Forums "AC/DC Tech 2024" par elektrotīkla noturību un drošumu – jau nākamnedēļ
Droša un ilgtspējīga energoapgāde nav iespējama bez atbilstoši sagatavotas infrastruktūras. Plānojot elektrotīkla attīstību, ir jāņem vērā gan elektrifikācijas tendences un nozares inovācijas, gan klimata pārmaiņu nestie izaicinājumi, gan joprojām saspringtā ģeopolitiskā situācija. Vai elektroapgādes sistēmu Latvijā jau varam dēvēt par noturīgu un drošu, kas darāms tās pilnveidei nākotnē un kā Latvija izskatās uz citu Eiropas valstu fona – šie būs svarīgākie sarunu pieturpunkti ceturtajā AS "Sadales tīkls" energoapgādes inovāciju forumā "AC/DC Tech". Tas norisināsies nākamnedēļ, 10. maijā, no pulksten 10.00, un interesenti tam varēs sekot līdzi arī tiešsaistē – "Sadales tīkla" Facebook lapā un LinkedIn kontā.
Šī gada foruma virstēma ir droša un ilgtspējīga elektroapgāde. Konferenci atklās Latvijas klimata un enerģētikas ministrs Kaspars Melnis un attālināti – Eiropas Savienības (ES) enerģētikas komisāre Kadri Simsone (Kadri Simson). Tam sekos ekspertu prezentācijas un paneļdiskusijas.
"Mums valstiski joprojām nav pilnībā skaidru atbilžu, kāds ir optimālais elektrības ražošanas un patēriņa jaudu balanss un energoresursu portfelis Latvijā 2025., 2030., 2050. gadā. Tomēr elektrotīkla jaudu attīstība ir ilgtermiņa, vairākos gados mērāms process, tāpēc mums jau šodien jāspēj prognozēt un attīstīt elektrotīklu tādu, kāds tas būs nepieciešams pēc pieciem, desmit un vairāk gadiem. Elektroapgādes sistēmas attīstība ir nebeidzams process, un rīcībai faktiski ir jābūt apsteidzošai, lai sistēma būtu atbilstoša patērētāju un tautsaimniecības vajadzībām, kā arī palīdzētu sasniegt nospraustos klimatneitralitātes mērķus. Kā elektrificēt uzņēmējdarbību, transportu, siltumapgādi, kā to visu paveikt koordinēti un efektīvi – par to diskutēsim šī gada forumā," akcentē "Sadales tīkla" valdes priekšsēdētājs Sandis Jansons.
Vai, runājot par klimata pārmaiņām, mūsdienās jau būtu vietā "sarkanais brīdinājums", skaidros laika ziņu redaktors Toms Bricis, bet par izaicinājumiem atjaunīgās enerģijas risinājumu integrēšanā runās Starptautiskās Enerģētikas aģentūras analītiķis Erēns Kams (Eren Çam). Ar elektrotīkla inovācijām, ko jau šodien praksē ievieš "Sadales tīkls", iepazīstinās "Sadales tīkla" inovāciju vadības direktors Tomass Liepnieks, bet kā Latvija elektroapgādes jomā izskatās uz citu Eiropas valstu fona, kopā ar Starptautiskās Enerģētikas aģentūras pārstāvi iezīmēs "Sadales tīkla" vadītājs Sandis Jansons. Savukārt par regulatīvā ietvara nozīmi ceļā uz inovāciju radīšanu runās Latvijas Bankas Finanšu tehnoloģiju uzraudzības pārvaldes vadītāja Marine Krasovska, bet recepti elektroenerģijas pieprasījuma līdzsvarošanai piedāvās programmas "Nākotnes enerģētikas līderi Latvijā" dalībniece Karīna Viskuba.
Par nepieciešamajām investīcijām elektroapgādes infrastruktūrā un finansējuma avotiem paneļdiskusijā "Ilgtspēja un drošums elektroapgādē" spriedīs eksperti no Klimata un enerģētikas ministrijas, Sabiedrisko pakalpojumu regulēšanas komisijas, Latvijas Elektroenerģētiķu un Energobūvnieku asociācijas u.c. nozares organizācijām. Savukārt gaidāmo elektrifikāciju un jaunos izaicinājumus paneļdiskusijā "Zaļi, bet vai izdevīgi? Elektrifikācija biznesā" pārrunās eksperti no Ekonomikas ministrijas, Latvijas Siltumuzņēmumu asociācijas un ražošanas uzņēmumiem.
Foruma programma un plašāka informācija pieejama
Forumu "AC/DC Tech" organizē Latvijas elektroenerģijas sadales sistēmas operators AS "Sadales tīkls" ar mērķi veidot dialogu starp lēmumu pieņēmējiem, nozares ekspertiem, tirgus dalībniekiem un uzņēmumiem par nozares transformāciju, kā arī informēt plašāku sabiedrību par izaicinājumiem un gaidāmajām izmaiņām elektroapgādes jomā. Forums ir gadskārtējs nozares notikums. Pirmais forums "AC/DC Tech" notika 2021. gadā.
Good day to every single one of our aquatic tranquility followers! There's nothing quite like plunging into a steaming jacuzzi after a grueling day. For anyone in search of the perfect tranquility experience, a hot tub is truly unparalleled. Variety is really the essence of life, and we firmly pride ourselves on offering a vast selection of hot tubs to satisfy every taste. Superiority, to us, is beyond a mere word. It's our benchmark. All of our products are subjected to rigorous testing to ensure they repeatedly provide the peak leisure experience for numerous years to come. Our knowledgeable staff is always on hand to direct you in finding the ideal spa for your wants and home. Have you ever considered having your very own comfort haven? What else are your must-haves when it involves choosing the ideal jacuzzi? Let's chat about it! Remain effervescent and calm! Incidentally, I set up my own cutting edge startup web-page just now, one can explore it here: Analyzing best jacuzzi brands for comfort Peoria Arizona Benefiting Diabetic Patients: Better Blood Glucose Control 65f4_32
EMDR Therapy: Clarifying Common Misunderstandings and Misapprehensions. Eye Movement Gradual Desensitization & Reprocessing (EMDR) offers gained well-known recognition since a good treatment pertaining to trauma-related problems, however false beliefs about its methods and efficacy still persist. On this forum post, most of us try in order to debunk some of the common myths as well as common myths surrounding EMDR therapy and also provide correct information about its principles as well as practices. Myth #1 and EMDR therapy should be only effective pertaining to treating post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Though EMDR therapy can be widely used in the treatment regarding PTSD, it has also been shown to get effective for a range connected with other mental health concerns, which include anxiety, depression, phobias, and also grief. Myth #2 and EMDR therapy is really a form linked with hypnosis or mind control. EMDR counseling just isn't hypnosis along with will not involve mind control. It really is the structured restorative approach of which utilizes reciprocal excitement strategies for you to facilitate this processing in addition to integration associated with distressing memories inside of a new safe in addition to supportive therapeutic environment. Myth #3 and EMDR treatment is only suitable intended for individuals with severe trauma. EMDR therapy will be worthwhile with regard to individuals with the wide range associate
Throughout negotiations, the professional acts among you and the potential purchaser's agent. They lead you toward reputable professionals, be they are in home inspection or financial advisory. After agreements are agreed, this particular specialist will arrange a place assessment and talk with you on potential changes, determining who takes on the financial obligation, whether you or the potential purchaser. - Managing Swift condo Listings via Agent Skills 57e0fb6
Material Maintenance Made Easy Maintaining the materials used in your tasks is essential to making them endure. Whether you’re dealing with wood, stone, metal, or other materials, knowing how to correctly keep up them can help you avoid spending time and money in the long run. For wood elements, especially outdoors, regular treatment and sealing are vital to protecting them from rain and rot. Using a wood cleaner and covering with sealant every few years will extend the strength of decks, fences, or wooden furniture. Avoiding direct proximity with soil or standing water can also minimize rot over time. Stone elements, like pavers or pathways, may be considered durable, but they still need attention. Regular hosing down and washing dirt can help them clean, and sealing the stone can help breaking or fading from sun exposure. For grime buildup, a mild cleaner and brush can make them to look clean again. Metal, commonly employed in outdoor furniture or fixtures, can rust if not properly cared for. Regularly coating with a protective coating or using rust-proof paint can ensure metal in good condition. For smaller items, easily cleaning them and storing them during harsh weather can avoid corrosion. By dedicating a little time to preserve these materials, you can make sure that your creations remain functional beautiful and practical for years to come. Regular attention, along with using quality components, will prevent you from needing to m
Acquiring the services of a attorney specializing in disabilities for claims concerning disabilities in the city of Albuquerque carries immense significance. People who seek the guidance of a disability lawyer in court proceedings related to disabilities can reap numerous advantages and invaluable assistance during the process of claiming disabilities. These attorneys have the essential skills, wisdom, and proficiency to efficiently traverse the complexities of the legal system and stand up for their clients' best welfare. One of the principal roles of a disability attorney in trials regarding disabilities involves skillfully directing and overseeing the legal processes. Disability attorneys stand out at maneuvering the complexities of court proceedings on disabilities, which can be daunting for those unfamiliar with the legal system. By utilizing the aid of a lawyer for disabled individuals, individuals with disabilities substantially boost their probability of success in courts dealing with disabilities. Throughout disability claims court proceedings, a disability attorney plays a central and dynamic part in supplying vital assistance. They vigorously work together with clients in compiling and lodging disability claims applications, petitions, and pleas, streamlining the procedure and making sure all necessary records is correctly provided. Additionally, disability attorneys extend vital support during disability court trials, employing their specialist kno
Living in Orange County or every coastal city close to the ocean provides plenty of perks, nonetheless it additionally poses unique challenges. One particular challenge is the possibility damage resulting from moisture and humidity to the drywall within our homes. In this article, we will delve into the vitality of prompt drywall repair and address the specifically targeted considerations for homeowners in Orange County and various coastal cities. By understanding the hazards and taking proactive measures, residents can guarantee the longevity and structural integrity of the homes. Grasping the Impact of Moisture on Drywall Drywall, a widely used building material employed in interior walls and ceilings, is vulnerable to moisture damage. In coastal areas, the closeness to your ocean increases the risk because of higher humidity levels and occasional moisture intrusion through the salty air. When moisture filters into drywall, it could cause various problems, including: Fungus and Mildew Growth: Excess moisture generates a great environment for mold and mildew to thrive, compromising indoor air quality and posing health problems. Structural Weakness: Wet drywall undermines and loses its structural integrity, potentially leading to sagging, cracks, or even collapse. Aesthetic ruin: dampness problems often occurs in unsightly discolorations, effervescent, peeling color, and texture impairment, lowering the overall look of your house. Prompt Drywall Restoration:
Transforming your home transaction into a cash sale and revolving real estate for gain can be a highly rewarding endeavor in the property market, if you meticulously organize and arrange. Begin by precisely determining your house's marketplace worth through professional assessments, comparative market studies, or web-based appraisal resources. Correct costing is crucial to avoid monetary setbacks or extended offering durations. Seeking a knowledgeable property agent can offer valuable guidance to set a fair and accurate asking price in line with existing market conditions. Ahead of listing your property for a cash sale, concentrate on performing essential repairs and improvements, especially in key sections like the cooking area and bathrooms, which can significantly enhance your home's value and investor desirability. Keeping your estate tidy and neat is important to drawing potential buyers quickly. Moreover, staging your house by organizing, arranging furnishings thoughtfully, and adding tasteful decor can generate an welcoming environment that increases purchaser appeal. Consulting a licensed house stager can further optimize your home's appearance. For those seeking to renovate homes for income, securing the right investment is crucial. Evaluate options such as conventional bank credits, hard money funds, or individual loans, and choose one that fits with your economic situation and project needs. Confirm you have a solid repayment strategy in or
Certified Roofing Experts in Wilmington North Carolina Residing close to the coast offers many rewards: ocean breezes, picturesque scenery and the unmistakable noise of waves hitting on the beach are some of them. However, living in such areas also brings unique challenges: wind, rain and the persistent salt-filled atmosphere can harm rooftops causing leaks, water infiltration and potentially mildew development beneath slates, thus necessitating hiring a professional roofer in Wilmington North Carol to tackle these challenges efficiently. That is why having reach to dependable roofing contractors specialists in Wilmington North Carol is vital! Roofers licensed with the State can examine possible concerns and take preventative measures to keep roofing systems in good order - this could reduce money in repairs while ensuring a safer living space or workspace for residents or workers. These businesses specialize in house and industrial roof services such as steel roof fittings, spray foam roofing, reflective roof jobs, tile repair solutions, complete replacements of both house and commercial rooftops and maintenance tasks. Additionally, they can manage installations for HOAs to meet regulations. Roof contractors certified in Wilmington NC must carry liability and bonding coverage when doing roofing tasks at residences and businesses, to shield homeowners from possible harm that may take place during a task and ensure their roof is repaired or substituted by c
What Reason Recruiting An Social Security Ineptitude Lawyer Becomes Significant. Employing The SSA Ineptitude Lawyer Is Vital. The Social Security Advisory Manages several initiatives from job-loss protection to public support, and also takes care of inability compensation for folks not able to perform due to long-term sickness or harm. As with any sophisticated group, there are laws and laws which must be observed by the mentioned agency in arrangement to acquire benefits. Looking to hire the Specialized lawyer for Social Security Administration Is paramount. Engaging the experienced Social Security Disability legal representative may guide you handle the difficulties of Social Security Administration SSA, boosting your chances of acceptance for beneficial outcomes. They can confirm that your proposal is lodged accurately and includes corroborating medical evidence; in addition, they recognize how to accumulate this evidence speedily so it is not presented late; moreover, they will bypass presenting irrelevant data that will cause obstacles and refusals by the Safeguarding Social Assets. Your disability consultant will also prime you for a hearing with SSA if your application is denied, by summarizing what to anticipate at it and responding to any of your questions about what happens there. They might guide with offering additional proof and inquiring the arbiter who heard your lawsuit to inspect their ruling and question witnesses or vocational authoriti
Thanks a lot for developing that informing and also pleasurable platform. I'm am eager to providing details the moment such a occasion manifests itself! Thanks yet again for offering that available to planet! - Realtor Skill: The Path to Swift House Transactions 9ba6156
Putting up a property goes beyond just showing a for sale notice. Engaging a skilled expert can ease the process, making sure a quick deal at a favorable cost. Those specialists hold deep knowledge of the housing scene, skilled at boosting exposure and tackling concerns, all while managing the necessary paperwork. - Methods how Agents Create the Change in Rapid Home Listings 6557e0f
The advantages of engaging with an accountancy corporation or accounting Firm for a lawyer and an actual Real Estate pro Law offices and real property masters handle many distinct concerns with regards to monitoring their financing. From accounting and tax organizing to financial reporting furthermore investigate, these lenders must stay on top of the loan procedures to keep up balance, comply with restrictions, and become. Appointing an bookkeeping business or clerking group can offer numerous features for law offices and real estate experts, helping them to conquer all concerns as well as enhance their general finance functioning. For attorneys, outsourced workers her or his bookkeeping functionality to a specialist organization can offer an array of pros, such as modified effectiveness and also precision, lowered tension and work, and professional advice and instructions. One of the main advantages of seeking an accounting corporation or bookkeeping firm for a lawyer is improved performance and precision. A seasoned accountant firm are designed for all fiscal activities, concerning bookkeeping, tax preparation, and finance exposure, freeing up law practice personnel to focus on their core jobs. This could furthermore reduce steadily the chance of hands-on errors, making certain all fiscal info is correct additionally up to date. Another essential advantage of freelancing sales elements to an expert firm is paid down stress and tasks. Law practice staff frequ
In negotiations, this professional serves between you and and the interested client's representative. They direct you to reliable experts, be they are in home assessment or financial guidance. When agreements are decided, this particular expert will coordinate a place assessment and talk with you likely fixes, deciphering who takes on the monetary duty, whether it's you or the interested buyer.
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