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3D GEO, LTD, Topography, geology Riga, Riga region, Ķekavas nov., Baldones pag., "Plātes", LV-2125 : companies :
3D GEO, LTD, Topography, geology Riga, Riga region

3D GEO, LTD, Topography, geology Riga, Riga region


  1. +371 29299976


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Legal data

  1. 40103322333
  2. LV40103322333
  3. "Luminor Bank", AS
  4. LV81RIKO0002013179327
  5. 14.09.2010
  6. "Plātes", Baldones pag., Ķekavas nov., LV-2125

About the company

SIA 3D GEO provides topography, geodesy, surveying and cartography services in Riga and the Riga region, as well as in Vidzeme, Kurzeme, Latgale and Zemgale.



Topography, geology, geodesy, building construction axis, executive schemes, topography, geodesy, ground geological research, geodesic works, surveying works in construction, construction, Topographical survey, Geodesist, Geodesy, Engineering geology, soil analysis, cubic capacity calculations, calculation, Red line setting, cartographer, topographer, construction axis marking, Surveying, Surveyors, surveyor, surveyor services, Surveying works, surveying, Topographical survey, executive survey, performance of executive measurements, scheme production, Topography, geodesy, geology, Riga, Riga region, Aizkraukles region, Alūksnes region, Bauskas region, Balvu region, Cesu district, Daugavpils region, Dobeles region, Gulbenes region, Jelgavas region, Jekabpils region, Jurmalas region, Kuldigas region, Kraslavas region, Liepājas region, Ludzas region, Limbazu district, Madonas region, Ogres district, Preilu region, Rezeknes region, Saldus region, Talsu region, Tukuma region, Valkas region, Valmieras district, Ventspils district. Topographer, geodesist, building facade surveying, Sand quarries, quarry research, sand quarry research, gravel quarries, gravel quarry exploration, Landscape architecture, Designing, Landscape architect, Landscape design, projects, Landscaping projects, Garden projects, House territory improvement, Improvement projects, Greening, Border plan production, Cadastre, Road surveying, Road topography, Forest road surveying.
