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AL Ceļu Būve, LTD, Gaujas 27A, Ādaži, Ādažu nov., LV-2164 : companies :

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Legal data

  1. 40103390749
  2. LV40103390749
  3. 09.03.2011
  4. 09.03.2011
  5. Biķernieku iela 71 – 18, Rīga, LV-1039

BIS.GOV.LV information

  1. Ceļu būvdarbu vadīšana un būvuzraudzība
  2. 10578-R
  3. Aktīvs

About us:

The company works to improve the quality of roads in Latvia. We carry out our work with a cohesive team of professionals who are active in the processes of growth and development of the company. We carry out our professional activities with an honest attitude towards work and positive, open communication with clients and cooperation partners. A strategically planned and thought-out work organization provides an opportunity to guarantee high quality of work and timely compliance with deadlines.
Our clients are companies, municipalities, state institutions, and private individuals.


Our services:

  • Construction
    Construction includes the process from the preparation of the construction site to the commissioning of the constructed facility. We build streets, squares, driveways, sidewalks, we build culverts. We use both asphalt concrete and concrete, as well as granite paving stone or natural stone. We also use other materials according to the Customer's needs and wishes.
  • Reconstruction
    The reconstruction includes milling of the top layer of asphalt concrete pavement, construction of asphalt concrete pavement, replacement of paving stones, leveling of wells, gutters, replacement of culverts, adjustment / replacement of sidewalks and road curbs, application of markings.
  • Maintenance
    Maintenance includes asphalt concrete pavement repairs in the summer and winter seasons, construction of speed bumps, replacement of damaged paving stone, replacement of damaged sidewalks and road curbs, replacement of damaged wells, gutters, water channels, pavement marking, installation of road signs, installation of safety barriers, maintenance and repair of culvert structures.
  • Other services
    Rental of road construction equipment, truck and tow truck services, snow removal/removal works.



Asphalting and paving, Road construction, Asflatēšana, asphalt laying, asphalt concrete paving, asphalt concrete, paving, pavement, cobblestone, cobblestone repair, paving, hole repair, road sign installation, speed bump, speed ramps, ātrumvaļņu izbūve, road construction, snow cleaning, snow removal, seguma marķēšana, line painting,
asphalt milling, veltņa noma, asfaltieklājēja noma, cutter rental, asfaltbetona frēzes noma
