Geolite, Ltd., Geological research

Mineral deposit extraction project. Research work. Geotechnical research for buildings, Topographical survey, Quarry project, Drilling works, Bore-holes, Laboratory works, Hydrogeology, Geoecological research and monitoring, Inventory audit and inventory for existing deposits, quarry, natural resources. Engineering technical

Geolite, Ltd., Geological research
Mineral deposit extraction project. Research work. Geotechnical research for buildings, Topographical survey, Quarry project, Drilling works, Bore-holes, Laboratory works, Hydrogeology, Geoecological research and monitoring, Inventory audit and inventory for existing deposits, quarry, natural resources. Engineering technical
Jāņa Čakstes gatve 33, Rīga, LV-1076
Ģeo eksperts, LTD

Geological prospecting and geotechnical exploration services, Drilling works, Geotechnical drilling, Static probing, CPT, Static probing with pore pressure measurement, Dissipation tests, Pore scattering test, CPTU, Dynamic probing, DPSH, Soil laboratory studies, Inspection of foundations of existing buildings, Static plate inspection,

Ģeo eksperts, LTD
Geological prospecting and geotechnical exploration services, Drilling works, Geotechnical drilling, Static probing, CPT, Static probing with pore pressure measurement, Dissipation tests, Pore scattering test, CPTU, Dynamic probing, DPSH, Soil laboratory studies, Inspection of foundations of existing buildings, Static plate inspection,
Tvaika 27, Rīga, LV-1005
Intergeo Baltic, LTD

Geology, Geological research, Engineering geology, Bore-holes, Bonding, Hydrogeological research, Geotechnical research, DPH, CPT, Geotechnical drilling, Vibrating drilling, Threaded drilling, Soil sampling, Core drilling, Drilling and sounding, Laboratory studies, Geotechnical mapping, Basic survey, Hydrogeological research,

Intergeo Baltic, LTD
Geology, Geological research, Engineering geology, Bore-holes, Bonding, Hydrogeological research, Geotechnical research, DPH, CPT, Geotechnical drilling, Vibrating drilling, Threaded drilling, Soil sampling, Core drilling, Drilling and sounding, Laboratory studies, Geotechnical mapping, Basic survey, Hydrogeological research,
Braslas 19, Rīga, LV-1084
Ģeo, LTD, Geology and surveying

Cadastral surveying, ( land border plans), Surveyors in Riga, Certified surveyors, surveying office in Riga, Geology, topography, spice, water supply, artesian bore, boreholes, Engineering geological research, mineral deposit, ( sand, gravel, dolomite, peat, clay) research, deposits, Borehole making, borehole, water supply wells, Artesian

Ģeo, LTD, Geology and surveying
Cadastral surveying, ( land border plans), Surveyors in Riga, Certified surveyors, surveying office in Riga, Geology, topography, spice, water supply, artesian bore, boreholes, Engineering geological research, mineral deposit, ( sand, gravel, dolomite, peat, clay) research, deposits, Borehole making, borehole, water supply wells, Artesian
Putnu 9, Rīga, LV-1004, LTD

Surveyor works, surveyors, surveyor, surveying services, surveyor services, surveyor services, surveying office. Land use, land use planning project, land survey projects. Land surveying, land surveyor, land surveyors. Surveying, surveying works. Topography, topographical works, topography works, topography services, topographer,, LTD
Surveyor works, surveyors, surveyor, surveying services, surveyor services, surveyor services, surveying office. Land use, land use planning project, land survey projects. Land surveying, land surveyor, land surveyors. Surveying, surveying works. Topography, topographical works, topography works, topography services, topographer,
Eduarda Smiļģa 2A, Rīga, LV-1048
Vides un Ģeo projekti, LTD

Geological research. Geotechnical research, sand gravel exploration and documentation, establishment of groundwater monitoring systems. Monitoring at gas stations, waste landfills.

Vides un Ģeo projekti, LTD
Geological research. Geotechnical research, sand gravel exploration and documentation, establishment of groundwater monitoring systems. Monitoring at gas stations, waste landfills.
Skultes 15 - 18, Skulte, Mārupes pagasts, Mārupes nov., LV-2108
Latvijas Pazemes Ūdeņi, LTD

Boreholes, borehole, well drilling, geothermal drills, well design, repair. Artesian wells. Water analysis. Water supply, water-supply systems, purification equipment, geological research, geology, soil and groundwater analysis, quarry research, building foundation surveying, sewerage.

Latvijas Pazemes Ūdeņi, LTD
Boreholes, borehole, well drilling, geothermal drills, well design, repair. Artesian wells. Water analysis. Water supply, water-supply systems, purification equipment, geological research, geology, soil and groundwater analysis, quarry research, building foundation surveying, sewerage.
Dravnieku 6 - 100, Rīga, LV-1021
Kurzemes Dziļurbums, LTD

Borehole well drilling, borehole wells, well, boreholes, artesian wells, well cleaning, re-pumping, borehole liquidation, tamponage, borehole pump installation, geothermal well drilling, installation of heat pumps, installation of water pipe, sewerage installation, plumbing work conducting, plumbing works, water analysis supply,

Kurzemes Dziļurbums, LTD
Borehole well drilling, borehole wells, well, boreholes, artesian wells, well cleaning, re-pumping, borehole liquidation, tamponage, borehole pump installation, geothermal well drilling, installation of heat pumps, installation of water pipe, sewerage installation, plumbing work conducting, plumbing works, water analysis supply,
Avotu 2 - 2, Liepāja, LV-3401
Renars Ziedins

Spice, installation of spokes, geological drilling, boreholes, well construction, artesian wells, borehole cleaning, connection of water pumps, repair of boreholes, geothermal drills, pump installation, geological research, engineering geological research.

Renars Ziedins
Spice, installation of spokes, geological drilling, boreholes, well construction, artesian wells, borehole cleaning, connection of water pumps, repair of boreholes, geothermal drills, pump installation, geological research, engineering geological research.

Geological drilling, boreholes, engineering geological research, well construction, well servicing, well servicing, well rinsing, water stations, building pipeline laying.

Geological drilling, boreholes, engineering geological research, well construction, well servicing, well servicing, well rinsing, water stations, building pipeline laying.
Izpēte, LTD

Surveying, geology, surveying services, geology services. Topographical plans, topographical plan development, communication track demarcation, construction axis marking. Buildings built, executive measurements of building communications. Geotechnical research. Surveying, surveyors. Executive measurement plan. Experience in large

Izpēte, LTD
Surveying, geology, surveying services, geology services. Topographical plans, topographical plan development, communication track demarcation, construction axis marking. Buildings built, executive measurements of building communications. Geotechnical research. Surveying, surveyors. Executive measurement plan. Experience in large
Graudu 58, Rīga, LV-1058
AkaTe, LTD

Water collection, water, bore-holes, tamponage works, rinsing, Borehole, boreholes, artesian wells, well, borehole, borehole digging, creation, creation, drilling, repair, equipping, cleaning, rinsing, Artesian wells, Artesian well boring, Borehole, Boreholes, Borehole liquidation, Borehole pump installation, Geothermal well

AkaTe, LTD
Water collection, water, bore-holes, tamponage works, rinsing, Borehole, boreholes, artesian wells, well, borehole, borehole digging, creation, creation, drilling, repair, equipping, cleaning, rinsing, Artesian wells, Artesian well boring, Borehole, Boreholes, Borehole liquidation, Borehole pump installation, Geothermal well
Dārza 8 - 8, Skrunda, Kuldīgas nov., LV-3326

Well drilling, borehole, boreholes, Water supply, Water supply, Boreholes, borehole, establishment of borehole, well drilling, well digging, geothermal drills, bore, borehole design, repair, restoration, renovation, Artesian wells, We restore wells, boreholes, Dowsing, Location of water place, We also bore tamponage, ( tamponage) or

Well drilling, borehole, boreholes, Water supply, Water supply, Boreholes, borehole, establishment of borehole, well drilling, well digging, geothermal drills, bore, borehole design, repair, restoration, renovation, Artesian wells, We restore wells, boreholes, Dowsing, Location of water place, We also bore tamponage, ( tamponage) or
Austuves 3A, Rīga, LV-1063
Skrūvpāļu pamati, LTD

Screw piles, foundations, screwing, apartment buildings, construction, frame houses, extension, reconstruction, designing, metal structures, structures, geology, Screw piles, foundations, screwing, apartment buildings, construction, frame houses, extension, reconstruction, designing, metal structures, structures, geology,

Skrūvpāļu pamati, LTD
Screw piles, foundations, screwing, apartment buildings, construction, frame houses, extension, reconstruction, designing, metal structures, structures, geology, Screw piles, foundations, screwing, apartment buildings, construction, frame houses, extension, reconstruction, designing, metal structures, structures, geology,
Gunāra Astras 8, Rīga, LV-1082
3D GEO, LTD, Topography, geology Riga, Riga region

Topography, geology, geodesy, building construction axis, executive schemes, topography, geodesy, ground geological research, geodesic works, surveying works in construction, construction, Topographical survey, Geodesist, Geodesy, Engineering geology, soil analysis, cubic capacity calculations, calculation, Red line setting,

3D GEO, LTD, Topography, geology Riga, Riga region
Topography, geology, geodesy, building construction axis, executive schemes, topography, geodesy, ground geological research, geodesic works, surveying works in construction, construction, Topographical survey, Geodesist, Geodesy, Engineering geology, soil analysis, cubic capacity calculations, calculation, Red line setting,
Biksēres 2, Rīga, LV-1073
Ģeoserviss, JSC

Topographical plan, Engineering geological research, engineering geology, surveyor, surveying, engineering geological research. Building area, engineering geological and hydrogeological areas and their surroundings, pollution, research, Structural foundation foundation geotechnical, Determination of soil bearing capacity by

Ģeoserviss, JSC
Topographical plan, Engineering geological research, engineering geology, surveyor, surveying, engineering geological research. Building area, engineering geological and hydrogeological areas and their surroundings, pollution, research, Structural foundation foundation geotechnical, Determination of soil bearing capacity by
Piedrujas 11 - 101, Rīga, LV-1073
Ventmetrs, LTD

Surveying, Topography, Surveying geodesy cartography topography. Geodesy. Surveying, surveying works, surveyor, surveyor services, land use, geology, geodesy, detail planning. Topography, topographical plans, topographical works, land surveying, topographical survey, engineering geodesy, executive schemes, executive measurements,

Ventmetrs, LTD
Surveying, Topography, Surveying geodesy cartography topography. Geodesy. Surveying, surveying works, surveyor, surveyor services, land use, geology, geodesy, detail planning. Topography, topographical plans, topographical works, land surveying, topographical survey, engineering geodesy, executive schemes, executive measurements,
Riņķa 52, Ventspils, LV-3601
Parnas GEO, LTD

Surveying, surveyors, geodesy, geodesists, cartography, executive survey, topography, topographers, maps, folders, land use, geodetic research, engineering geology, construction axis marking, engineering geology, border surveying, cadastral survey, topographical survey. Surveying in Daugavpils, In Latgale, surveyors, surveying

Parnas GEO, LTD
Surveying, surveyors, geodesy, geodesists, cartography, executive survey, topography, topographers, maps, folders, land use, geodetic research, engineering geology, construction axis marking, engineering geology, border surveying, cadastral survey, topographical survey. Surveying in Daugavpils, In Latgale, surveyors, surveying
Rīgas 81 - 1A, Daugavpils, LV-5401
Consilium Medicum, LTD

Medical clinic, clinic in Riga, clinic, medical practice, medical institution, pediatrics, medical center, health center, medical institution, medical clinic, therapeutic outpatient services, health centers in Riga, doctors, coloproctologist, traumatologist, rheumatologist, immunologist, neurologist, ophthalmologist,

Consilium Medicum, LTD
Medical clinic, clinic in Riga, clinic, medical practice, medical institution, pediatrics, medical center, health center, medical institution, medical clinic, therapeutic outpatient services, health centers in Riga, doctors, coloproctologist, traumatologist, rheumatologist, immunologist, neurologist, ophthalmologist,
Rūpniecības 7-1, Rīga LV-1010
Meridiāns, LTD
Geology and geotechnics
Meridiāns, LTD
Geology and geotechnics
Saules 13, Daugavpils, LV-5401
Ūdenslīnija, LTD
Geology and geotechnics
Ūdenslīnija, LTD
Geology and geotechnics
Latgales 250, Rīga LV-1063
Ģeoloģika, LTD
Geology and geotechnics
Ģeoloģika, LTD
Geology and geotechnics
Kļavu 2A, Limbaži, Limbažu nov., LV-4001
Geoteh, LTD
Geology and geotechnics
Geoteh, LTD
Geology and geotechnics
Starta 7, Rīga, LV-1026
GeoGroup, LTD
Geology and geotechnics
GeoGroup, LTD
Geology and geotechnics
Strazdu 2-1, Rīga, LV-1002
Ģeoplus, LTD
Geology and geotechnics
Ģeoplus, LTD
Geology and geotechnics
Olīvu 9, Rīga, LV-1004