Concrete ring production
Guno M, LTD, Concrete ring factory, trade

Construction, reinforced concrete product factory, well curbs, concrete curbs, concrete ring production, lining ring delivery, drainage curbs with a groove, well curbs, curbs with base, wells covers, foundation blocks, non-standard concrete structures, non-standard concrete structure production, production, non-standard solutions, well

Guno M, LTD, Concrete ring factory, trade
Construction, reinforced concrete product factory, well curbs, concrete curbs, concrete ring production, lining ring delivery, drainage curbs with a groove, well curbs, curbs with base, wells covers, foundation blocks, non-standard concrete structures, non-standard concrete structure production, production, non-standard solutions, well
"Zvejnieki", Zvārdes pagasts, Saldus nov., LV-3883
Guno M, LTD, Office

Accounting software, construction material production, veterinary, trade of zoo goods, accounting software sale, delivery of accounting software, implementation of accounting programs, service of accounting programs, accounting program consulting, concrete ring production, lining ring delivery.

Guno M, LTD, Office
Accounting software, construction material production, veterinary, trade of zoo goods, accounting software sale, delivery of accounting software, implementation of accounting programs, service of accounting programs, accounting program consulting, concrete ring production, lining ring delivery.
Striķu 9, Saldus, Saldus nov. LV-3801

Mounts, screws, nuts, washers, DIN, stainless steel self-tapping bolts, inch self-cutting bolts, self-tapping bolts, furniture screws, wood screws, bolts with a fine thread, heat insulation panel screws, wallboard screws, gypsum cardboard screws, threaded rods, threaded pins, rivets, threaded studs, anchors, dowels, anchor dowels, Chemical

Mounts, screws, nuts, washers, DIN, stainless steel self-tapping bolts, inch self-cutting bolts, self-tapping bolts, furniture screws, wood screws, bolts with a fine thread, heat insulation panel screws, wallboard screws, gypsum cardboard screws, threaded rods, threaded pins, rivets, threaded studs, anchors, dowels, anchor dowels, Chemical
Lubānas 143, Rīga, LV-1021
LTD Aizputes betons

Road plates, road signs, concrete slabs, reinforced concrete slabs, well curbs, well curbs, drainage curbs, curbs with bottom, curbs with base, wells covers, drainage rings, drainage covers, concrete cones, well lining ring bottoms, concrete ring balancing rings, concrete, concrete production and delivery, ready mixed concrete, concrete sale,

LTD Aizputes betons
Road plates, road signs, concrete slabs, reinforced concrete slabs, well curbs, well curbs, drainage curbs, curbs with bottom, curbs with base, wells covers, drainage rings, drainage covers, concrete cones, well lining ring bottoms, concrete ring balancing rings, concrete, concrete production and delivery, ready mixed concrete, concrete sale,
"Betona ražotne", Aizputes pagasts, Dienvidkurzemes nov., LV-3456
Smiltnieki, LTD

Well-curb, covering and other well element production, cobblestone, pavement slab, sidewalk and street curb, pavement, road curbs, well curbs, foundation blocks, feet, column tops, well curbs, concrete ring covering, foundations, cone, concrete ring cone, concrete production, reinforced concrete production, construction material

Smiltnieki, LTD
Well-curb, covering and other well element production, cobblestone, pavement slab, sidewalk and street curb, pavement, road curbs, well curbs, foundation blocks, feet, column tops, well curbs, concrete ring covering, foundations, cone, concrete ring cone, concrete production, reinforced concrete production, construction material
Tērvetes 85B, Jelgava, LV-3008
Ramkons, LTD

Ready mixed concrete, mortar, reinforced concrete, reinforced concrete products, support, foundations, wells for telecommunications, foundation blocks, reinforced concrete curbs, well curbs, drainage curbs, concrete ring basics, wells covers, hatches, manhole covers, covers, door and window box lintels, intermediate covering plane, PP10,

Ramkons, LTD
Ready mixed concrete, mortar, reinforced concrete, reinforced concrete products, support, foundations, wells for telecommunications, foundation blocks, reinforced concrete curbs, well curbs, drainage curbs, concrete ring basics, wells covers, hatches, manhole covers, covers, door and window box lintels, intermediate covering plane, PP10,
Mārkalnes 11 k-2, Rīga, LV-1024
Talsu meliorators, LTD

Land improvement and hydraulic engineering constructions. Pond digging, construction of concrete wells, drainage, ( ponds, ditches, concrete wells) . Parish, construction of rural and forest roads. Reinforced concrete article production, ( well curbs and covers, foundation blocks) . Milled peat trade. Bulldozer, excavator services. Transport

Talsu meliorators, LTD
Land improvement and hydraulic engineering constructions. Pond digging, construction of concrete wells, drainage, ( ponds, ditches, concrete wells) . Parish, construction of rural and forest roads. Reinforced concrete article production, ( well curbs and covers, foundation blocks) . Milled peat trade. Bulldozer, excavator services. Transport
Kasparu 8, Stende, Talsu nov., LV-3257
Rankas Rori, LTD

Biological treatment plants, concrete ring storage tanks, septics, water pipe construction, connections to the city track, excavation works, land reclamation. Sewerage construction, Sewerage, Sewerage construction Gulbene, Sewerage construction Vidzeme. Water supply, Water pipes. Engineering communications. Biological treatment

Rankas Rori, LTD
Biological treatment plants, concrete ring storage tanks, septics, water pipe construction, connections to the city track, excavation works, land reclamation. Sewerage construction, Sewerage, Sewerage construction Gulbene, Sewerage construction Vidzeme. Water supply, Water pipes. Engineering communications. Biological treatment
"Lāčpavāriņi", Rankas pagasts, Gulbenes nov., LV-4416
Tehnisko materiālu sagāde, LTD

Milling, turning, CNC, milling cutters, lathes, computer management, ЧПУ, metal processing, plastic processing, production, production, manufacturer, factory, workbenches, CNC control, CNC work centers. PTFE, ePTFE, teflon, ftoroplast, fum tapes, gaskets, gasket envelopes, FEP, ftoroplast, polytetrafluorethylene, teflon sheets, ptfe

Tehnisko materiālu sagāde, LTD
Milling, turning, CNC, milling cutters, lathes, computer management, ЧПУ, metal processing, plastic processing, production, production, manufacturer, factory, workbenches, CNC control, CNC work centers. PTFE, ePTFE, teflon, ftoroplast, fum tapes, gaskets, gasket envelopes, FEP, ftoroplast, polytetrafluorethylene, teflon sheets, ptfe
Rāmuļu 23, Rīga LV-1005

Mounts: screws, nuts, washers, DIN, stainless steel, inch self-cutting, self-tapping, anchor bolts, furniture screws, wood screws etc. bolts with fine thread, heat insulation panel screws, wallboard screws, gypsum cardboard screws, threaded rods, threaded pins, rivets, threaded studs, anchors, dowels, anchor dowels. Chemical anchors, anchor

Mounts: screws, nuts, washers, DIN, stainless steel, inch self-cutting, self-tapping, anchor bolts, furniture screws, wood screws etc. bolts with fine thread, heat insulation panel screws, wallboard screws, gypsum cardboard screws, threaded rods, threaded pins, rivets, threaded studs, anchors, dowels, anchor dowels. Chemical anchors, anchor
Brīvības gatve 323, Rīga, LV-1006
Jēkabpils PMK, LTD

Work performance and construction supervision, designing, general construction, heat supply, heat supply system installation, water supply, water supply system montage, sewerage, sewerage system installation, excavation works, finishing works, construction machinery its rental, reinforced concrete products, well curbs, well curbs,

Jēkabpils PMK, LTD
Work performance and construction supervision, designing, general construction, heat supply, heat supply system installation, water supply, water supply system montage, sewerage, sewerage system installation, excavation works, finishing works, construction machinery its rental, reinforced concrete products, well curbs, well curbs,
Madonas 27, Jēkabpils, Jēkabpils nov., LV-5202
Arbora, LTD

Gateris Vecumnieki, Bauska, sawmills, Latvia, finishing plank sale, wholesale, trade, sawn timber, timber, boards, beams, laths, non-standard size, logging, purchase of forests, ash, oak, alder, birch, ash, oak, birch, alder, lapu koks, fir, pine, felling areas, purchase of felling areas, purchase of pulpwood, purchase of timber by the road,

Arbora, LTD
Gateris Vecumnieki, Bauska, sawmills, Latvia, finishing plank sale, wholesale, trade, sawn timber, timber, boards, beams, laths, non-standard size, logging, purchase of forests, ash, oak, alder, birch, ash, oak, birch, alder, lapu koks, fir, pine, felling areas, purchase of felling areas, purchase of pulpwood, purchase of timber by the road,
"Vilkāres", Codes pagasts, Bauskas nov., LV-3901
Riga Tools, LTD
TYROLIT grinding, cutting, drilling material, construction materials, stone, processing equipment manufacturer, cutting, polishing discs, metal, concrete, reinforced concrete, asphalt, for cutting and grinding, leaflet, diamond, cutting discs, core drill bits, reinforced concrete, for drilling, electric tile cutting machines,
Riga Tools, LTD
TYROLIT grinding, cutting, drilling material, construction materials, stone, processing equipment manufacturer, cutting, polishing discs, metal, concrete, reinforced concrete, asphalt, for cutting and grinding, leaflet, diamond, cutting discs, core drill bits, reinforced concrete, for drilling, electric tile cutting machines,
Arito Latvia, LTD
Tools, tools, professional tools, professional tool trade, wholesale, equipment for metalworking, CNC lathe, CNC mill, radius grinder, surface-grinding machine, cylindrical grinding machine, no center grinder, annealing furnace, washing machine, abatement furnace, vibropolishing machine, material feeding equipment, straightening
Arito Latvia, LTD
Tools, tools, professional tools, professional tool trade, wholesale, equipment for metalworking, CNC lathe, CNC mill, radius grinder, surface-grinding machine, cylindrical grinding machine, no center grinder, annealing furnace, washing machine, abatement furnace, vibropolishing machine, material feeding equipment, straightening
Ezermalas 9A, Liepāja LV-3401