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Jānis Vārpa, a competent specialist in labor protection, Kurzeme : companies :
Jānis Vārpa, a competent specialist in labor protection

Jānis Vārpa, a competent specialist in labor protection

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Labour protection
work safety
work safety instructions
work environment risk
Training in  labour protection


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Services of competent labor protection specialists. Occupational safety system, occupational safety, work environment risk assessment, documentation development, free consultations



Labour protection, workplace environment, preventive measures, work safety, health protection, working conditions, work environment risk, work environment risk assessment, occupational health and safety system, audit, work environment monitoring, individual protection means, safety signs, compulsory health checks, ergonomic workplace, accident investigation, action plan. Training in labour protection, work safety instructions, instructions. Occupational health and safety specialists. Labor safety organization. Full service labour protection services. Evacuation plans, plan. We provide services in: Saldus, Saldus district, Brocēni, Brocēnu district, Kuldiga, Kuldīgas district.
