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Niedrāji MR, LTD, "Jaundarbnīcas", Ugāle, Ugāles pagasts, Ventspils nov., LV-3615 : companies :

Photo 8

Logging company in Kurzeme
Logging services
Logging company in Kurzeme
Logging services
Logging company in Kurzeme
Logging services
Logging company in Kurzeme
Logging services


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Legal data

  1. 49201000958
  2. LV49201000958
  3. 13.02.1992
  4. 14.01.2009
  5. "Jaundarbnīcas", Ugāle, Ugāles pag., Ventspils nov., LV-3615
  6. 2023

About us

LTD "Niedrāji MR" is one of the largest logging companies in Kurzeme that provides logging services. Purchases, develops forests, felling areas and forest properties throughout Latvia, Kurzeme, Zemgale, Vidzeme, Latgale. We provide harvester, forwarder, timber truck, trailer, bulldozer services. We provide restoration of heavy, forest, commercial equipment meetings, finger / pin production. We produce packaging boards, chips. We are located in Ventspils region, Ugale parish, Ugale. The offered services include the preparation of timber with a harvester, as well as its delivery with a forwarder. We also offer maintenance of felling areas and restoration of forest stands.



Logging, forestry, purchase of forest property, forest felling area purchase, metal processing. Purchase of forests, purchase of felling areas, forwarder services, metal spare parts restoration. Developed forests, Forests, Forest purchase, Purchase of forests, Forest, Forest purchase, purchase of forests, forest, development of forests, partially developed forests, buys forest, forest estate purchase, purchase of forest estate, purchase of forests, buys forests, purchase, purchase of growing forests, purchase of new forests. Purchase of developed forests. Logging, tree measurements, locating, buys forests all over Latvia, purchase of felling areas, buys developed, forests with burden, forest, forests, purchase, provides timber hauler services, timber hauler, forwarder, purchase, Latvia, Kurzeme, Vidzeme, Latgale, Zemgale. Equipment spare parts restoration, repair, reconstruction, metal spare parts for industrial machinery spare part restoration, repair, harvesters, harvester services, Ventspils, Ventspils district, Ugāles pagasts, Ugāle, preparation of round wood, removal of round wood, timber transportation, bulldozer services, trailer services, timber transport, felling rights, logs by the road, packaging boards, chip. Harvester, provides, provides logging services, develops forest, buy felling area, provides logging services. Purchase of forests, Forest purchase, Logging, Forest purchase, Forest management plan price, Forest management cycle, Buys a forest, Sustainable forest management, Purchase of felling areas, Purchase of forests, Buys forest, Forest prices, Selling forests, Forest purchase, Forest purchase, Purchase of forest property, Investing in the forest, Forest sale.

