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Bazis Solutions, LTD, Estimate office, Jūrkalnes 1, Rīga, LV-1046 : companies :
Bazis Solutions, LTD, Estimate office

Bazis Solutions, LTD, Estimate office

Photo 13

Bazis Solutions, estimate office
Bazis Solutions, estimate office
Bazis Solutions, estimate office
Bazis Solutions, estimate office
Bazis Solutions, estimate office
Bazis Solutions, estimate office
Bazis Solutions, estimate office
Bazis Solutions, estimate office
Bazis Solutions, estimate office
Bazis Solutions, estimate office
Bazis Solutions, estimate office
Bazis Solutions, estimate office
Bazis Solutions, estimate office


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Working time

  • Sun-
  • Mon900-1800
  • Tue900-1800
  • Wed900-1800
  • Thu900-1800
  • Fri900-1800
  • Sat-

Legal data

  1. 40103638040
  2. LV40103638040
  3. 18.02.2013
  4. 18.02.2013
  5. Jūrkalnes iela 1, Rīga, LV-1046
  6. 2023

About the company

We perform estimation, defense and expertise of estimates, preparation and inspection of construction works for any construction works. Certified specialists, extensive work experience and individual approach.



Estimate, estimate office, estimation services, cost estimate checking, development and expertise of the construction project economy part, calculation of costs, budget planning of construction project, estimate of general construction works, estimation of internal and external engineering networks, public procurement advice, estimator.
