Inko Lukss, LTD
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Legal data
- 40103231316
- LV40103231316
- 25.05.2009
- Daugavgrīvas iela 60 – 90, Rīga, LV-1007
- 2023
- We provide logging services throughout Latvia.
- We provide a service - transformation of forest land to building land.
- We are buying forest land.
- We buy overgrown agricultural areas.
- We buy land in cities.
- We offer high-quality sand and black soil.
Forest transformation, forest land transformation, deforestation service, deforestation plan, deforestation, deforesting, costs of deforestation, deforestation cheaper, save on deforestation, transfer of forest stand compensation rights, for the implementation of forest land construction projects, compensatory stand, buys forest, purchase of forests, forest purchase, buys a forest, purchase of forest properties, forest land, forest estate acquisition, forest inventory, surveyor survey, overgrown farmland, buys overgrown agricultural land, forest land in the city, buys, rural farmsteads, purchase of farmsteads, buying of properties, sells properties, sells land, sells sand, sand for sale, sells black earth, sale of black land, services of a certified surveyor.
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