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DDRE Pluss, LTD, Brīvības 10B - 211, Dobele, Dobeles nov., LV-3701 : companies :

Photo 24

Water-pipe and sewerage
Sewerage cleaning
Assembly works of the biological sewage system
Snow shoveling and removal works in Dobele
Horizontal septic tank installation
Biological treatment plants
Construction of septic tanks
Grodu Systems
Drainage field construction
Construction of a septic system
Construction of a septic system
Construction of backyard sewerage
Home sewerage systems
Horizontal septic tank installation
Horizontal septic tank installation
Tractor equipment services
Tractor equipment services
Horizontal septic tank installation
Horizontal septic tank installation
Septic tanks
Installation of a septic tank
Sewerage systems
Septic installation


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Working time

  • Sun800-1800
  • Mon800-1800
  • Tue800-1800
  • Wed800-1800
  • Thu800-1800
  • Fri800-1800
  • Sat800-1800

Legal data

  1. 48503022201
  2. LV48503022201
  3. 11.09.2013
  4. Priežu iela 22 – 33, Gardene, Auru pag., Dobeles nov., LV-3701
  5. 2023

BIS.GOV.LV information

  1. Ūdensapgādes un kanalizācijas sistēmu (ieskaitot ugunsdzēsības sistēmas) būvdarbu vadīšana un būvuzraudzība
  2. 16969
  3. Aktīvs

Cleaning Equipment - SIA "DDRE Pluss"

We work for those who value quality! Free inspection of objects throughout Latvia! Qualitative drainage, sewerage, biological and septic systems. One of the main directions is the construction of a backyard sewerage system. We also perform other work and provide transportation of all equipment and procurement of all necessary materials.


Purification equipment:

  • Bio-treatment plants
  • Grodu Systems
  • Septics
  • Drainage Systems
  • Sewage tanks


Sewerage construction:

  • Construction of a septic tank
  • Biological treatment plants
  • GRAF Sewerage system construction
  • Construction of the sewerage system with wheels



Drainage, drainage systems, sanitation, waste collection services, purification equipment, groundwater, decreasing of ground waters, waste-water, land reclamation, drainage system construction, gullies, biological systems, external, internal drainage, municipal wastewater treatment, cesspool, cesspools, well curbs, reservoirs, tanks, barrels, cisterns, water pipe construction, concrete curbs, construction of drainage field, water-shoot cleaning, sewerage construction, maintenance, assembly, excavator services, digging works, machinery rental, storm water drainage, snow removal, Bobcat mini excavator, mini excavators. Ground tiller, mill, digging works, digging, trench digging, gas pipeline digging, equipment rental-hire, snow removal services, snow shoveling services,
