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SKYSTONE, LTD, "Senči", Silakrogs, Ropažu pagasts, Ropažu nov., LV-2133 : companies :

Photo 20

Aerated concrete for building walls
Cellular concrete
Cellular concrete
Cellular concrete
Cellular concrete
Cellular concrete
Cellular concrete
Cellular concrete
Cellular concrete
Cellular concrete
Cellular concrete
Cellular concrete
Cellular concrete
Aerated concrete laying works
Aerated concrete laying works
Aerated concrete laying works
Aerated concrete for building walls
Aerated concrete for building walls


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Legal data

  1. 50203331391
  2. LV50203331391
  3. 13.07.2021
  4. 13.07.2021
  5. Priežu iela 9, Dobele, Dobeles nov., LV-3701
  6. 2023

BIS.GOV.LV information

  1. Hidrotehnisko būvju būvdarbu vadīšana un būvuzraudzība
  2. Ēku būvdarbu vadīšana un būvuzraudzība
  3. 17501
  4. Aktīvs

About the company

We manufacture and install low-density cellular concrete - light and flowing concrete that contains foam created by a foaming reagent mixed into the concrete composition. The introduction of micro-bubbles into the concrete matrix provides the final product with unique properties - low structural load, high thermal insulation, good sound absorption and excellent fire safety.



Cellular concrete, AIRFORM DRAIN waterproof aerated concrete, flat roofs - cellular concrete, attic floor - cellular concrete, building walls - aerated concrete, floor covering - cellular concrete, pedestrian and bicycle paths - cellular concrete, worn pipelines - aerated concrete, thermal insulation of the pool - cellular concrete, ground reinforcement - cellular concrete, void filling - aerated concrete, foam concrete, floor on the ground - cellular concrete, floor sub-layer cellular concrete, thermal insulation of the floor - cellular concrete, filling leaches - cellular concrete, filling of abandoned basements - cellular concrete.


