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Montage Service, Individual merchant, Anniņmuižas bulvāris 52-4, Rīga LV-1069 : companies :

Photo 9

plumbing installation
plumbing works
plumbing repair
plumbing installation
sink installation
water filters
shower stall installation
plumbing installation
water boiler


  • 16 in may 2020, 07:44

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Working time

  • Sun900-2100
  • Mon900-2100
  • Tue900-2100
  • Wed900-2100
  • Thu900-2100
  • Fri900-2100
  • Sat900-2100

Legal data

  1. 40002156315
  2. LV40002156315
  3. 05.08.2010
  4. 05.08.2010


From 2009., our company offers all types of plumbing services for both individuals and legal entities. We serve residential premises in Riga, its surroundings and the nearest cities( apartments, private houses), both offices and production facilities. In short terms, professionally and qualitatively, we will help solve any problems related to plumbing installation, repair or replacement. The range of services offered by our company includes the following positions - water supply, sewerage, heating, plumbing works, filter installation, repair and delivery works.


Sewerage, riser and sewerage pipe installation, transfer, backfill, removal of dams, pipe cleaning, cold and hot water supply pipe construction, assembly, sewerage pipe, tube change, replacement, backfill, backfill, dam cleaning in pipes, radiator installation, radiator change project, tube transfer, assembly, leaks, leak prevention. Heating: radiator, installation of towel dryers, replacement, repair and prevention of leaks, Plumbing installation: washing machines and dishwashers, shower cubicles, water heaters, water heater, heater repair, boilers, WC toilet bowls, WC toilet bowl, bowl installation, bowl fixture repair, towel warmers, towel dryer, dryer installation, mixers, mixer, mixer installation, repair, bathtubs, bathtub installation, boiler, boiler connection, washing machine, machine connection, dishwasher connection, shower cubicle, shower cubicles, shower cubicles, booths installation, sink installation. Plumbing services, plumbing works, plumber call, Repair: Shower stall, faucet, pipe, overflow container repair, Filters: installation of fine or coarse filters, drinking water filters, for filter washing machines and boilers, water softeners, filter, filter installation, Furniture: assembling bathroom and kitchen furniture, Delivery: for customers' convenience, we will help deliver plumbing, materials, as well as kitchen and bathroom furniture drier installation, replacement, repair and prevention of leaks, cleaning filter installation, drinking water filters, filters for washing machines and boilers, water softeners.
