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RP BŪVE, LTD, Krustpils 54E, Rīga, LV-1057 : companies :

Photo 15

Bochemit fire protection
Bochemit Bluestop
Wood fire protection
Wood processing products
Wood protection products
Antiseptics for the tree
Anti-mold agent
Elimination of mold in the bathroom
Disinfectant against mold
Wood protection against mold
Wood protection products


  1. +371 26557620


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Legal data

  1. 40003889771
  2. LV40003889771
  3. 17.01.2007
  4. 17.01.2007
  5. Krustpils iela 54E, Rīga, LV-1057
  6. 2023

Wood protection products

Protecting wood is a responsible decision, which largely depends on how long it will last. The choice must be made correctly - so that the wood is protected, looks good and is treated with an environmentally friendly product, without particularly large expenses. Wood protection products "RP WOOD"



RP WOOD finished solution is a liquid formulation with protective action against insects,
wooden rodents, fugnus, which damages the tree in a rotten rot, mold,
to protect wooden elements and buildings, roof and building constructions,
indoors and outdoors Professional protection against wood.
A wide range of professional, concentrated and durable protective wood protection against termites, wood chips for insects,
wood-decaying fungi, blooming, mold and with increased resistance to water and leaching from wood, for the protection of wooden structures indoors, roof structures, beams and floors,
masonry and plaster for preventive protection against fungal formation.
RP Wood Fire Stop is a liquid product, wood fire safety,
to improve the fire resistance of new wooden structures and to protect wooden structures in the interior decoration of wooden surfaces, it protects the wood while maintaining its texture. Lusonol S-1023, also UV protection.
Lusonol S-1023 can be used for example, fence, window, cornice and other wooden parts for decorative treatment. Fungicide and disinfectant for destroying molds in households,
health care facilities, in food industry, veterinary authorities and agriculture, especially on walls of porous building materials,
plaster, floor covering, concrete, wood, upholstered furniture, as well as textiles, RP WOOD against mold, RP WOOD wood antiseptic,
texture decor, wood protection.