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Zilber, LTD, Latgales 328, Rīga, LV-1063 : companies :

Photo 13

Construction of water supply, assembly, repair works, Zilber Ltd. phone.
Installation of water pipe, emergency repair works. Zilber Ltd. phone.
Elimination of water supply accidents, repair works, Zilber Ltd.
Installation of water pipe, drive construction, assembly, repair works, Zilber Ltd.
Installation of water pipe, drive construction, assembly, repair works, Zilber Ltd.
Installation of water pipe, drive construction, assembly, repair works, Zilber Ltd.
Installation of water pipe, drive construction, assembly, repair works, Zilber Ltd.
Installation of water pipe, drive construction, assembly, repair works, Zilber Ltd.
Installation of water pipe, drive construction, assembly, repair works, Zilber Ltd.
Installation of water pipe, drive construction, assembly, repair works, Zilber Ltd.
Installation of water pipe, drive construction, assembly, repair works, Zilber Ltd.
Installation of water pipe, drive construction, assembly, repair works, Zilber Ltd.
Installation of water pipe, drive construction, assembly, repair works, Zilber Ltd.


  1. +371 26494674


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Legal data

  1. 40103910838
  2. LV40103910838
  3. 01.07.2015
  4. Latgales iela 328, Rīga, LV-1063
  5. 2023

BIS.GOV.LV information

  1. Siltumapgādes, ventilācijas un gaisa kondicionēšanas sistēmu būvdarbu vadīšana un būvuzraudzība
  2. Ūdensapgādes un kanalizācijas sistēmu (ieskaitot ugunsdzēsības sistēmas) būvdarbu vadīšana un būvuzraudzība
  3. 12542
  4. Aktīvs

Construction of water pipes and sewers

The company performs construction and installation of water supply and sewerage networks for private houses, farms, industrial buildings, structures, new buildings, new buildings, as well as commercial objects.



  • Water supply and sewage network construction
  • Construction works
  • Repair works



Water supply and sewage network construction, installation, installation works for private houses, for farms, for industrial buildings, for buildings,
for new buildings, for new buildings, farm objects, for municipal buildings,
commercial objects. Water-pipe, ( water-pipe) water pipeline accidents,
emergency repair works. Waterpipe construction, assembly, repair works,
repairs. Sewage emergency repairs, repairs. Water and sewer connection installation, creation, connection to city water mains.
Construction of sewage treatment plants, Installation works,
installation. -Professionally and accurately connects( and put into exploitation)
buildings near city water supply and sewerage networks in Riga and other cities of Latvia, Installation of domestic sewage treatment plants. Drainage system construction. Water supply system design, sewerage system design.
Water supply and sewerage network design; Water pipe,
sewerage, Advice on water management, Warranty: 5 years, guaranteed by the best specialists of the company. Professional and individual approach to each client.
