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Stafor, LTD, Kuldīgas 53A, Rīga, LV-1083 : companies :

Photo 15

Finishing material manufacturing
Sale of construction materials
Heating equipment
ion boilers
ion boilers
thermodynamic systems
heat carriers
heat carrier for solar collectors
heat carriers
STATERM heat carriers
STATERM heat carriers
STATERM heat carriers
Mengeles dairy
Stafor Natural milk color


  1. +371 67603399
  2. +371 26408999
  3. +371 29219954


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Working time

  • Sun-
  • Mon900-1700
  • Tue900-1700
  • Wed900-1700
  • Thu900-1700
  • Fri900-1700
  • Sat-

Legal data

  1. 40103520315
  2. LV40103520315
  3. 07.03.2012
  4. 07.03.2012
  5. Kuldīgas iela 53A, Rīga, LV-1083


The main activity of the company STAFOR is the production of chemical and construction products and heating equipment( ion boilers) and production of climate control automation.


Heat engineering.

Heat engineering, heating equipment, heating boilers, STATERM heat carriers, electrode ion boilers, heating antifreeze, antifreezes, solar collector, solar collectors, thermodynamic system, thermodynamic, heat pump, heating systems, heating system installation, thermal equipment, heat supply, water filters, electrode ion boilers, magnetic filters, anti-lime filters, NEWTON, STAFOR COMBI, hot water boiler, heat carriers, heating liquids, STATERM, propylene glycol, ethylene glycol, refrigerant, biofireplace fuel, paints, primers, plaster, plaster for facades, glue, epoxides, rust converter, heat resisting glue, plaster, filler, deep soil, aluminum color, bronze color, window putty, filler for floors, filler for wood, moisture resistant filler, wood imitation filler, fine filler, bottom contact, quartz primer, linoleum adhesive, foam plastic adhesive, tile adhesive, heat resisting bottom, all for log building and wood processing, oil for log home, linseed oil tinting paste, natural linseed oil for tinting, linseed oil, natural oil for baths and saunas, natural floor oil, tar oil for wood, protective wax for wood, linseed oil, color NATURA, beice Natura, sealant for log buildings, sealant LOG CHINK, log building primer for wood on linseed oil base, natural linseed oil for wood, concentrated fire retardants for wood, antiseptics, paints, sheep wool for log building insulation, log building insulation, mineral oil for wood, white oil for tree, oil for floors, tar oil for logs, Swedish color, flour color, linseed oil ecological putty, wood protection, wood recovery. Heating system cleaning, Wood bleacher, Koka atjaunotājs, Lime color, baļķu galu aizsardzība, thermal paint, šķidrā siltumizolācija, heat resistant plaster, karstumizturīga līme, alumīnija pulveris, silicate primer, karstumizturīga krāsa. Thermal paint, šķidrā siltumizolācija, epoxy resin, epoxies for wood, liquid resins for casting, epoxy resin transparent, pigments for epoxy resins, epoxy resin for tables, milk color for interiors, casein color.
