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MDC būve, LTD, "Cīruļi", Bērzs, Zaubes pagasts, Cēsu nov., LV-4113 : companies :

Photo 8

Paving works
Road construction
Territory improvement
Improvement works
Sewerage and water pipeline construction
Dismantling works
Paving services
Road construction


  1. +371 28020623


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Legal data

  1. 40203081025
  2. LV40203081025
  3. 13.07.2017
  4. 13.07.2017
  5. "Cīruļi", Bērzs, Zaubes pag., Cēsu nov., LV-4113

BIS.GOV.LV information

  1. Ceļu būvdarbu vadīšana un būvuzraudzība
  2. Ūdensapgādes un kanalizācijas sistēmu (ieskaitot ugunsdzēsības sistēmas) būvdarbu vadīšana un būvuzraudzība
  3. 17229
  4. Aktīvs

About us:

Building company "MDC Būve" offers to carry out all kinds of road, street, square construction works, starting from the development of the project to the commissioning of the construction object. We work in Vidzeme, Riga, Riga district, but we work throughout Latvia.



  • Construction of roads and streets
  • Paving
  • Construction of different types of fields
  • Excavation and moving works
  • Territory improvement works
  • Greening, greenery
  • Construction of drainage, rainwater sewerage systems
  • Dismantling works



Paving services, Construction of roads and highways, designing, construction supervision, maintenance, Paving, Improvement, greening, Sewerage, construction of water pipe.

Paving, paving works, territory improvement, greening, greenery, drainage, construction of rainwater systems, road designing, asphalt laying, asphalt paving, road repair, hole repair, road maintenance, maintenance of road surfaces, paved areas, square paving, paving in Vidzeme, paving services, earth excavation, land displacement, digging services, digging, paving in Riga, paving in the Riga region, pavement, road coverings, road construction, road construction in Vidzeme, construction, dismantling, dismantling works, construction works, repair works, repair works, building demolition, excavation works, street construction works, area construction, areas with rubber covering, paved areas, children playgrounds, square paving, area asphalting.
