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Geolite, Ltd., Geological research, Jāņa Čakstes gatve 33, Rīga, LV-1076 : companies :

Photo 3

Geotechnical research
Geological research


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Working time

  • Sun-
  • Mon1000-1800
  • Tue1000-1800
  • Wed1000-1800
  • Thu1000-1800
  • Fri1000-1800
  • Sat-

Legal data

  1. 40103400303
  2. LV40103400303
  3. 31.03.2011
  4. Jāņa Čakstes gatve 33, Rīga, LV-1076
  5. 2023

BIS.GOV.LV information

  1. Inženierizpēte
  2. 11343
  3. Aktīvs

Geological research

Professional and high-quality geological research services throughout Latvia. Geotechnical investigation, ground investigation before building a house, mineral deposit investigation, prospecting, remaining stock calculation, inventory, 3D modeling, mineral mining project. We are one of the leading geological exploration companies in Latvia. We perform the work with high quality and high responsibility. We have the appropriate certificates and licenses to perform work.



  • Geotechnical research
  • Mineral exploration
  • Geological exploration of mineral deposits
  • Geological research of peat deposits
  • Career project and documents
  • Calculation of remaining stock



Geotechnical research, Geological research, Geology, Exploration of mineral deposits.

Mineral deposit extraction project. Research work. Geotechnical research for buildings, Topographical survey, Quarry project, Drilling works, Bore-holes, Laboratory works, Hydrogeology, Geoecological research and monitoring, Inventory audit and inventory for existing deposits, quarry, natural resources. Engineering technical research. Geologists in Latvia.
