Water supply and sewerage systems
Eco Tehnoloģijas, LTD

Septics, storage tanks, biological sewerage, bio sewer, biological sewage tanks, bio sewage tanks, tanks, biological treatment plant, city connections, construction of water-pipes, sewerage, sewer construction, ECO basements, eco technologies, reconstruction of sewerage systems, storm water drainage, drainage systems, land amelioration,

Eco Tehnoloģijas, LTD
Septics, storage tanks, biological sewerage, bio sewer, biological sewage tanks, bio sewage tanks, tanks, biological treatment plant, city connections, construction of water-pipes, sewerage, sewer construction, ECO basements, eco technologies, reconstruction of sewerage systems, storm water drainage, drainage systems, land amelioration,
Druvas 10, Limbaži, Limbažu nov., LV-4001

Drainage, drainage systems, sanitation, waste collection services, purification equipment, groundwater, decreasing of ground waters, waste-water, land reclamation, drainage system construction, gullies, biological systems, external, internal drainage, municipal wastewater treatment, cesspool, cesspools, well curbs, reservoirs,

Drainage, drainage systems, sanitation, waste collection services, purification equipment, groundwater, decreasing of ground waters, waste-water, land reclamation, drainage system construction, gullies, biological systems, external, internal drainage, municipal wastewater treatment, cesspool, cesspools, well curbs, reservoirs,
Brīvības 10B - 211, Dobele, Dobeles nov., LV-3701
Salas Company, LTD

Pumps, Waste water pumps, sewerage pumps, pump stations, water supply pumps, borehole pumps, quarry pumps. Drainage pumps, water pump repair, service. Pump repair, service. Portable drainage pumps( professional) . Mud pumps( abrasive mud, fluid, liquid pumping) . Pumps for large quantities of water and sewage pumping, pumping, pumping. ( POLDERU

Salas Company, LTD
Pumps, Waste water pumps, sewerage pumps, pump stations, water supply pumps, borehole pumps, quarry pumps. Drainage pumps, water pump repair, service. Pump repair, service. Portable drainage pumps( professional) . Mud pumps( abrasive mud, fluid, liquid pumping) . Pumps for large quantities of water and sewage pumping, pumping, pumping. ( POLDERU
Latgales 449, Rīga, LV-1063
August Latvia Serviss, LTD

Solar water heaters, pool heating, wastewater biological treatment plants, sewerage systems, purification equipment for private homes, bio equipment, private house, industrial and domestic waste water treatment, sewerage septic tanks, fire reservoirs, storage tanks, fiberglass tanks, petroleum
, oils, sand, degreasers, sewage flow, water

August Latvia Serviss, LTD
Solar water heaters, pool heating, wastewater biological treatment plants, sewerage systems, purification equipment for private homes, bio equipment, private house, industrial and domestic waste water treatment, sewerage septic tanks, fire reservoirs, storage tanks, fiberglass tanks, petroleum
, oils, sand, degreasers, sewage flow, water
Sliežu 7, Rīga, LV-1005
Stamars water-supply systems

Plumbing wholesale. Plumbing retail. Pipes. Plumbing trade. Water supply. Water filters. Water treatment. Water analysis. Water treatment. Pipes for water supply, pipe connections, armature, valves, valves, regulators, thermostats, manometers, tools, equipment and materials for pipeline installation, water filters, water supply filters,

Stamars water-supply systems
Plumbing wholesale. Plumbing retail. Pipes. Plumbing trade. Water supply. Water filters. Water treatment. Water analysis. Water treatment. Pipes for water supply, pipe connections, armature, valves, valves, regulators, thermostats, manometers, tools, equipment and materials for pipeline installation, water filters, water supply filters,
Pakalniešu 7, Rīga, LV-1024
Ramkons, LTD

Ready mixed concrete, mortar, reinforced concrete, reinforced concrete products, support, foundations, wells for telecommunications, foundation blocks, reinforced concrete curbs, well curbs, drainage curbs, concrete ring basics, wells covers, hatches, manhole covers, covers, door and window box lintels, intermediate covering plane, PP10,

Ramkons, LTD
Ready mixed concrete, mortar, reinforced concrete, reinforced concrete products, support, foundations, wells for telecommunications, foundation blocks, reinforced concrete curbs, well curbs, drainage curbs, concrete ring basics, wells covers, hatches, manhole covers, covers, door and window box lintels, intermediate covering plane, PP10,
Mārkalnes 11 k-2, Rīga, LV-1024
Uponor Latvia, LTD

Heating, heating systems, heated floors, heated floor, warm floor in the house, heat supply, heat networks, underfloor heating, underfloor cooling, underfloor heating and cooling, heating and cooling, room temperature control, water supply, water supply systems, pipes, automatics, drinking water delivery, temperature control in the premises,

Uponor Latvia, LTD
Heating, heating systems, heated floors, heated floor, warm floor in the house, heat supply, heat networks, underfloor heating, underfloor cooling, underfloor heating and cooling, heating and cooling, room temperature control, water supply, water supply systems, pipes, automatics, drinking water delivery, temperature control in the premises,
Ganību dambis 7A, Rīga, LV-1045

Filters for drinking water. Mechanical water filters, combined water filters. Chemical water filters, Euro filters, Junkers filters, ( Junkors filters) water treatment. Water softening. Filters for iron clearing. Combined water filter with quartz sand „Balts Extra”, Akvedukts. Mechanical element + active carbon, silver, ionic resin,

Filters for drinking water. Mechanical water filters, combined water filters. Chemical water filters, Euro filters, Junkers filters, ( Junkors filters) water treatment. Water softening. Filters for iron clearing. Combined water filter with quartz sand „Balts Extra”, Akvedukts. Mechanical element + active carbon, silver, ionic resin,
Vestienas 2, Rīga, LV-1035
Tehniskie projekti, LTD

Compensators Frenzelit, metal surface restoration, compensators, sealants, pumps for manufacturing, Chesterton gaskets, compressors, gaskets, oiling materials, CHESTERTON - gaskets, soft material gaskets, metal gaskets, mechanical end seals, COMPROFILE-metal seals with graphite, spiral seals, spiral seals, ( SPIRAL WOUND) metal seal with

Tehniskie projekti, LTD
Compensators Frenzelit, metal surface restoration, compensators, sealants, pumps for manufacturing, Chesterton gaskets, compressors, gaskets, oiling materials, CHESTERTON - gaskets, soft material gaskets, metal gaskets, mechanical end seals, COMPROFILE-metal seals with graphite, spiral seals, spiral seals, ( SPIRAL WOUND) metal seal with
Latgales 322B-403, Rīga LV-1063
Ozirs, Individual merchant

Heating pumps. Heat pump. Air heat pump. Air heat pumps. Heat pump prices. Heat pump installation, warranty and maintenance. Heat pump. Heat pump systems. Air heat pump sale, trade, repair. Mitsubishi air heat pumps. Toshiba heat pumps and air conditioners. Air water heat pumps. Heating equipment. In Latvia manufactured boilers. Heating systems.

Ozirs, Individual merchant
Heating pumps. Heat pump. Air heat pump. Air heat pumps. Heat pump prices. Heat pump installation, warranty and maintenance. Heat pump. Heat pump systems. Air heat pump sale, trade, repair. Mitsubishi air heat pumps. Toshiba heat pumps and air conditioners. Air water heat pumps. Heating equipment. In Latvia manufactured boilers. Heating systems.
Brocēni, Saldus nov. LV-3851
Rīgas Mērnieks, LTD

Surveying office in Riga, engineering networks, building commissioning, building commissioning, commissioning of engineering networks, coordination of documents in the building board, coordination of documentation in Construction Board, act, preparation of act, axis setting in nature, horizontal survey, vertical surveying, topography,

Rīgas Mērnieks, LTD
Surveying office in Riga, engineering networks, building commissioning, building commissioning, commissioning of engineering networks, coordination of documents in the building board, coordination of documentation in Construction Board, act, preparation of act, axis setting in nature, horizontal survey, vertical surveying, topography,
Vietalvas 1, Rīga, LV-1009

Sewerage construction, water pipe construction in Latvia, water supply works, septic tank septic tank and their construction, In Vidzeme, In Limbazi, Salacgrīva, In Ainazi, Aloja, Staicele, In Valmiera, In Valka, In Mazsalaca, Rūjiena, In Smiltene, In Rauna, In Cesis, Līgatne, In Sigulda, In Saulkrasti, In Vecpiebalga, In Jaunpiebalga, In Ogre.

Sewerage construction, water pipe construction in Latvia, water supply works, septic tank septic tank and their construction, In Vidzeme, In Limbazi, Salacgrīva, In Ainazi, Aloja, Staicele, In Valmiera, In Valka, In Mazsalaca, Rūjiena, In Smiltene, In Rauna, In Cesis, Līgatne, In Sigulda, In Saulkrasti, In Vecpiebalga, In Jaunpiebalga, In Ogre.
"Jaunzāģeri", Limbažu pagasts, Limbažu nov., LV-4001
Guno M, LTD, Concrete ring factory, trade

Construction, reinforced concrete product factory, well curbs, concrete curbs, concrete ring production, lining ring delivery, drainage curbs with a groove, well curbs, curbs with base, wells covers, foundation blocks, non-standard concrete structures, non-standard concrete structure production, production, non-standard solutions, well

Guno M, LTD, Concrete ring factory, trade
Construction, reinforced concrete product factory, well curbs, concrete curbs, concrete ring production, lining ring delivery, drainage curbs with a groove, well curbs, curbs with base, wells covers, foundation blocks, non-standard concrete structures, non-standard concrete structure production, production, non-standard solutions, well
"Zvejnieki", Zvārdes pagasts, Saldus nov., LV-3883

Construction works, repair works, ERBO, building restoration, construction, performance of construction works, renovation, building renovation, water supply and sewerage, heat supply, ventilation systems, construction works in Vidzeme, windows, doors, gates, overhead gates, flat repair, bathroom renovation, finishing works,

Construction works, repair works, ERBO, building restoration, construction, performance of construction works, renovation, building renovation, water supply and sewerage, heat supply, ventilation systems, construction works in Vidzeme, windows, doors, gates, overhead gates, flat repair, bathroom renovation, finishing works,
Baznīcas laukums 9, Smiltene, Smiltenes nov., LV-4729
Zilber, LTD

Water supply and sewage network construction, installation, installation works for private houses, for farms, for industrial buildings, for buildings, for new buildings, for new buildings, farm objects, for municipal buildings, commercial objects. Water-pipe, ( water-pipe) water pipeline accidents, emergency repair works. Waterpipe

Zilber, LTD
Water supply and sewage network construction, installation, installation works for private houses, for farms, for industrial buildings, for buildings, for new buildings, for new buildings, farm objects, for municipal buildings, commercial objects. Water-pipe, ( water-pipe) water pipeline accidents, emergency repair works. Waterpipe
Latgales 328, Rīga, LV-1063
Līvānu dzīvokļu un komunālā saimniecība, Ltd. - water supply, building management, waste removal, construction equipment rental in Līvāni

Līvānu apartment and community management, waste management, water and sewerage station, emergency service, waste management and recycling, DZKS, lift rental in Livani, construction equipment rental in Līvāni, tractor rental in Livani, excavator rental in Līvāni, front loaders Livani, consulting clients on house management issues,

Līvānu dzīvokļu un komunālā saimniecība, Ltd. - water supply, building management, waste removal, construction equipment rental in Līvāni
Līvānu apartment and community management, waste management, water and sewerage station, emergency service, waste management and recycling, DZKS, lift rental in Livani, construction equipment rental in Līvāni, tractor rental in Livani, excavator rental in Līvāni, front loaders Livani, consulting clients on house management issues,
Rīgas 2B, Līvāni, Līvānu nov., LV-5316
Eglaines, LTD

Construction works in Madona, repairs in Madona, electrical installation works in Madona, electric installation, wiring, electric installation works, wiring installation, power supply, electric measurements, lightning protection, electrical measurements and tests, electrical installation insulation resistance measurements,

Eglaines, LTD
Construction works in Madona, repairs in Madona, electrical installation works in Madona, electric installation, wiring, electric installation works, wiring installation, power supply, electric measurements, lightning protection, electrical measurements and tests, electrical installation insulation resistance measurements,
"Eglaines", Liezēres pagasts, Madonas nov., LV-4884
UG māja, LTD

Construction, construction, repair, construction works, repair works, facade insulation, facade construction, roof works, sewerage and water pipeline construction, electrical installation works, window and door installation, plumbing installation, plumbing repair.

UG māja, LTD
Construction, construction, repair, construction works, repair works, facade insulation, facade construction, roof works, sewerage and water pipeline construction, electrical installation works, window and door installation, plumbing installation, plumbing repair.
"Bērzi 3" - 21, Krīvi, Vaives pagasts, Cēsu nov., LV-4136

Office repair and finishing works, interior works, exterior works, private house construction. Electrical and plumbing services. Facade renovation, ( insulation, finish) . Paving and improvement works. Heat insulation with eco wool. Wooden facade, patio construction and renovation. New and existing roof constructions and covers, ( tin, tile,

Office repair and finishing works, interior works, exterior works, private house construction. Electrical and plumbing services. Facade renovation, ( insulation, finish) . Paving and improvement works. Heat insulation with eco wool. Wooden facade, patio construction and renovation. New and existing roof constructions and covers, ( tin, tile,
Miera 90, Rīga, LV-1013
Siltie Nami, LTD

Designing, author supervision, construction, energy audit, energy service company, energy efficiency, architectural firm, insulation, technical inspection, renovation, facade restoration, energy service services, energy audit of private houses, energy certification, development of various projects, repair works, construction works,

Siltie Nami, LTD
Designing, author supervision, construction, energy audit, energy service company, energy efficiency, architectural firm, insulation, technical inspection, renovation, facade restoration, energy service services, energy audit of private houses, energy certification, development of various projects, repair works, construction works,
Biķernieku 22, Rīga, LV-1006
Wilo Baltic, LTD

Pumps for heating systems, Pumps for water supply systems, Waste water pumps, Sewer system pumps, Wilo Pump repair and maintenance, Pump, pump systems, wilo, wILO pumps, pump station, sewerage pumps, sewage pump, borehole pump, water pumps, submersible water pump, water pump for a private house, water pump, borehole pumps, heat pumps, heating

Wilo Baltic, LTD
Pumps for heating systems, Pumps for water supply systems, Waste water pumps, Sewer system pumps, Wilo Pump repair and maintenance, Pump, pump systems, wilo, wILO pumps, pump station, sewerage pumps, sewage pump, borehole pump, water pumps, submersible water pump, water pump for a private house, water pump, borehole pumps, heat pumps, heating
Ķengaraga 10B, Rīga, LV-1063

24-hour technical sewer service, service. Emergency service, sewerage accident, 24-hour emergency service, accident liquidation, clogging elimination, sewerage cleaning, riser cleaning( repair) plumber, sanitary technical( plumbing) works. Sanitation, sewerage well cleaning, sewerage cesspool cleaning, septic cleaning, biological

24-hour technical sewer service, service. Emergency service, sewerage accident, 24-hour emergency service, accident liquidation, clogging elimination, sewerage cleaning, riser cleaning( repair) plumber, sanitary technical( plumbing) works. Sanitation, sewerage well cleaning, sewerage cesspool cleaning, septic cleaning, biological
Efiko, LTD

Design office, designing offices, projects, design works, engineering offices in Riga, engineers office, civil engineers office, civil engineer consultations, design services, complex design, engineering design, engineering communication design, engineering communications, engineering consulting, engineering network design,

Efiko, LTD
Design office, designing offices, projects, design works, engineering offices in Riga, engineers office, civil engineers office, civil engineer consultations, design services, complex design, engineering design, engineering communication design, engineering communications, engineering consulting, engineering network design,
Ozolkalnu 11, Mārupe, Mārupes nov., LV-2167
Kronmat Baltic, LTD, Official representative of FAKRO

FAKRO roof windows, overhead lighting, roof hatches, curtains and accessories, light tunnels, attic stairs, roof membranes and films, OPTISTEP attic stairs, Optilight skylights, GALECO rainwater drainage systems. Wall hatches, roof electrical control, smoke extraction systems, blinds, awnings, sunshades, window fitting accessories,

Kronmat Baltic, LTD, Official representative of FAKRO
FAKRO roof windows, overhead lighting, roof hatches, curtains and accessories, light tunnels, attic stairs, roof membranes and films, OPTISTEP attic stairs, Optilight skylights, GALECO rainwater drainage systems. Wall hatches, roof electrical control, smoke extraction systems, blinds, awnings, sunshades, window fitting accessories,
Ulbrokas 42G, Rīga, LV-1021
PKB plus, LTD

Water supply and sewerage systems

PKB plus, LTD
Water supply and sewerage systems
Skolas 21, Rīga, LV-1010