagāde Ltd., Ltd. TMS Sealing profiles, insulation profiles, rubber profiles, rubber products, rubber, profiles, sealing profiles, sbr profiles, nbr profiles, silicone profiles, neoprene profiles, epdm profiles, rubber extrusion, u type profiles, p profiles, D profiles, sealants, gasket, neoprene, SBR, NBR, EPDM, CR, NR, CSM, PUR, VMQ, silicone, polyurethane, viton, FPM, FKM, different types of profiles, shape profiles, O profile, rubber profile with metal, profile for boats, profile for windows, profile for doors, high temperature seal, chemically resistant profile, acid resistant, alkali resistant, food profile, white rubber, rubber profile on orders, Tehnisko Materialu Sagade Ltd., Ltd. TMS Asbestos-free, Asbestos-free, sealing plates, gaskets, paronitis, paranite sheets, paranite gaskets, sealing sheet, sealing paper, cardboard, termiculite, oils, gasoline resistant sheet, vapor resistant sheet, head gaskets, blueflex, temasil, temafast, gambit, tesnit, donit, graphite, sealants, gasket, shape seals, motor gaskets, gaskets manufacturing gaskets production, gasket cutting, gaskets processing, layout design, drawing, designing, modeling, gasket according to a sample, gaskets manufacturer, gasket factory, Temac, temaflex, temacarb, Temafast Economy, Temasil NG, Temasil HT, Temaplus, Temacid, BA, 202, BA, 203, BA, 50, BA, 55, BA,, BA, CF, BA, GL, BA,, BA,, BA, REM, BA, R300, BA, R302, DONIFLEX G, LD, DONIFLEX©, MD, DONIFLEX G, HD, DONIFLEX G, Em, GRAFILIT SF, GRAFILIT SP, GRAFILIT SL, GRAFILIT EM, DONIFLON 2030, DONIFLON 2020, DONIFLON 2010, DONIFLON 900E, MICALIT P, MICALIT F, Klinger, graphite, graphite sheets, graphite seals, carbon, ceramics, ecograf, econograf, KLINGERSIL C, 4430, KLINGERSIL C, 4400, Klinger 100 CAF, Klinger 200 CAF, Klinger 80 CAF, Klinger KLR, 232CAF, Klingerit 1000 CAF, Klingerit 3xA CAF, PGS, Graphite Foil, Graphoil, Tehnisko Materialu Sagade Ltd., LTD TMS Ready gaskets, gaskets, graphite seals, asbestos-free gaskets, paranite gaskets, silicone gaskets, rubber seals, ptfe gaskets, special shaped gaskets, gaskets according to the sample, gasket drawing, gasket cutting, seals manufacture, textalite gaskets, PTFE envelope gaskets, multilayer gaskets, gore gaskets, blueflex, temasil, temafast, gambit, tesnit, donit, graphite, reinforced graphite, matriculator gaskets, temacid, sealants,, shape seals, motor gaskets, for the production of gaskets, manufacturing of gaskets, gasket cutting, gaskets processing, layout design, drawing, designing, modeling, gasket according to a sample, gaskets manufacturer, gasket factory, Temac, temaflex, temacarb, Temafast Economy, Temasil NG, Temasil HT, Temaplus, Temacid, BA, 202, BA, 203, BA, 50, BA, 55, BA,, BA, CF, BA, GL, BA,, BA,, BA, REM, BA, R300, BA, R302, DONIFLEX G, LD, DONIFLEX©, MD, DONIFLEX G, HD, DONIFLEX G, Em, GRAFILIT SF, GRAFILIT SP, GRAFILIT SL, GRAFILIT EM, DONIFLON 2030, DONIFLON 2020, DONIFLON 2010, DONIFLON 900E, MICALIT P, MICALIT F, Klinger, graphite, graphite sheets, graphite seals, carbon, ceramics, ecograf, econograf, KLINGERSIL C, 4430, KLINGERSIL C, 4400, Klinger 100 CAF, Klinger 200 CAF, Klinger 80 CAF, Klinger KLR, 232CAF, Klingerit 1000 CAF, Klingerit 3xA CAF, PGS, Graphite Foil, Graphoil, PTFE, ftoroplast, plastics, PVC, PE, POM, PTFE converts, envelope gaskets, gaskets in envelopes, PTFE envelope gaskets, graphite, graphite, carbon, carbon gaskets, fiberglass, textolite, glass laminated cloth, cardboard, cardboard, seal cardboard, seal paper. Tehnisko Materialu Sagade Ltd., Ltd. TMS EPTFE sealing tapes, ePTFE, teflon tape, Ptfe gaskets, tape, pTFE, ePTFE, gaskets, self-adhesive tapes, teflon sealing tapes, fum tapes, teflon, FEP, ftoroplast, polytetrafluorethylene, teflon sheets, ptfe rods, ptfe pipes, ptfe hoses, ptfe o rings, PTFE in parts, PTFE processing, polytetrafluorethylene processing, milling, drilling, production, chemically resistant, high temperature, self-adhesive, oil industry, chemical industry, pharmaceutical sealing, sealing for chemistry, hatch sealing, Tehnisko Materialu Sagade Ltd., Ltd. TMS gland sealing, sealing cord, sealing cord, asbestos-free, gasket, oil gasket, reinforcing rope, fitting seal, pump seal, piston pump seal, centrifugal pump seal, twisted cord, sealing lace, graphite string, ptfe cord, ceramic cord, fiberglass lace, GORE, gore sealing, nabivka, gasket for the pump, Temapack, temapak, temac, TEMAPACK GLAND PACKINGS, sealing for fittings, sealing cord for fittings, sealing for valves, sealing for faucets, sealing for bolts, PTFE, carbon, graphite, aramid, acrylic, acril, wool, fiberglass, zEBRA, impregnated, pressure, high revs, for high temperatures, chemically resistant, for chemistry, industrial, petroleum products, food, self-adhesive, to seal, repair cord, circular sealing, square sealing, Carbon, Expanded graphite, PTFE + Aramid, Aramid Acrylic yarn 100%, cotton 100%, ramie Glass, 7100, 7000, 6500, 6400, 6300, 6210, 6200, 6100, 5410, 5400, 5300, 5200, 5110, 5100, 4220, 4210, 4100, 4110, 3300, 3200, 3100, 2230, 2220, 2210, 1140, 1130, 1120, 1110, 1180, 1170, 1160, 0021, 0011, Tehnisko Materialu Sagade Ltd., Ltd. TMS fiberglass, ceramics, self-adhesive materials, thermal insulation, insulation tape, adhesive tape, fiberglass adhesive tape, fiberglass insulation tape, ceramic tape, silica tape, graphite tapes, ptfe tapes, fiber blankets, high temperature, heat resistant, 500, 600, 1000, 1100, fiberglass self-adhesive tape, adhesive tape, for fireplaces, for furnaces, for chimneys, insulation, fiberglass, glass, Tehnisko Materialu Sagade Ltd., Ltd. TMS Viton, viton, vitons, FPM, FKM,, ring, ring, round, rectangular, square-type, cuffs, gaskets, seals, sealants cords, Viton sheets, FKM rubber seals, FPM rubber seals, FEP, Fep incapsulated, vitona cord, viton cord, viton rubber, vitons ptfe,, rings, chemically resistant, for chemistry, oil products, heat resistant, for high temperatures, pharmacy, chemistry, oils, fuel, diesel, salniks, salniks, packing gland, tamping, hydraulic, pump, Tehnisko Materialu Sagade Ltd., Ltd. TMS metal hoses, metal hose, metal hoses, stainless steel hoses, heat-resistant hose, hose for bitumen, oil hoses, asphalt hoses, flexible metal hoses, corrugated metal hoses, Tehnisko Materialu Sagade Ltd., Ltd. TMS compensators, metallic compensators, compensators for pipelines, pipe compensators, expansion compensators, hydroimpact compensators, welded compensators, flange compensators, stainless steel compensators, vibration compensators, rubber compensators, PTFE compensators, fabric compensators, textile compensators, metal compensators, corrugated compensators, corrugated compensators, gas compensators, chip compensators, vibration compensators, vibration coolers, anti vibrations, compensate, vibration, oil products, gas, gas, for chemistry, high temperature, chemically resistant, for heavy loads, flange compensators, motorway compensators, hydraulic shock compensators, Rubber compensators for hydraulic systems, heating compensators, thread compensators, wrench compensators, vertical compensators, horizontal compensators, radial compensators, pipeline compensators, lens compensators, silphon compensators, vibro shields, rotary compensators, welded compensators, welded compensators, external pressure compensators, seismic compensators, rubber compensators, rectangular compensators, square compensators, figure compensators, shape compensators, high pressure compensators, Tehnisko Materialu Sagade Ltd., Ltd. TMS Borosilicate glass, viewing glass, chemical, glass, chemically resistant, heat-resistant glass, borosilicate, ilmadur glasses, round glasses, rectangular glasses, borosilicate, boron, silicate, glass, chemically resistant, high temperature glass, inspection glass, steam glass, glass for steam, thermal glass, tempered glass, glass on order, steam line glass, thick glass, corrugated glass, Tehnisko Materialu Sagade Ltd., Ltd. TMS dry connection, dry disconnecting couplings, lower filling head, sealed connection, API connection, API 1004 connection, FORT, VALE connections, EMCO, KANON, SELIA, TODO, Mann Tek, dry coupling, without drop connection, coupling, IP head, gasoline filling head, manifold, manifold, fuel truck, terminal, filling, dry, without drop, clean connection, Tehnisko Materialu Sagade Ltd., Ltd. TMS mann tek ab, mann tek Baltics, mann tek warehouse, mann tek official representative, todo official representative, dry joints, aviation sleeves, STANAG sleeves, STANAG 3756, todo connections, dry joints, no drip connections, rotating muffs, break away couplings, taps, valves, Ad blue, for chemistry, oil products, filling pistol, coupling, rotating, dry connection, without drop connection, analogue, for chemistry, for containers, automatic connection, Tehnisko Materialu Sagade Ltd., Ltd. TMS Full flow ball valves, aluminum ball valves, stainless steel ball valves, fuel truck valves, valves, fittings, ball valves, aluminum valves, aluminum valves, todo valves, todo fixture, mann tek armature, bolts, taps, ball valves, ball valves, bolt, armature, Tehnisko Materialu Sagade Ltd., Ltd. TMS railway lower connection, railway lower connection, aluminum sleeve, railway lower connection valve, USN, lower connection device, Tank lower connection, tank bottom connection, aluminum sleeve, Tank bottom connection valve, USN, lower connection device, train tank connection device, leak head, bottom leakage device, head, discharge head, filling head, wagon connection, tank connection, discharge head, pot, Tehnisko Materialu Sagade Ltd., Ltd. TMS wagon gasket, usn gaskets, wagon wrap, discharging wrap, tank discharging wrap, tank sealing, wrap production, rubber wrap, tank wrap, production of rubber molds, rubber casting, rubber extrusion, sealants, gasket, neoprene, SBR, NBR, EPDM, CR, NR, CSM, PUR, VMQ, silicone, polyurethane, viton, FPM, FKM, USN, wagon gasket, wagon sealing, rubber for wagon unloading, sealing for wagons, trestle, trestle wrap, Tehnisko Materialu Sagade Ltd., LTD TMS Rubber hoses, pipes, water hoses, gas hoses, food hoses, welding hoses, hoses, hoses, suction hoses, petrochemical hoses, oil pipes, steam hoses, oils, gasoline resistant hoses, air hoses, Semperit, hoses, goodyear hoses, stomil hoses, milk hoses, compressor hoses, flat hoses, extinguishing system hoses, hydraulic hoses, hose for feeding, suction hose, Stomil, DLL Plast, IVG, fAGUMIT, pARKER, unaflex, sleeve, hand, corrugated, sucking, pressure, for high temperatures, for concrete, cement, hoses for alcohol, hoses for alcohol, large diameter, large pressure, large size, fast delivery, production, manufacturer, connections for hoses, PVC, plastic hoses, abrasive, for abrasive substances, bitumen hoses, asphalt hoses, oils, diesel, Tehnisko Materialu Sagade Ltd., Ltd. TMS layflat hoses, pvc hoses, flat hoses, fire hoses, pump hoses, blue hoses, green hoses, cheap hoses, water hoses, hose for feeding, suction hose, Semperit, hoses, goodyear hoses, stomil hoses, DLL Plast, IVG, fAGUMIT, pARKER, unaflex, sleeve, hand, corrugated, pump kit, water lowering, water suction, suction, feeding, fabric hoses, fire resistant hoses, Tehnisko Materialu Sagade LTD, Ltd. TMS Camlock, Bauer Perrot, Storz, aluminum couplings, brass couplings, stainless steel sleeves, polypropylene compounds, quick connections, cam & groove, gaskets, Camlock gaskets, handles, rings, NBR gaskets, Viton gaskets, EPDM gaskets, Ltd. TMS Constrictor, brace, clamp, lock, staples, stainless steel clamps, hose clamps, GBS tightener, torro clamp, Norma clips, MIKALOR staples, hamuts, hamuts, stainless steel hamuti, aluminum zinc connectors, galvanized connectors, connectors with two screws, european connectors, tensioners, tightening tapes, tightener keys, tensioning tool, car tension straps, aluminum connectors, Tehnisko Materialu Sagade Ltd., Ltd. TMS concrete hoses, concrete mixture delivery hoses, hoses for cement, abrasive hoses, rubber hoses, concrete pumps, hose solution, victaulic connections, rubber hoses 80 bar, gaskets, purification balls, hoses cement, hoses for mixer, concrete pump, Tehnisko Materialu Sagade LTD PVC conveyor belts, FDA Conveyor Belts, green conveyor belts, blue conveyor belts, white, profiled, treadmill belts, CHIORINO belts, esbelt tapes, HABASIT tapes, food tapes, conveyor belts, conveyor belts, connections, gluing, treatment, tapes for berries, anti sticky tapes, against stick tape, Tehnisko Materialu Sagade Ltd., LTD TMS FLEXCO mechanical joints, conveyor belt conveyor repair, compounds alligator, RS62, RS125, RS187, ALLIGATOR, rivets, conveyor belt joints, conveyor components, gluing, gluing, tapes, conveyor belt gluing, tape assembly, mechanical connections, Tehnisko Materialu Sagade Ltd., Ltd. TMS Conveyor system elements, rolls, road-rollers, sides, roof systems, bearings, leading rollers, glue T, Rex, Rema Tip, Top, polyurethane, rubber, wipers, tip, top, cold vulcanization, chevron profiled tape, brushes, wipers, conveyor buckets, screws, edges, profile, gluing, assembly, Tehnisko Materialu Sagade Ltd., Ltd. TMS Drive belts, v-belts, rubber straps, industrial belts, narrow-profile belts, belts, double-sided belts, PVC belts, polyurethane straps, automobile belts, AVX belts, industrial belts, special belts, A B C D E AVX,, SPZ, SPA, SPB, SPC, XPZ, XPA, XPB, XPC, DK, PJ, PK, belts, flat belts, cellular rubber straps, car belts, industrial belts, spiked belts, transmission belts, double straps, paired belts, corrugated, track belts, blue Power, red power, agro power, Tehnisko Materialu Sagade Ltd., Ltd. TMS Plastic connectors, tension members, cable connectors, plastic connectors, locks, cable tension straps, plastic tourniquets, homuti, nylon tension straps, TMS plastic tensioners, TMS tension straps, bonds, mounts, assembly, constriction, wire, cable, Tehnisko Materiālu Sagāde Ltd., Ltd. TMS Isolating flanges, pipe connections, hermetic pipe joints, sealing compounds, insulation of flange joints, electrically insulating connections, dielectric connections, muffs, insulating flanges, insulating flanges, insulation set, Tehnisko Materiālu Sagāde Ltd., Ltd. TMS silicone, cable connections, silicone sponge handrails, plastic rails, plastic, railing lining, stair railings plastic shields, rubber railing lining, TMS railings, railing repair, staircase handrails, PVC railings, PVC railing lining, PVC handles, PCV shields, Tehnisko Materiālu Sagāde Ltd., SIA TMS. Rubber sealing materials.