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Volarts, LTD, Gravel and sand quarry, Siena 12, Liepāja, LV-3401 : companies :
Volarts, LTD, Gravel and sand quarry

Volarts, LTD, Gravel and sand quarry


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Working time

  • Sun-
  • Mon1000-1800
  • Tue1000-1800
  • Wed1000-1800
  • Thu1000-1800
  • Fri1000-1800
  • Sat1000-1400

Legal data

  1. 42103016421
  2. LV42103016421
  3. 18.04.1996
  4. 09.06.2004
  5. Siena iela 12 – 1, Liepāja, LV-3401
  6. 2023

BIS.GOV.LV information

  1. Ceļu būvdarbu vadīšana un būvuzraudzība
  2. 15473
  3. Aktīvs


"Volarts", SIA - Delivery of gravel and sand in Liepāja and the Liepāja region, as well as services of excavators and all kinds of equipment.


Gravel, sand, gravel quarry, freight transport, bulk cargoes,
transport services, excavator, excavator services, bulldozer,
gravel cleaning, pond digging, road cleaning, snow cleaning,
road grading, assimilate the roads, equipment services.
Sand quarry, sand sale, grant sale, gravel supply,
with delivery, sand delivery, transport services, bulk cargo transportation,
bulk cargo shipping, cargo transportation services, Liepaja,
Liepājas region.