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Teplodar Europe, flues, bathhouse furnaces, heating boilers, Latgales 322, Rīga LV-1063 : companies :
Teplodar Europe, flues, bathhouse furnaces, heating boilers

Teplodar Europe, flues, bathhouse furnaces, heating boilers

Photo 8

Sauna stove
Heating furnace
Heating furnace
Fireplaces, flues


  • 21 in april 2020, 14:43

    ❝Izcilas krāsnis❞

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  • Sun-
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Legal data

  1. 40103969700
  2. 16.02.2016
  3. 16.02.2016
  4. Latgales iela 322, Rīga, LV-1063
  5. 2023

About the company:

"Teplodar Europe" have got "Teplodar" representative of the manufacturer in Europe. "Teplodar" has been producing sauna stoves, heating stoves, heating boilers and chimneys since 1997. annual. It is one of the leading manufacturers in Russia. The product range consists of more than 20 basic models with more than 100 different oven modifications, as well as other heating equipment. High quality boilers, fireplaces, stoves in a wide range. We install boilers, sauna stoves, chimneys. We give a guarantee for our works! Fast delivery. HIGH QUALITY. Wide choice. Lower price.



  • Wood heating stoves - sale, installation
  • Sauna and sauna stoves - sale, installation
  • Fuel boilers - sale, installation
  • Pellet boilers - sale, installation
  • Chimneys - trade, installation



Bathhouse furnaces, heating boilers, pellet boilers, flues, fireplaces trade, installation, bathhouse doors, bathhouse things. Heating boilers, Heating boilers, ( wood, coal) Pellet boilers, trade, installation. Accumulation tanks, Circulation pumps. PIRTS UN SAUNAS APKURE, Wood-fired sauna stoves. Heating furnaces, heating systems, boiler systems, system trade, installation, assembly. Flues, flue sale, assembly. Viesienu chimneys, Chimney elements, Wood-burning fireplaces, bath-house, ( saunas) doors, bath-house, windows, Bathhouse accessories, sauna accessories. We work all over Latvia. Delivery all over Latvia.
