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Wood Point, LTD, Vējstūru 39, Rīga, LV-1063 : companies :

Photo 16

Wood veneer warehouse "Rumbula"
Woodpoint Rumbula
Woodpoint Rumbula
Woodpoint Rumbula
Birch veneer plywood scraps
Woodpoint Rumbula
Woodpoint Rumbula
Jūrkalne wp
Jūrkalne wp
Jūrkalne wp
Jūrkalne wp
Veneer plywood scrap
Sawdust briquettes
Pressed cardboard
Pine plywood


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Working time

  • Sun-
  • Mon900-1800
  • Tue900-1800
  • Wed900-1800
  • Thu900-1800
  • Fri900-1800
  • Sat900-1500

Legal data

  1. 40103140977
  2. LV40103140977
  3. 07.11.1994
  4. 13.11.2002
  5. Vējstūru iela 39, Rīga, LV-1063


SIA WOOD POINT - the widest range of services in the timber market. We are experts in board materials - we offer plywood and its products, plywood products of other tree species, OSB3 boards, wood fiber and chipboards of various densities. We deliver materials to individuals, larger and smaller companies both in Latvia, Europe and beyond. We offer various solutions for the use of slabs, perform sheet cutting services, assemble materials for projects of various sizes and degrees of complexity.



Veneer, Veneer cuttings, Veneer plywood, OSB, Plywood, Woodworking.

Pressed cardboard, wood-fibre plates, ( board) plywood, veneer, OSB, briquettes, veneer cuttings, veneer sheets. Timber, veneer, plywood. Veneer plywood, trimmings, OSB-3, OSB, OSB3, OSB boards. Waterproof( waterproof) and moisture resistant( water resistant) veneer, plywood. Veneer cuttings, veneer plywood scrap, plywood scrap. Sale of construction materials. Sale of timber materials. Wooden boards, pressed cardboard, plywood sheets. Polycarbonate. Particle( wood fiber) plates, plates, particle boards, sheets. Furniture laminate plates, plate, furniture laminate. Briquettes, birch briquettes, briquette trade, wood briquettes. Chip briquettes, briquette trade, briquettes sawing services. Delivery of materials in whole Latvia. Sawing. KSP, KŠP, OSB, OSB-3.
