Heating systems
Limen, LTD, construction, repair works

Full cycle building, construction of private houses from foundation to turnkey, construction, construction works, repair works, repair works, facade works, finishing works, building insulation, insulation, dismantling, building demolition, dismantling works, excavation works, bricklaying. Home insulation, wooden building renovation,

Limen, LTD, construction, repair works
Full cycle building, construction of private houses from foundation to turnkey, construction, construction works, repair works, repair works, facade works, finishing works, building insulation, insulation, dismantling, building demolition, dismantling works, excavation works, bricklaying. Home insulation, wooden building renovation,
"Vairodziņi", Jaunlutriņu pagasts, Saldus nov., LV-3876
Soudal, LTD, sealants, adhesives, assembly foam

Soudal mounting foams, Pistol foam, Foam for foam plastic, for foam plastics, roofing materials, Fix All glues, acrylic sealants, In Latvia certified fire-resistant foam, In Latvia certified fire-resistant sealants, silicone, silicones, wholesale, retail, window installation products, SOUDAFOAM, Soudaseal, Correct, warm window

Soudal, LTD, sealants, adhesives, assembly foam
Soudal mounting foams, Pistol foam, Foam for foam plastic, for foam plastics, roofing materials, Fix All glues, acrylic sealants, In Latvia certified fire-resistant foam, In Latvia certified fire-resistant sealants, silicone, silicones, wholesale, retail, window installation products, SOUDAFOAM, Soudaseal, Correct, warm window
Krustpils 12 - 104, Rīga, LV-1073
Tehnisko materiālu sagāde, LTD

Milling, turning, CNC, milling cutters, lathes, computer management, ЧПУ, metal processing, plastic processing, production, production, manufacturer, factory, workbenches, CNC control, CNC work centers. PTFE, ePTFE, teflon, ftoroplast, fum tapes, gaskets, gasket envelopes, FEP, ftoroplast, polytetrafluorethylene, teflon sheets, ptfe

Tehnisko materiālu sagāde, LTD
Milling, turning, CNC, milling cutters, lathes, computer management, ЧПУ, metal processing, plastic processing, production, production, manufacturer, factory, workbenches, CNC control, CNC work centers. PTFE, ePTFE, teflon, ftoroplast, fum tapes, gaskets, gasket envelopes, FEP, ftoroplast, polytetrafluorethylene, teflon sheets, ptfe
Rāmuļu 23, Rīga LV-1005

Heating equipment, Ventilation equipment, air conditioning equipment, installation, service, repair, Ground source heat pumps, Air / Air heat pumps, Air / Water heat pumps, Service, servicing of refrigeration equipment, repair of refrigeration equipment, service of heat pumps, heat pump repair.

Heating equipment, Ventilation equipment, air conditioning equipment, installation, service, repair, Ground source heat pumps, Air / Air heat pumps, Air / Water heat pumps, Service, servicing of refrigeration equipment, repair of refrigeration equipment, service of heat pumps, heat pump repair.
"Rozemnieki", Sāti, Irlavas pagasts, Tukuma nov., LV-3137
Ekopluss, Air heat pumps, conditioners

MITSUBISHI, Electric, Panasonic, Toshiba, Daikin, Fujitsu, Midea. Heating, conditioner, heat pump, heating system, heat pump air heat pump, ventilation, air-to-air heat pump, recuperators air conditioning, solar systems, solar panels, conditioners mitsubishi heat pumps, toshiba heat pumps, conditioners panasonic heat pumps, panasonic

Ekopluss, Air heat pumps, conditioners
MITSUBISHI, Electric, Panasonic, Toshiba, Daikin, Fujitsu, Midea. Heating, conditioner, heat pump, heating system, heat pump air heat pump, ventilation, air-to-air heat pump, recuperators air conditioning, solar systems, solar panels, conditioners mitsubishi heat pumps, toshiba heat pumps, conditioners panasonic heat pumps, panasonic
Balasta dambis 1 k-2, Rīga, LV-1048
Depoks būve, LTD

Fences: fence construction, mesh fence, wire fence, welded mesh fence, panel fence, 3D panel fence, 2d panel fence, metal panel fences, concrete fence, panel fence in concrete foot with curb, forged fences, non-standard fence solutions, concrete poles, concrete fencing, wooden fence with concrete poles, wooden fence with metal poles, all types of

Depoks būve, LTD
Fences: fence construction, mesh fence, wire fence, welded mesh fence, panel fence, 3D panel fence, 2d panel fence, metal panel fences, concrete fence, panel fence in concrete foot with curb, forged fences, non-standard fence solutions, concrete poles, concrete fencing, wooden fence with concrete poles, wooden fence with metal poles, all types of
Harmonijas 7 k-1 - 3, Tukums, Tukuma nov., LV-3101
Viss Dārzam un Mājai, Shop

Construction materials, finishing materials, plumbing, faucets, electricity wires, sockets, nails, screws, timber, mounts, heating, ventilation, woodworking tools, electric tools, tools, doors, laminate, parquet, tiles, paints, wallpaper, work clothes, Garden goods, garden equipment and inventory, Gardening equipment, gardening

Viss Dārzam un Mājai, Shop
Construction materials, finishing materials, plumbing, faucets, electricity wires, sockets, nails, screws, timber, mounts, heating, ventilation, woodworking tools, electric tools, tools, doors, laminate, parquet, tiles, paints, wallpaper, work clothes, Garden goods, garden equipment and inventory, Gardening equipment, gardening
Nākotnes 1, Ķekava, Ķekavas nov., LV-2123
Dins A, LTD

Gas supply systems, Gas heating equipment installation, Gas heating equipment installation, Gas line designing, External gas pipeline networks, internal gas pipeline networks, Heat networks, Heat supply, Heating network construction, Construction of an underground heating line, Construction of the surface heat line, Underfloor

Dins A, LTD
Gas supply systems, Gas heating equipment installation, Gas heating equipment installation, Gas line designing, External gas pipeline networks, internal gas pipeline networks, Heat networks, Heat supply, Heating network construction, Construction of an underground heating line, Construction of the surface heat line, Underfloor
Zaļā 32, Dobele, Dobeles nov., LV-3701
Mini serviss, LTD

Tin products, ventilation fittings manufacturing, sale of ventilation parts, powder painting, tinsmith works, ventilation system installation, part production, masters, masters in Valmiera, masters in Vidzeme, production of heating elements, production of non-standard tin parts, assembly of heating elements, assembly of non-standard tin

Mini serviss, LTD
Tin products, ventilation fittings manufacturing, sale of ventilation parts, powder painting, tinsmith works, ventilation system installation, part production, masters, masters in Valmiera, masters in Vidzeme, production of heating elements, production of non-standard tin parts, assembly of heating elements, assembly of non-standard tin
"Ķēniņi", Kauguri, Kauguru pagasts, Valmieras nov., LV-4224
Autohim, LTD

Production. Coolant for car. Antifreeze, ( antifreeze) . Antifreeze, ( antifreezes) . Windshield fluid. Distilled water.Brake fluid. Lighting fluid, ( Grill) . Fuel for grill. Charcoal, coil, grill charcoal. Liquids for heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems. Heat carrier, ( heat carriers) . Ethylene glycol, propylene glycol, heat

Autohim, LTD
Production. Coolant for car. Antifreeze, ( antifreeze) . Antifreeze, ( antifreezes) . Windshield fluid. Distilled water.Brake fluid. Lighting fluid, ( Grill) . Fuel for grill. Charcoal, coil, grill charcoal. Liquids for heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems. Heat carrier, ( heat carriers) . Ethylene glycol, propylene glycol, heat
Rūpnīcu 3, Olaine, Olaines nov., LV-2114
AG Būve, LTD

Heating systems, water supply, sewerage, ventilation systems, internal and external networks, engineering communications, general construction, licensed, certified construction company

AG Būve, LTD
Heating systems, water supply, sewerage, ventilation systems, internal and external networks, engineering communications, general construction, licensed, certified construction company
Čiekurkalna 1. līnija 84, Rīga, LV-1026
Ventors, LTD

Conditioning, ventilation, air-conditioning, designing, air filters, assembly, alignment, service, diagnostics, ventilation equipment, rooftop, conditioners, conditioners, fan coil, air humidifiers, Chiller, Hitachi, Lennox.

Ventors, LTD
Conditioning, ventilation, air-conditioning, designing, air filters, assembly, alignment, service, diagnostics, ventilation equipment, rooftop, conditioners, conditioners, fan coil, air humidifiers, Chiller, Hitachi, Lennox.
Stopiņu 20, Rīga, LV-1035
Magma, LTD

Shower doors, Shower cubicles, Shower cubicles, Rectangular shower enclosures, Shower enclosures with sliding doors, Square shower cabins, Semicircular shower cabins, Corner shower enclosures, Shower cabins with massage, Shower cabins with sauna, Shower corners, Shower walls, Shower walls Walk in, Sliding shower doors, Shower trays, Shower

Magma, LTD
Shower doors, Shower cubicles, Shower cubicles, Rectangular shower enclosures, Shower enclosures with sliding doors, Square shower cabins, Semicircular shower cabins, Corner shower enclosures, Shower cabins with massage, Shower cabins with sauna, Shower corners, Shower walls, Shower walls Walk in, Sliding shower doors, Shower trays, Shower
Katrīnas dambis 18A, Rīga, LV-1045
Arbora, LTD

Gateris Vecumnieki, Bauska, sawmills, Latvia, finishing plank sale, wholesale, trade, sawn timber, timber, boards, beams, laths, non-standard size, logging, purchase of forests, ash, oak, alder, birch, ash, oak, birch, alder, lapu koks, fir, pine, felling areas, purchase of felling areas, purchase of pulpwood, purchase of timber by the road,

Arbora, LTD
Gateris Vecumnieki, Bauska, sawmills, Latvia, finishing plank sale, wholesale, trade, sawn timber, timber, boards, beams, laths, non-standard size, logging, purchase of forests, ash, oak, alder, birch, ash, oak, birch, alder, lapu koks, fir, pine, felling areas, purchase of felling areas, purchase of pulpwood, purchase of timber by the road,
"Vilkāres", Codes pagasts, Bauskas nov., LV-3901
Liepājas BUB, LTD, Shop

Smoke detectors, Disinfectants, Professional disinfectants, Disinfectant, Fire safety, Fire extinguishers, Fire-extinguishers, Fire extinguisher filling, Fire extinguisher filling, Fire extinguisher shop, Sale of fire-extinguishers, Fire-fighting inventory, Fire safety services, Fire-extinguisher boxes, Fire hoses, Fire safety

Liepājas BUB, LTD, Shop
Smoke detectors, Disinfectants, Professional disinfectants, Disinfectant, Fire safety, Fire extinguishers, Fire-extinguishers, Fire extinguisher filling, Fire extinguisher filling, Fire extinguisher shop, Sale of fire-extinguishers, Fire-fighting inventory, Fire safety services, Fire-extinguisher boxes, Fire hoses, Fire safety
Brīvības 21 - 1, Liepāja, LV-3401
Jēkabpils PMK, LTD

Work performance and construction supervision, designing, general construction, heat supply, heat supply system installation, water supply, water supply system montage, sewerage, sewerage system installation, excavation works, finishing works, construction machinery its rental, reinforced concrete products, well curbs, well curbs,

Jēkabpils PMK, LTD
Work performance and construction supervision, designing, general construction, heat supply, heat supply system installation, water supply, water supply system montage, sewerage, sewerage system installation, excavation works, finishing works, construction machinery its rental, reinforced concrete products, well curbs, well curbs,
Madonas 27, Jēkabpils, Jēkabpils nov., LV-5202
Siltumsūkņu centrs, LTD

Heating pumps, air heat pumps, heat pump, heat pump sale, air heat pump, heating systems, air-water heat pump, ground heat pump, air-to-air heat pump, ground source heat pumps, air-to-water heat pumps, air heating systems, heating system, air heating, air conditioners, ventilation equipment, air humidifiers, dehumidifiers, air curtains, fluid

Siltumsūkņu centrs, LTD
Heating pumps, air heat pumps, heat pump, heat pump sale, air heat pump, heating systems, air-water heat pump, ground heat pump, air-to-air heat pump, ground source heat pumps, air-to-water heat pumps, air heating systems, heating system, air heating, air conditioners, ventilation equipment, air humidifiers, dehumidifiers, air curtains, fluid
Akmeņu 13 - 1, Rīga, LV-1048
PRO dūmvadi, LTD

Flues, chimney construction, single wall chimneys, double-wall chimneys, chimney manufacturer, flue systems, details of flue systems, flue outlet, chimney design, installation of flues, flue sale, flue ventilation, chimney equipment, chimney channels, chimneys in Ogre, chimneys in Latvia, flues for heating equipment, flues for all types of

PRO dūmvadi, LTD
Flues, chimney construction, single wall chimneys, double-wall chimneys, chimney manufacturer, flue systems, details of flue systems, flue outlet, chimney design, installation of flues, flue sale, flue ventilation, chimney equipment, chimney channels, chimneys in Ogre, chimneys in Latvia, flues for heating equipment, flues for all types of
Druvas 10, Ogre, Ogres nov., LV-5001
Silver Vein, LTD

Deep wells in Valmiera, borehole installation, artesian wells in Valmiera, artesian well boring, well drilling, well drilling Valmiera region, borehole pumps, wells for heating pumps, deep well materials, pumps, borehole, boreholes, establishment of borehole, borehole works, water boreholes, borehole making, drilling on groundwater,

Silver Vein, LTD
Deep wells in Valmiera, borehole installation, artesian wells in Valmiera, artesian well boring, well drilling, well drilling Valmiera region, borehole pumps, wells for heating pumps, deep well materials, pumps, borehole, boreholes, establishment of borehole, borehole works, water boreholes, borehole making, drilling on groundwater,
"Vecšalkas", Kocēnu pagasts, Valmieras nov., LV-4220
Solar XPro, LTD

Solarshop, SolarEdge, Kostal, SMA, Victron, Growatt, Sungrow, Tigo Energy, FIMER, ABB, Sungrow, Huawei, Jinko solar, LG solar, Panasonic, Solar fabrik, Trina Solar, SoliTek, Virdian Solar Solar Battery Systems, solar energy, solar energy, solar panels, solar collectors, solar collector systems, inverters, accumulators, accumulator

Solar XPro, LTD
Solarshop, SolarEdge, Kostal, SMA, Victron, Growatt, Sungrow, Tigo Energy, FIMER, ABB, Sungrow, Huawei, Jinko solar, LG solar, Panasonic, Solar fabrik, Trina Solar, SoliTek, Virdian Solar Solar Battery Systems, solar energy, solar energy, solar panels, solar collectors, solar collector systems, inverters, accumulators, accumulator
Ulbrokas 19A, Rīga, LV-1021
santehnikasveikals.lv, sanitary ware store - online store

Plumbing, internet shop of plumbing equipment, online shop, online shops, e - shop, trade online, plumbing trade, plumbing wholesale, wholesale online, bathtubs, massage systems, shower cubicles, ceramics, sinks, WC bowls, toilet bowls, sink legs, urinals, bidet, WC lids, towel warmers, boilers, faucets, mixers, aerators, shower sets, bathroom

santehnikasveikals.lv, sanitary ware store - online store
Plumbing, internet shop of plumbing equipment, online shop, online shops, e - shop, trade online, plumbing trade, plumbing wholesale, wholesale online, bathtubs, massage systems, shower cubicles, ceramics, sinks, WC bowls, toilet bowls, sink legs, urinals, bidet, WC lids, towel warmers, boilers, faucets, mixers, aerators, shower sets, bathroom
Duntes 7 - 1D, Rīga, LV-1013
Asko AS, LTD

Walls, facades, floors, ceilings, roofs, windows, doors, stairs, engineering systems, heating, water-pipe and sewerage, wiring up to 20 kvt, insulation, improvement, public and industrial buildings, improvement and greening, roof works, materials and coverings, engineering communication construction, joiner's works, facades,

Asko AS, LTD
Walls, facades, floors, ceilings, roofs, windows, doors, stairs, engineering systems, heating, water-pipe and sewerage, wiring up to 20 kvt, insulation, improvement, public and industrial buildings, improvement and greening, roof works, materials and coverings, engineering communication construction, joiner's works, facades,
Saules 30, Pleikšņi, Ozolaines pagasts, Rēzeknes nov., LV-4601

Boiler, heating boiler maintenance, heating system installation, heating system reconstruction, warm floor installation, heating boiler installation, heating boiler control, heating boiler maintenance, heating boiler repair, radiator replacement, automatic installation in premises and boiler house, warm air blower design, pellet

Boiler, heating boiler maintenance, heating system installation, heating system reconstruction, warm floor installation, heating boiler installation, heating boiler control, heating boiler maintenance, heating boiler repair, radiator replacement, automatic installation in premises and boiler house, warm air blower design, pellet
Lejupes 15, Rīga, LV-1076
Juvik, LTD

heating pumps, conditioners, heat pump sale, assembly, maintenance, service, conditioner installation, air-to-air heat pumps and conditioners, air-water heat pumps and conditioners, ground-water heat pumps and conditioners, daikin, midea, alpic air, mitsubishi heavy industries, underfloor heating installation, installation of

Juvik, LTD
heating pumps, conditioners, heat pump sale, assembly, maintenance, service, conditioner installation, air-to-air heat pumps and conditioners, air-water heat pumps and conditioners, ground-water heat pumps and conditioners, daikin, midea, alpic air, mitsubishi heavy industries, underfloor heating installation, installation of
Kupravas 41, Rīga LV-1073
Kamīndizains, LTD, shop-salon

Fireplaces, fireplace, fireplace furnaces, fireplace stoves, heating furnaces, stoves, biofireplaces, biofireplace, chimneys, metal chimneys, flues, metal chimneys, fireplace grates, wood-burning stoves, fireplace finishing materials, cast iron stoves, fireplace materials, heat insulation, heat resistant material, heat insulation

Kamīndizains, LTD, shop-salon
Fireplaces, fireplace, fireplace furnaces, fireplace stoves, heating furnaces, stoves, biofireplaces, biofireplace, chimneys, metal chimneys, flues, metal chimneys, fireplace grates, wood-burning stoves, fireplace finishing materials, cast iron stoves, fireplace materials, heat insulation, heat resistant material, heat insulation
Augusta Deglava 50, Rīga, LV-1035