Vides Tehnika, LTD, Thermal insulation materials store - warehouse
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- Sun-
- Mon900-1700
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- Wed900-1700
- Thu900-1700
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Legal data
- 40103191846
- LV40103191846
- "Swedbank"
- LV44HABA0551022315918
- 19.09.2008
- 19.09.2008
- Čuibes iela 6, Rīga, LV-1063
BIS.GOV.LV information
- Ceļu būvdarbu vadīšana un būvuzraudzība
- 9700-R
- Aktīvs
About the company
Thermal insulation material trader LTD "VIDES TEHNIKA" will help everyone find the most suitable way of building insulation. In the range of thermal insulation materials, you will find materials widely used in the world, as well as completely new types of thermal insulation materials, as well as the most environmentally friendly and ecological insulation materials, which will make your home not only warm and cozy, but also friendly to the environment and human health.
Heat insulation, heat insulation materials, Heat insulation wool, Ecowool HK 35, Mineral wool, Loose wool, Thermo wool for heat and sound insulation, building facade wool, wool for building facade, Ecowool, insulation, Steam insulation materials, Steam insulation membranes, Steam insulation membranes, membrane for roofs, membranes( membrane) walls, Durelis plate, Fibrolitc plates, cement scobs boards, plasterboard, Steam insulation membranes, membranes for roofs and membranes for walls, Wood-fibre wool, Linen fiber, Extruded foam, Foam glass splinters, fiberboard BELTERMO, Wood-fibre plates, Wood-fibre panels, Wood-fibre construction systems, Hemp heat insulation plates, Hemp wool, All kinds of construction insulation, Heat insulation material application equipment, Integration of thermal insulation materials, Hydroseeding equipment, Air gap heat insulation materials for building exterior wall insulation, building exterior wall insulation, Foam glass splinters, Magnesite sheets, Beam building systems, Heat insulation equipment technical maintenance, Heat insulation and damp-proofing works, Eco wool application, Integration of mineral wool, HK 35 integration, Buildings, building insulation, Energy audit, Adhesives, adhesive tapes, Window adhesive tapes, Excavator loader services, Excavators, Lift-trucks, Excavator-loader service for snow cleaning, Materials for road construction, ferrous metal, paper, environmental technology, environmental technique.
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