Land-tenure regulation, land survey
Land-tenure regulation, land survey
Land-tenure regulation, land survey
Dīķa 44 - 303, Rīga, LV-1004
TP aģentūra, LTD, Surveying

Surveying, Topography, Surveying. Geodesy Land boundary surveying. Cadastral survey. Topography. Topographical survey. Land survey projects. Engineering geodesy. Cadastral survey in Jekabpils. Surveyors, surveyor. Geodetic works in Jekabpils. Surveying. Executive measurements. Construction axis. Track marking. Border surveying. Land

TP aģentūra, LTD, Surveying
Surveying, Topography, Surveying. Geodesy Land boundary surveying. Cadastral survey. Topography. Topographical survey. Land survey projects. Engineering geodesy. Cadastral survey in Jekabpils. Surveyors, surveyor. Geodetic works in Jekabpils. Surveying. Executive measurements. Construction axis. Track marking. Border surveying. Land
Brīvības 3B -, Jēkabpils, Jēkabpils nov., LV-5201

Surveying, surveyor, surveyors, surveying works, land cadastral surveying, land surveyors, border surveying. Land survey projects, detailed planning. Geodesy, geodesist, geodesic works, topographical plan development, construction axis marking, executive measurements of buildings and structures, communications executive

Surveying, surveyor, surveyors, surveying works, land cadastral surveying, land surveyors, border surveying. Land survey projects, detailed planning. Geodesy, geodesist, geodesic works, topographical plan development, construction axis marking, executive measurements of buildings and structures, communications executive
Dīķa 44 - 302, Rīga, LV-1004
Alūksnes projekti, LTD, Branch

Surveyor, surveyors, surveying works, surveying, border plans, executive measurements, schemes, construction axis, levelling, reference points, border surveying, plan making, land survey projects, border plans, topography, topographical survey, executive measurement performing, scheme production, construction axis marking, surveying

Alūksnes projekti, LTD, Branch
Surveyor, surveyors, surveying works, surveying, border plans, executive measurements, schemes, construction axis, levelling, reference points, border surveying, plan making, land survey projects, border plans, topography, topographical survey, executive measurement performing, scheme production, construction axis marking, surveying
Tirgus 2, Balvi, Balvu nov., LV-4501
Lauku mērnieks, LTD

Surveying services Valmiera, topography Valmiera, surveyors Valmiera, land surveyors, surveyor, Topography, Land survey projects, Cadastral surveying, Land boundary surveying, Topographical survey, Land survey works, Engineering geodesy, Executive measurements, Local plans, Detailed planning, land boundary plan, land registry

Lauku mērnieks, LTD
Surveying services Valmiera, topography Valmiera, surveyors Valmiera, land surveyors, surveyor, Topography, Land survey projects, Cadastral surveying, Land boundary surveying, Topographical survey, Land survey works, Engineering geodesy, Executive measurements, Local plans, Detailed planning, land boundary plan, land registry
Meža 7 -, Valmiera, Valmieras nov., LV-4201
Metrija, LTD
Land-tenure regulation, land survey
Metrija, LTD
Land-tenure regulation, land survey
Baznīcas laukums 9-1, Smiltene, Smiltenes nov. LV-4729
Zenka, LTD
Land-tenure regulation, land survey
Zenka, LTD
Land-tenure regulation, land survey
Purva 12A, Valmiera, Valmieras nov., LV-4201
ZeTopo, LTD
Land-tenure regulation, land survey
ZeTopo, LTD
Land-tenure regulation, land survey
"Daumanti", Valdgales pagasts, Talsu nov., LV-3253
Land-tenure regulation, land survey
Land-tenure regulation, land survey
"Zellenes", Beļavas pagasts, Gulbenes nov., LV-4409
Tālmērs, LTD
Land-tenure regulation, land survey
Tālmērs, LTD
Land-tenure regulation, land survey
Mālkalnes prospekts 6-55, Ogre, Ogres nov., LV-5001
Land-tenure regulation, land survey
Land-tenure regulation, land survey
Brīvības 183 k-1, Rīga, LV-1012
Lipsbergs, LTD
Land-tenure regulation, land survey
Lipsbergs, LTD
Land-tenure regulation, land survey
Balasta dambis 1 k-2, Rīga, LV-1048
Teilors, LTD
Land-tenure regulation, land survey
Teilors, LTD
Land-tenure regulation, land survey
Mūkusalas 29-205, Rīga, LV-1004
Land-tenure regulation, land survey
Land-tenure regulation, land survey
"Ezergaiļi", Lautere, Aronas pagasts, Madonas nov., LV-4846
AJ Mērniecība, LTD
Land-tenure regulation, land survey
AJ Mērniecība, LTD
Land-tenure regulation, land survey
Loču 2, Ventspils, LV-3601
Austrumu mērnieks, LTD
Land-tenure regulation, land survey
Austrumu mērnieks, LTD
Land-tenure regulation, land survey
Raiņa 16A, Ludza, Ludzas nov., LV-5701
Land-tenure regulation, land survey
Land-tenure regulation, land survey
Smilšu 33-21, Viesīte, Jēkabpils nov. LV-5237
LL projekti, LTD
Land-tenure regulation, land survey
LL projekti, LTD
Land-tenure regulation, land survey
Brodi, Aldaunes 13, Ābeļu pagasts, Jēkabpils nov. LV-5212
Topolim-R, Individual merchant
Land-tenure regulation, land survey
Topolim-R, Individual merchant
Land-tenure regulation, land survey
Volguntes 75, Rīga, LV-1046
Ģeodēzists K, LTD
Land-tenure regulation, land survey
Ģeodēzists K, LTD
Land-tenure regulation, land survey
Vasarnīcu 16-4, Ventspils, LV-3601
Dambekalna tehnika, LTD
Land-tenure regulation, land survey
Dambekalna tehnika, LTD
Land-tenure regulation, land survey
"Lejas Šovītes", Dzērbenes pagasts, Cēsu nov., LV-4118
GEO Latgale, LTD
Land-tenure regulation, land survey
GEO Latgale, LTD
Land-tenure regulation, land survey
Tautas 102, Daugavpils, LV-5417
MT Mērnieks, LTD
Land-tenure regulation, land survey
MT Mērnieks, LTD
Land-tenure regulation, land survey
Virkas 17, Kuldīga, Kuldīgas nov., LV-3301
Mūsu mērnieks, LTD
Land-tenure regulation, land survey
Mūsu mērnieks, LTD
Land-tenure regulation, land survey
Attekas 2A, Ādaži, Ādažu nov., LV-2164
Dobeles mērnieks, LTD
Land-tenure regulation, land survey
Dobeles mērnieks, LTD
Land-tenure regulation, land survey
"Saules 2", Naudīte, Naudītes pagasts, Dobeles nov., LV-3724