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Ozols-GV, LTD, Vijolīšu 12, Kuldīga, Kuldīgas nov., LV-3301 : companies :

Photo 6

Bridge construction
Bridge construction supervision
Bridge construction process control
Street construction supervision
Street construction
Construction process supervision


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Working time

  • Sun900-2200
  • Mon900-1700
  • Tue900-2200
  • Wed900-2200
  • Thu900-2200
  • Fri900-2200
  • Sat900-1700

Legal data

  1. 40203281027
  2. LV40203281027
  3. 18.12.2020
  4. Vijolīšu iela 12, Kuldīga, Kuldīgas nov., LV-3301
  5. 2023

BIS.GOV.LV information

  1. Ceļu būvdarbu vadīšana un būvuzraudzība
  2. Tiltu būvdarbu vadīšana un būvuzraudzība
  3. 16358
  4. Aktīvs

About the company

Construction supervisor Gatis Ozols performs construction supervision of bridges, roads and streets. Supervision of the construction process and control of every stage specified in the construction supervision plan at the construction site within the deadlines. Security control. Monitoring of plans. Outsources certified, calibrated falling weight deflectometer. Soil density measurement service. For working hours, please contact us by phone.



  • Bridge construction supervision.
    Services include the following basic activities: ) control of road parameters, 2) control of applied materials, 3) control of pavement strength or bearing capacity.
  • Road construction supervision.
    Services include the following basic activities: ) control of road parameters, 2) control of applied materials, 3) control of pavement strength or bearing capacity.
  • Street construction supervision. Services include the following basic activities: ) control of road parameters, 2) control of applied materials, 3) control of pavement strength or bearing capacity.



Construction supervisor, construction Supervisor Gatis Ozols, construction supervision, road construction supervision, bridge construction supervision, street construction supervision, street construction, road construction, bridge construction, construction process supervision, construction process control, security control, monitoring of plans, construction supervisor in Kurzeme, construction supervisor in Kuldīga, soil density measurement, outsource services with certified, calibrated falling weight deflectometer, design and build, design and supervision, certified construction supervisor, development and implementation, facility commissioning, determination of soil density, street construction supervision services, road construction supervision services, bridge construction supervision services, safe building construction control, quality building construction, independent monitoring of the construction process, Professional monitoring of the construction process, carrying out surveys of construction works, control of the scope of construction works, Soil density measurement, outsourcing with a certified and calibrated falling weight deflectometer, control of construction supervision stages,
